set | También he propuesto fijar fechas de eliminación. | I have also proposed the use of set phase-out dates. |
set | Podríamos fijar vela... hacia áfrica. | We could set the sail... for Africa. |
set | El ingeniero intenta fijar un récord, señor. | Our engineer is trying to set a record on the first run. |
set | Correspondía a cada país fijar sus objetivos sociales nacionales. | It was for each country to set its national social objectives. |
set | Tenemos que fijar algunos parámetros, jovencita. | We need to set a few parameters, young lady. |
set | Es responsabilidad de un padre fijar los límites. | It's a father's responsibility to set the boundaries. |
set | Consideramos que sería contraproducente fijar un plazo rígido. | We believe that it would be counterproductive to set any strict time frames in that regard. |
set | Las autoridades competentes necesitan examinar y fijar objetivos de gastos. | Targets for expenditure need to be considered and set by responsible authorities. |
set | Había que fijar una edad razonable. | 58? A reasonable age had to be set. |
set | Lamento que no hayamos podido fijar objetivos nacionales vinculantes. | I regret that we have not been able to set any binding national targets. |
set | Ello permitirá fijar restricciones ambiciosas pero realistas. | This will enable us to set ambitious but realistic constraints. |
fix | El comprador debe fijar un plazo suplementario razonablemente largo. | The buyer must fix an additional period of time of reasonable length. |
fix | Debería fijar estas grietas en algún punto. | I should fix these ceiling cracks at some point. |
fix | Intento fijar mi mente en algún propósito constructivo. | I try to fix my mind on some constructive purpose. |
fix | Tenemos que fijar la entrega antes. | We need to fix the hand over in advance. |
establish | Debería fijar las cantidades máximas y mínimas que proporcionará. | It should establish maximum and minimum amounts that it will provide. |
establish | Cada cónyuge tiene derecho de fijar su domicilio. | Each spouse has the right to establish their own address. |
attach | Fija las escuadras a la repisa con tornillos. | Attach the hooks to the shelf with screws. |
set, determine | Fijamos el precio del producto de forma que sea accesible para el mercado meta. | We set the price at an affordable amount for the target market. |
fix, focus | El alumno fijó su atención sobre lo que escribió el maestro en la pizarra. | The student focused his attention on what the teacher had written on the board. |