soil | Estabas en suelo francés cuando ocurrió. | You were on French soil when it happened. |
soil | Que el suelo virgen resulte fructífero para nuestras necesidades. | May the virgin soil it turns prove fruitful to our needs. |
soil | Significará más si es atacado en suelo estadounidense. | Perhaps more of a statement if he's attacked on U.S. soil. |
soil | Capitán Nicholls, pisa suelo extranjero. | Captain Nicholls, you are on foreign soil. |
soil | Luchando en suelo extraterrestre, hay muchas variables desconocidas. | Fighting on alien soil, there are too many unknown variables. |
ground | Estás en suelo sagrado, terrestre. | You are on sacred ground, Earth boy. |
ground | Este suelo está cubierto de hielo. | You see this ground, it's covered in ice. |
ground | Cuidado, es irregular el suelo. | Careful, the ground isn't straight here. |
ground | Aporreaba el suelo con mi bastón. | I'd hit the ground with my stick. |
ground | No sabíamos que estábamos en suelo santo. | ANNA: We didn't know we're on sacred ground. |
ground | Increíblemente, nunca impactó el suelo. | Incredibly, it never even impacted the ground. |
ground | No siento el suelo como debería. | The ground doesn't feel like it should. |
ground | Ningún brujo puede pisar suelo sagrado. | No witch can set foot on church ground. |
floor | No quiero Natalie golpear el suelo. | I don't want Natalie hitting the floor. |
floor | Tócame y esos centinelas barrerán el suelo contigo. | Touch me and those sentries will be sweeping you off the floor. |
floor | Golpeando su cabeza contra el suelo. | Ground or pounded his head into the floor. |
floor | Dame paz interior o friego el suelo contigo. | Look, just give me inner peace or I'll mop the floor with you. |
floor | Bajamos despacio hasta tocar el suelo. | Slowly bending, touching the floor. Down. |
floor | Estaba arreglando un suelo cuando estuvimos allí. | She was repairing a floor while we were there. |
floor | Escúchales, están pateando el suelo. | Listen to them, they're stamping holes in the floor. |
ground | El niño dejó los juguetes tirados por el suelo. | The child left his toys laying on the ground. |
land | El ayuntamiento ha declarado el parque suelo urbanizable. | The city council has declared the park as land that is open for development. |
set your foot on the ground, put your foot on the ground | Se despertó confundido y apoyó lentamente el pie en el suelo antes de levantarse por completo. | He woke up confused and slowly set his foot on the ground before getting up. |
crawl on the floor, crawl along the floor | El niño se arrastraba por el suelo jugando. | The kid was crawling along the floor playing. |
drink until you drop, drink until you pass out | En la fiesta bebimos hasta caernos al suelo. | We drank until we dropped at the party. |
soil erosion | El agua y el viento ocasionan el desgaste del suelo de forma natural. | Water and wind are natural causes of soil erosion. |
grout lines | Las juntas del suelo están sucias: tendremos que dedicar un día entero a limpiarlas. | The grout lines are dirty: it will take us a whole day to clean them. |
rock bottom | Su prestigio está por los suelos tras el escándalo de corrupción. | His reputation is at rock bottom after the corruption scandal. |
rock bottom | Tras la derrota, tienen los ánimos por los suelos. | Their spirits are at rock bottom following the defeat. |
underfloor heating, subfloor heating | Este suelo radiante permite mantener una temperatura agradable durante el invierno. | This underfloor heating ensures a comfortable temperature is maintained during the winter. |
building permit | No se sabe quién otorgó la licencia de uso de suelo a esta fábrica de papel. | Nobody knows who approved the building permit for this paper factory. |