Sunday | Envíame 10.000 y seguiremos esta racha hasta el domingo. | Western Union me ten thou and let's ride this wave into Sunday. |
Sunday | Podría venir a Ketchworth un domingo. | Perhaps you'd come to Ketchworth one Sunday. |
Sunday | Iremos a visitarlos el próximo domingo. | We're going to meet them next Sunday. |
Sunday | Rigo. Siento molestarle en domingo. | Rigo... Sorry to bother you on a Sunday. |
Sunday | Pensaba ir con Papá este domingo. | I'm thinking of stopping by with Dad this Sunday. |
Sunday | Planeaba utilizarla para visitarla el domingo. | I planned to use it to visit her Sunday. |
Sunday | Ahí habrá una orquesta de jueves a domingo. | There'll be a live band over here... Thursday through Sunday. |
Sunday | Podría acercarme el domingo para verlo. | I could come down for a look Sunday. |
Sunday | Me lleva a Cooperstown en domingo. | She's taking me to Cooperstown on Sunday. |
Sunday | Cada domingo recordaremos el sufrimiento de nuestro salvador. | Every Sunday we will remember the one our savior's suffering. |
Sunday | Perdone que le moleste en domingo. | I am sorry to bother you on a Sunday. |
Sunday | Eso es lo correcto en domingo. | It's the proper Sunday thing to do, Mr. Davis. |
Sunday | Cada domingo ella Nos hacia panecillos. | Every Sunday she'd make us these pancakes that were just... |
Sunday | Ahora despierto el domingo y quiero morir. | Now I wake up in Sunday and I want to die. |
Sunday | Podré entretenerle hasta el domingo al mediodía. | I imagine I could stall him till Sunday noon. |
Sunday | Janieyyo estaremos solos del jueves al domingo. | It'll just be me and Janie from Thursday till Sunday. |
Sunday | Tradicionalmente se celebra el primer domingo de abril. | It is traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday of April. |
Sunday | Era domingo y había reunión eclesiástica... | It was a Sunday and there was some church celebration... |
Sunday | Terminarán pronto, tendremos un domingo tranquilo. | They'll finish soon, we'll have a quiet Sunday. |
Sunday | El domingo nos vamos de excursión. | On Sunday we're going on an outing. |
pocket money | Mi padre me castigó con no darme el domingo por suspender matemáticas. | My father punished me by not giving me any pocket money after failing my maths class. |