official | Me dieron esta pintura cuando era un funcionario. | I was given this painting when I was an official. |
official | He actuado como un funcionario con sentido de responsabilidad. | I have acted as an official with a sense of responsibility. |
official | Es el funcionario del palacio Elíseo. | He's the official at the Élysée Palace. |
official | No soy un funcionario del gobierno. | Well, I'm not a government official. |
official | También tiene derecho a solicitar acción disciplinaria contra determinado funcionario. | He also had the right to request disciplinary action against an official. |
official | El funcionario rechazará mediante providencia las legalmente prohibidas... | The official shall order the rejection of evidence which is prohibited by law... . |
officer | Un funcionario superior de administración y gestión debería proporcionar esas aclaraciones. | Such clarification should be provided by a senior officer in charge of administration and management. |
officer | Lo nombraron funcionario superior médico para Silvexpo. | He's been made senior medical officer for Silvexpo. |
staff member | El funcionario temporario involucrado fue trasladado a una tarea diferente. | The temporary staff member in concern was transferred to a different task. |
staff member | En 2005 se destituyó al funcionario responsable. | In 2005, the appointment of the staff member concerned was terminated. |
staff member | Esta acción sólo se emprende con la autorización del funcionario. | This action is undertaken only with the authorization of the staff member. |
staff member | El funcionario fue destituido sin aviso ni indemnización. | The staff member was dismissed from service without notice or compensation. |
staff member | Un funcionario de la Fiscalía General. | One staff member from the Office of the Attorney General. |
staff member | Un funcionario incumplió sus obligaciones jurídicas particulares. | A staff member failed to honour private legal obligations. |
staff member | Un alto funcionario no detectó ni corrigió esa irregularidad. | A senior staff member failed to identify and correct this irregularity. |
staff member | El nombramiento del funcionario ha vencido. | The appointment of the staff member has expired. |
staff member | El funcionario encargado de la administración interna también está rotando periódicamente. | The leader staff member of the internal administration is also being periodically alternated. |
staff member | Un funcionario del Consejo de Iglesias de Namibia. | One staff member from the Council of Churches in Namibia. |
staff member | Cada funcionario tendrá funciones regionales y temáticas. | Each staff member will have regional and thematic roles. |
civil servant | La ambición de mi primo es ser funcionario. | My cousin's dream is to become a civil servant. |