get | Déjenme sacar mi teléfono para grabarlo. | Let me get my phone out so I can record it. |
get | No si August puede sacar unas actuaciones más. | Not when August can get a few more shows out of him. |
get | Espero que pueda sacar esa mancha. | I hope you can get that stain out. |
get | Déjame sacar mi maletín del atrás. | Let me get my case out of the trunk. |
get | Está intentando sacar adelante un negocio. | He's trying to get this business off the ground. |
get | Incluso si conseguimos sacar las ruedas... | Even if we can get those wheels out... |
get | Excepto cuando les puedes sacar dinero. | Except when you can get money from them. |
get | Tengo que sacar todos los fragmentos. | I have to get all the fragments out. |
get | Quisiera que podamos sacar nuestros sentimientos. | I want us to get our feelings out in the open. |
get | Pero para sacar los diamantes deben haberlo traspasado. | But to get the diamonds out they must have penetrated it somewhere. |
get | Seguimos intentando sacar algo bueno conmigo vestido de bebé. | We keep trying to get a good bit with me dressed as a baby. |
get | Si pudiera sacar la nave, nos iríamos. | But we can't, so why don't you- Cannot get your ship out. |
take | Después teníamos que sacar los cuerpos. | And then we had to take the bodies out. |
take | Tienes miedo de sacar el pegamento. | You're afraid to take the glue off. |
take | Puede sacar el pulgar del teléfono. | He can take his thumb off the phone. |
take | Quizás antes debería sacar la bandeja. | Perhaps I'd better take the tray out first. |
take | Para eso tendrás que sacar número. | Well, you'll have to take a number on that one. |
draw | Creemos que ya podemos sacar algunas conclusiones. | We believe that we can already draw some conclusions. |
draw | Aprenderás a sacar fuerza de tus emociones. | You will learn to draw your strength from your emotions. |
draw | Podemos sacar otra conclusión de ésto. | There is another conclusion we can draw from this. |
take out | Los niños sacan la basura todas las noches. Estos hombres sacan carbón de las minas subterráneas. | The children take the trash out every night. |
kick off, throw off | El entrenador sacó del equipo al jugador conflictivo. | The coach kicked the controversial player off the team. |
get | El alumno sacó un diez en francés. | The student got 100% in French. |
get rid of | Ni el jabón más potente pudo sacar esta mancha de vino. | Not even the strongest soap could get rid of this wine stain. |
launch onto the market | La empresa lanzó a la venta un nuevo televisor. | The company launched a new television onto the market. |
get [sth] out of one's head, get [sth] out of one's mind | Debes quitarte de la cabeza a ese chico, es malo para ti. | You should get that boy out of your head, he is bad for you. |
drive you crazy, drive you up a wall, drive you up the wall | Me saca de mis casillas su cabezonería. | His stubbornness drives me up the wall. |
ask [sb] to dance | Pedro sacó a bailar a María. | Pedro asked Maria to dance with him. |
bring up | En la entrevista el escritor sacó a colación su nuevo libro. | The writer brought up her new book during the interview. |
bring to light | El periodista sacó a la luz los secretos del actor. | The journalist brought the actor's secrets to light. |
bring out | La empresa sacó a la venta un nuevo modelo de auto. | The company brought out the new car model. |
bring up, trot out | Siempre saca a relucir rencores de su infancia. | He's always bringing up ill feelings from his childhood. |
get [sth] off the ground | Sacamos adelante el proyecto gracias al esfuerzo de todos. | We're getting the project off the ground thanks to the efforts of everybody. |
provide for [sb] | Trabajando día y noche sacó adelante a los suyos. | She provided for her family by working day and night. |
get good marks | Martín siempre saca buenas notas en la escuela. | Martin always gets good marks at school. |
draw conclusions | Pedro sacó muchas conclusiones sobre el tema después de leer el informe. | Pedro drew many conclusions on the matter after reading the report. |
make copies | Mariana sacó copias del examen para todos sus alumnos. | Mariana made copies of the exam for all her students. |
clear up doubts | Juan sacó de dudas a sus empleados respecto de su la nueva administración. | Juan cleared up his employees' doubts regarding the new management. |
lift out of poverty | El gobierno prometió sacar de la pobreza al país. | The government vowed to lift the country out of poverty. |
surprise, bewilder, confuse | Me sacas de onda con tus comentarios fuera de lugar. | You confuse me with your inappropriate remarks. |
rile [sb] up | Me sacas de quicio, tu voz es irritante. | You rile me up. Your voice is irritating. |
get [sth] out of proportion, take [sth] out of proportion | No saques de quicio las cosas que sólo le he hecho un arañazo al coche. | Don't take things out of proportion. I've only scratched the car. |
drive [sb] up the wall, drive [sb] round the bend | La gente impertinente me saca de mis casillas. | Busybodies drive me up the wall. |
clear things up, clear up a doubt | Martín sacó de una duda a Lucía y ahora todo está claro. | Martin cleared things up with Lucia and now everything's clear. |
clear up | Después de hablar con él, sacamos en limpio las dudas que teníamos. | After talking with him, we cleared up the questions we had. |
take photos | Alejandra sacó fotos durante su viaje a Europa. | Alejandra took photos on her trip to Europe. |
gather strength | ¿De dónde saca fuerzas Pedro para estudiar después de trabajar todo el día? | Where does Pedro gather the strength to study after working all day? |
get information, glean information | El periodista sacó información de una fuente my confiable para escribir la nota. | The journalist got information from a very reliable source to write the article. |
stick out your tongue | Los niños están castigados por sacar la lengua durante la clase de historia. | The children have been punished for sticking out their tongue (or: sticking their tongue out) in history class. |
look on the bright side | Las vacaciones fueron un desastre, pero tenemos que sacar lo bueno: por lo menos los niños se divirtieron. | The holidays were a disaster, but we should look on the bright side: at least the kids had a good time. |
bring out the good in | Juan es un gran jefe y saca lo bueno de sus empleados. | Juan ia a great boss and brings out the good in his employees. |
bring out the best in yourself | Tomás saca lo mejor de sí mismo lo dejan concentrarse. | Tom brings out the best in himself if people let him focus. |
make [sb] blush | Martín me sacó los colores cuando me dijo que estaba linda. | Martin made me blush when he said I was pretty. |
benefit | En esta situación, todo el mundo quiere sacar provecho pero nadie busca una solución. | In this situation, everyone wants to benefit but nobody is looking for a solution. |
draw blood | Fui a que me sacaran sangre para un análisis de rutina. | The nurse had to draw blood from the patient in order to perform the tests that had been ordered. |
bring up a topic | Pedro sacó un tema polémico y todos empezaron a discutir. | Pedro brought up a controversial topic and everyone started to argue. |
take a photo | Alejandra sacó una foto preciosa de la pareja. | Alejandra took a lovely photo of the couple. |
get a smile | Pedro sacó una sonrisa a la pequeña niña. | Pedro got a smile out of the little girl. |
muster up courage | Martín sacó valor y le dijo al jefe lo que pensaba. | Martin mustered up courage and told the boss what he thought. |
take advantage | No hagas negocios con él; siempre busca sacar ventaja. | Don't do business with him. He always tries to take advantage. |