send | Boffi, recuerda mandar mis cosas. | Boffi, remember to send all my things. |
send | Deberías vestirte tú y mandar las maletas abajo. | You should get dressed yourself and send the bags down. |
send | Señorita, quisiera mandar este telegrama. | Miss, I'd like to send this wire, please. |
send | Bueno, no podemos mandar blancos. | Well, we can't send whites in there. |
send | Tendré que mandar esto al laboratorio. | I'll have to send this to the lab. |
send | Puedo mandar un sumario en cuanto termine. | I can send you a summary when I'm m finished. |
send | Voy a mandar un coche inmediatamente. | I'm going to send a car over right now. |
send | Tendremos que mandar la información directamente. | We'll have to send the plant new data directly. |
send | No suelen mandar detectives por esto. | They don't usually send out detectives for this. |
send | Quizás debas solo mandar un SMS. | Maybe you should just send a text message. |
send | Los D'Harans no necesitan mandar un ejército. | The D'Harans don't need to send an army. |
send | No deberías mandar más esas imágenes. | You shouldn't send those images any more. |
send | Creo que tenemos suficiente tejido para mandar patología. | I think we got enough tissue to send to pathology. |
send | Es como nuestra versión de mandar mensajitos. | It's like our version of send text messages. |
send | Hola, quiero mandar un telegrama. | Hello, I want to send a telegram. |
command | Pero rechazaste la oportunidad de mandar. | But you gave up the chance to command it. |
order | Pronto tendrás varios novatos para mandar. | You'll have plenty of pledges to order around soon enough. |
be in charge | El jefe manda en la empresa. | The boss is in charge of the company. |
command | El Alcalde manda la Policía, mientras que el Presidente manda el Ejército. | The mayor commands the police, while the president commands the army. |
send | Mi novio me ha mandado un ramo de flores. | My boyfriend sent me a bunch of flowers. |
tell [sb] to go to hell | Carlos mandó a su jefe a la mierda cuando ganó la lotería. | Carlos told his boss to go to hell when he won the lottery. |
send to be repaired | Pedro tiene que mandar a arreglar su coche. | Pedro has to send his car to be repaired. |
tell someone to get lost | El ex de Florencia le trajo flores, pero ella le mandó a hacer gárgaras. | Florencia's ex bought her flowers but she told him to get lost. |
go to hell, go fly a kite | Vete a hacer puñetas y no me molestes más. | Go to hell and don't bother me anymore. |
send [sb] packing | Pedro mandó a la porra al hombre que lo insultó en la calle. | Pedro sent the man who insulted him on the street packing. |
tell [sb] to get lost | Susana mandó a paseo a los vendedores ambulantes. | Susana told the street vendors to get lost. |
tell to go to hell | Si se vuelve a aparecer por aquí, lo mandamos al carajo. | If he shows up round here again, we'll tell him to go to hell. |
tell [sb] to go to hell | Manuel mandó al demonio a su amigo y hace meses que no se hablan. | Manuel told his friend to go to hell and they haven't spoken for months. |
tell [sb] to go to hell | Pedro mandó al diablo al hombre. | Pedro told the man to go to hell. |
send kisses | María mandó besos a todos antes de despedirse. | Maria sent kisses to everyone before saying goodbye. |
say "to hell with it all" | A veces tengo ganas de mandar todo al diablo e irme de viaje. | Sometime I feel like saying "to hell with it all" and going on a trip. |