security | Se está redactando actualmente una ley sobre seguridad cibernética. | The drafting process is currently under way on a law on cyber security. |
security | Permítaseme resaltar algunos puntos sobre la estrategia de seguridad. | Allow me now to highlight some points about the security strategy. |
security | Actualmente se está redactando una ley de seguridad cibernética. | Currently, the process of drafting a law on cyber security is under way. |
security | En ambos casos, habría que proporcionar seguridad suficiente. | In either case, appropriate security would need to be provided. |
security | Energía renovable, agronegocios y seguridad alimentaria. | (f) Renewable energy, agribusiness and food security. |
security | Actualmente cumple condena en régimen de máxima seguridad. | He is currently serving his sentence under a maximum security regime. |
security | En 2003 se deterioraron las condiciones de seguridad. | In 2003 there was a deterioration of the security situation. |
security | Indicador: Política pública nacional de seguridad ciudadana aprobada. | Indicator: Approval of a national public policy on citizens' security. |
security | No hay en Gambia seguridad social universal. | There is no universal social security coverage in The Gambia. |
security | Sorprendentemente, la seguridad alimentaria parece haber mejorado. | Surprisingly, food security in least developed countries seems to have improved. |
security | Dicha asistencia debe prestarse en las mejores condiciones de seguridad. | That assistance should be provided under the best safety and security conditions. |
security | Todo ello afecta positivamente al desarrollo socioeconómico y la seguridad humana. | All of these had a positive impact on socio-economic development and human security. |
security | 3.5 Suscribir convenios de seguridad ciudadana y potenciar existentes. | 3.5 Entering into new agreements on neighbourhood security and upgrading existing ones. |
security | Egipto también considera importantísima la seguridad marina. | Egypt attaches great importance to the issue of maritime security and safety as well. |
security | También ha adoptado importantes medidas de seguridad. | It had also put important security measures into place. |
security | Reiteramos la importancia fundamental del TNP para la seguridad internacional. | We reiterate the key importance of the NPT in providing for international security. |
safety | Una cooperación transparente con el Organismo fortalecería la seguridad nuclear. | Cooperation with the Agency in a transparent manner would strengthen nuclear safety. |
safety | Este material incluirá información sobre la seguridad del medicamento. | These packs will include information on the safety of the medicine. |
safety | Pero debe preocuparse por su seguridad. | But you have to look out for her safety. |
certainty | Hablaba con tanta seguridad que logró convencerme de su idea. | She spoke with such certainty that she convinced me about her idea. |
safety, security | La principal preocupación de la fábrica es la seguridad de los empleados. | The factory's main concern is the safety of its employees. |