relationship | La relación laboral será directa y bilateral entre trabajador y empleador . | The employment relationship is to be direct and bilateral between employer and employee. |
relationship | Propuso que se aclarara la relación entre ambos regímenes internacionales. | He suggested that the relationship between the two international regimes should be clarified. |
relationship | Ha entablado una relación cooperativa con esa Representante desde el principio. | It had engaged in a cooperative relationship with the Special Representative from the outset. |
relationship | Esta relación podría tratarse en el preámbulo. | The preamble might be one place to deal with that relationship. |
relationship | Seguro que quería hablar de tu relación. | I'm sure he wanted to discuss your relationship. |
relationship | No creo que nuestra relación profesional esté funcionando. | I just don't think our professional relationship is working. |
relationship | Mira, tengo una relación con alguien. | Look, I'm in a relationship with somebody. |
relationship | Me parece importante crear una relación fuera del escenario. | Well, I think it's very important to form an offstage relationship. |
relationship | Dijiste que mantendríamos nuestra relación laboral. | You said we'd keep our professional relationship. |
relationship | El presidente y él tienen buena relación. | The president and Congressman Womack, they have a good relationship. |
relationship | No estoy preparado para una relación. | I'm just not in a relationship place right now. |
relationship | Cuéntanos sobre tu relación con Richie Dowd. | And tell us about your relationship with Richie Dowd. |
relationship | No, simplemente mantenemos nuestra relación discretamente. | No, we just like to keep our relationship quiet. |
relationship | Tenemos relación propia con los medios. | We have our own relationship with the networks. |
relationship | Algún día vas a tener que explicarme la relación compositor-representante. | Someday you're going to have to explain to me The composer-Manager relationship. |
relationship | Si no puedes imaginar una relación basada... | Just because you can't imagine a relationship that's based on maturity and trust... |
relation | Esa última relación era estable tanto mensualmente como semanalmente. | The latter relation was stable on a monthly and on a weekly basis. |
connection | El Presidente señaló la relación entre discapacidad y pobreza. | The President drew attention to the connection between disability and poverty. |
relationship, relation | Hay relación entre la contaminación ambiental y el cáncer. | There is a relationship between environmental pollution and cancer. |
relationship | Ana y Juan tienen una relación de parentesco: son primos. | Anne and John share a family relationship: they are cousins. |
relative to, compared to | La empresa ha perdido dinero con relación al trimestre anterior. | The company has lost money relative to the previous quarter. |
in relation with, in relation to | La actriz decidió pronunciarse en relación con la entrega de los premios. | The actress decided to speak out in relation to the awards ceremony. |
get involved in a relationship | El sindicato debe intervenir en una relación laboral conflictiva. | The union must get involved in conflictive labour relationships. |
meddle in a relationship | Pedro intervino en una relación complicada entre dos de sus amigos. | Pedro meddled in a complicated relationship between two of his friends. |
love-hate relationship | Con Lucía tenemos una relación amor odio desde hace años. | We have had a love-hate relationship with Lucia for years. |
commercial relationship | Las dos empresas mantienen una relación comercial desde hace meses. | The two companies have maintained a commercial relationship for several months. |
relationship of trust | Tengo una relación de confianza con mi hermana. | I have a relationship of trust with my sister. |
intimate relationship | Adriana está en una relación íntima con un compañero de trabajo desde hace varias semanas. | Adriana has been in an intimate relationship with a workmate for a few weeks now. |
working relationship | No soy amiga de Laura, sólo tenemos una relación laboral. | I am not Laura's friend, we just have a working relationship. |
doctor-patient relationship | La relación médico paciente es confidencial. | The doctor-patient relationship is confidential. |