save | Sólo quiere salvar su propia cabeza. | All he wanted was to save his own dirty neck. |
save | Puedes ayudarme a salvar la tierra. | You can help me save the earth from the hell. |
save | Haría cualquier cosa para salvar al presidente. | To save the president, I'd do anything. |
save | Estamos lanzando para salvar nuestra empresa. | We're just pitching to save our company. |
save | Bueno, intentemos salvar esa carrera. | Okay, let's try to save that career. |
save | Hacemos lo posible para salvar su pescuezo. | We're doing everything in our power to save his neck. |
save | No solo queríamos salvar a Thaddicus. | It wasn't just Thaddicus we wanted to save. |
save | Estamos juntando monedas para salvar a AmeTra. | We are scraping together every penny we can to save AmWorks. |
save | Desde 1982 había contribuido a salvar unas 22.000 vidas. | Since 1982, COSPAS-SARSAT had helped to save approximately 22,000 lives. |
save | Quizás aún administrarás para salvar tu alma inmortal. | Perhaps you will still manage to save your immortal soul. |
save | Parece demasiado trabajo para salvar un matrimonio. | It seems like a lot of trouble just to save a marriage. |
save | Juntos podemos salvar este centro juvenil. | Together, we can save this youth center. |
save | Quisimos salvar la comarca, Sam. | We set out to save the Shire, Sam. |
save | Qué hacer para salvar nuestros bosques. | What you can do to save our local forests. |
save | Pretenden salvar su frágil ego masculino. | They simulate to save Your fragile male ego. |
save | Casi pareció que querías salvar a esos metahumanos. | Almost seemed like you actually wanted to save those meta-humans. |
salvage | Es fundamental adoptar medidas concertadas para salvar la solución biestatal. | Concerted action is essential if we are to salvage the two-State solution. |
salvage | Quizás podemos salvar algo de esto. | Maybe we can salvage something out of it. |
save | Parecía que la protagonista iba a morir, pero su amiga la salvó al final. | It seemed the protagonist was going to die, but her friend saved her in the end. |
overcome, cross | Los competidores de la carrera de obstáculos salvaban los fosos con facilidad. | The competitors in the obstacle course overcame the pits with ease. |
save | En mi opinión, lo único que salvó la cena fue el postre. | In my opinion, the only thing that saved the dinner was the dessert. |
save | Se fue la luz y no alcancé a salvar la información. | The electricity went off, and I didn't have a chance to save the information. |
keep up appearances | Martín tuvo que guardar las apariencias cuando aparecieron sus hijos. | Martin had to keep up appearances when his children arrived. |
save your neck | Pedro se salvó el cuello y pudo mantener su empleo. | Pedro saved his neck and kept his job. |
save your arse | María se salvó el culo y de casualidad no la golpearon en la pelea. | Maria saved her arse and somehow avoided getting hit in the fight. |
save [sb]'s life | Los bomberos le salvaron la vida a la anciana. | The firefighters saved the elderly lady's life. |
save your life | Pedro se salvó la vida y no resultó herido en el accidente. | Pedro saved his life and was not injured in the accident. |