but | La Trinidad no es estática sino sino dinámica. | The Trinity is not static, but dynamic. |
but | No tenemos alternativa sino atacar LOCUS SOLUS. | We have no choice but to hit Locus Solus. |
but | No sólo desintoxicarse sino... todo. | I mean, not just getting clean but... all of it. |
but | Porque no vuelvo humillado, sino vencedor. | Because I return not in dishonor, but in triumph. |
but | No son vacaciones sino una suspensión. | It's not a holiday but a suspension. |
but | Loscuernosnoeran unamaldición, sino una bendición. | The horns weren't a curse, but a blessing. |
but | No busco castigo sino su salvación. | I'm not looking for punishment but for their salvation. |
but | No obtuve sino miles de excusas. | I got nothing but an earful of excuses. |
but | No adoptaremos un enfoque secuencial, sino simultáneo. | We will have not a sequential, but a simultaneous, approach. |
but | Impulsan cambios no solo progresivos sino exponenciales. | They are driving not just incremental but exponential changes. |
but | No como piloto sino cambiador de neumáticos. | Not as a race car driver but as a tyre changer. |
but | No sólo desaprueba la música de Schumann, sino... | You mean, you not only disapprove of Schumann's music, but... |
but | La música no necesita construirse sino controlarse. | You don't have to build the world, but dominate it. |
but | No cualquier erección, sino una enorme. | Not just any erection, but an enormous one. |
but | Yo no pido caridad sino justicia. | I do not ask for charity but justice. |
but | No era Flora, sino Francesco. | [ARTURO] it was not Flora, but Francesco. |
but | No es exactamente elegante, sino majestuoso. | Well, not elegant exactly, but kind of... dignified. |
only | No quiero ser inteligente sino honesta. | I don't wish to be clever, only honest. |
only | La debilidad que experimento no hará sino agravarse. | The weakness which I'm experiencing will only get worse. |
except | No se cerrará sino con sacrificio. | It shall not be closed except by sacrifice. |
but | Esto no es café sino té. | This is not coffee but tea. |
fate | Su sino es cuidar de su familia. | His fate is to take care of his family. |