sign | El punto focal deberá firmar un juramento de confidencialidad. | The focal point will be required to sign an oath of confidentiality. |
sign | Debe firmar la licencia de matrimonio. | I need you to sign the wedding license. |
sign | Tiene que firmar esto para borrarlo del registro. | He's got to sign this to keep it off the record. |
sign | Estupendo, si pueden firmar aquí... | Great, if I can just have you sign right here... |
sign | Tenía que firmar estos papeles del seguro. | I've got these insurance papers to sign in. |
sign | Ni siquiera notó que olvidó firmar el registro. | She didn't even notice that he forgot to sign the log. |
sign | Regresaré para firmar libros y charlar. | I will be back to sign books and chat. |
sign | Ya le hice firmar una autorización. | I already got him to sign a release. |
sign | Debí haberle hecho firmar un contrato. | I should have made her sign a contract. |
sign | Sólo tienen que firmar los papeles. | All they have to do is sign the papers. |
sign | Hay algunos formularios que debe firmar. | There are some forms you need to sign. |
sign | Esté preparado a firmar su testamento. | Freeing up my weapon to sign your death sentence. |
sign | Los muchachos acordaron firmar un papel que preparé. | All the boys here in the room have agreed to sign a paper I've prepared. |
sign | Prometió firmar al final de la ceremonia. | He's promised to sign at the end of the ceremony. |
sign | Ir al coronel y hacerle firmar un contrato. | Just walk up to the Colonel and make him sign a contract. |
sign | Nadie va a firmar su petición. | No one's going to sign your petition. |
sign | Posteriormente, fue obligado a escribir y firmar declaraciones similares. | Later, he was also forced to write and sign similar statements. |
sign | Deben firmar este permiso para liberarnos de responsabilidades. | We need them to sign this consent form to release us from any liability. |
sign | Algún empleado olvidó firmar un papel. | Some desk jockey just forgot to sign a form. |
sign | Firme el documento por las dos caras, por favor. | Please sign the document on both pages. |
sign | El jugador ha firmado por el Real Madrid. | The player has signed for Real Madrid. |