reduce | Existen programas para reducir la mortalidad infantil y brindar atención perinatal. | Programmes were in place to reduce infant mortality and to provide perinatal assistance. |
reduce | Un punto importante es reducir su carga normativa y administrativa. | One important point is to reduce the regulatory and administrative burden for employers. |
reduce | Sólo juntos podremos reducir nuestra vulnerabilidad a los desastres. | Only together will we be able to reduce our vulnerability to disasters. |
reduce | Muchos países intentan reducir el número de deserciones escolares prematuras. | Many countries are seeking to reduce the number of early school leavers. |
reduce | Es indispensable reducir el volumen de papel utilizado. | It was essential to reduce the amount of paper used. |
reduce | El principal objetivo general es reducir la fecundidad. | Regarding the former, the main objective stated is to reduce fertility. |
reduce | Ya comencé a reducir el Caldo Plomeek. | Come on. I've already started to reduce the plomeek broth. |
reduce | Ello permite reducir considerablemente la mortalidad infantil, entre otras cosas. | This has the potential to significantly reduce infant mortality, among other things. |
reduce | Quieren reducir los impuestos, pero también aumentarlos ligeramente. | We want to reduce taxation, but also increase it slightly. |
reduce | Recomiendo reducir velocidad para ajustar nuestros sensores. | I recommend we reduce speed to accommodate our sensors. |
reduce | También logró reducir la deuda pública del condado. | He also managed to reduce the county's public debt. |
lower | Intentas reducir mis expectativas para esta noche. | You're trying to lower my expectations for tonight. |
lower | Queréis reducir al hombre a un simple animal. | At least he professes salvation, but you want to lower man to the level of animals. |
cut | En las primeras etapas puede reducir beneficios. | At the very least, we might as well cut their numbers down first. |
reduce | Hay que reducir los gastos. | We have to reduce expenses. |
shorten | Señor político, su discurso es demasiado largo. Por favor, redúzcalo. | Sir, your speech is too long. Please shorten it. |
subdue, overcome | El ejército redujo a los rebeldes. | The army subdued (or: overcame) the rebels. |
reduce unemployment | El gobierno busca reducir el desempleo. | The government seeks to reduce unemployment. |
reduce the margin of error | Debemos reducir el margen de error en nuestras investigaciones. | We must reduce the margin of error in our investigations. |
slow down | El coche redujo la velocidad antes de llegar al semáforo. | The car slowed down before arriving at the traffic light. |