support | Ese apoyo se presta de distintas formas. | This support is provided in a variety of ways. |
support | Otros 1,3 millones de personas necesitan apoyo para subsistir. | An additional 1.3 million people are in need of livelihood support. |
support | La Secretaría desea agradecer esa orientación y apoyo. | The secretariat wishes to acknowledge with appreciation that guidance and support. |
support | También seguimos prestando apoyo presupuestario para garantizar gastos prioritarios. | We also continue to provide budgetary support to ensure priority expenditures. |
support | Las dos iniciativas exigirán financiación y apoyo externos. | Initiatives in both countries will require external funding and support. |
support | Pidió apoyo internacional adecuado para la labor de Burundi. | Bangladesh called for adequate international support for the endeavours of Burundi. |
support | Esta iniciativa suministra educación y apoyo psicológico y emocional. | This initiative provides education as well as psychological and emotional support. |
support | La SPM ha prestado apoyo a estas actividades. | The Secretariat for Women's Policies has provided support to these activities. |
support | También se prestó apoyo a nivel mundial. | The support was also provided at the global level. |
support | Las Naciones Unidas continuarán ofreciendo un fuerte apoyo. | The United Nations will continue to extend its strong support. |
support | Sin embargo, se sigue necesitando apoyo financiero. | However, there remains an outstanding requirement for financial support. |
support | Las Naciones Unidas le seguirán proporcionando apoyo vital. | Again, the United Nations will continue to provide vital support. |
support | En muchas comunidades indígenas tampoco hay apoyo ni servicios. | There is also a lack of support or services within many indigenous communities. |
support | Quisiera manifestar nuestro sincero apoyo al pueblo del Pakistán. | I would like to express our heartfelt support to the people of Pakistan. |
support | Agradecemos sinceramente su consideración y apoyo. | We are truly grateful for your thoughtfulness and support. |
support | Esas sugerencias recibieron amplio apoyo en la Comisión. | There was broad support in the Commission for those suggestions. |
support | Esa institución merece apoyo y protección general. | It is entitled to receive comprehensive protection and support. |
support | También tienen derecho a apoyo económico. | At the same time, they are entitled to economic support. |
support | Recabamos apoyo para este constructivo documento. | We appeal for support for that constructive document. |
backing | Necesitaremos apoyo de las autoridades locales. | We're going to need backing from local authorities. |
support | Usó una mesa como apoyo para levantarse. | She used a table as support when she stood up. |
support | Juan terminó los estudios gracias al apoyo de sus padres. | John completed his studies thanks to his parents' support. |
support from | Los niños recibieron el apoyo de sus profesores. | The children received support from their teachers. |
electoral support | Para ganar las elecciones es necesario contar con el apoyo electoral. | Winning the elections depends on obtaining electoral support. |
human support | El programa necesita apoyo financiero pero el apoyo humano también es esencial para su éxito. | That program needs financial support, but human support is also essential for its success. |
unconditional support | El equipo recibió el apoyo incondicional de la hinchada durante el torneo. | The team received the unconditional support of the fans during the tournament. |
tutoring | Niños con dificultades de aprendizaje van a al centro de apoyo pedagógico. | Children with learning difficulties go to tutoring centers. |
arch support | María debe comprar zapatos especiales para su problema de apoyo plantar. | Maria needs to buy special shoes for arch support. |
learning center. resource room | Las clases extra curriculares se dan en el aula de apoyo. | Extra curricular classes are given in the learning centre (or: the resource room). |
technical assistance, technical help, technical support | La niña recibe ayuda técnica para lidiar con su discapacidad. | The girl receives technical assistance to deal with her disability. |
with the support of | Mónica pudo costear sus estudios con el apoyo de sus padres. | Monica was able to pay for her studies with the support of her parents. |
provide support | No dudes en llamarnos si tienes dudas: estamos aquí para prestar apoyo. La organización presta apoyo a los necesitados. | Do not hesitate to call us should you have any doubts: we are here to provide support. |