surround | Podría armar un ejército y rodear Sherwood, Alteza. | Your Highness, sir, I could muster an army and surround Sherwood. |
surround | Con la pancarta extendida casi conseguimos rodear el cordón. | With the banner extended we just about manage to surround the cordon. |
surround | Los agentes trataron en varias ocasiones de rodear y asaltar la casa. | The officers attempted on several occasions to surround and raid the house. |
surround | Asignaron una división completa para rodear el bosque. | They have a plan designed to surround the forest. |
surround | Se deben rodear el pico en una formación determinada. | They must surround the peak in a precise formation. |
surround | El Jefe Heinemann nos ordenó rodear el edificio y esperar. | Orders from Chief Heinemann. He says surround building and wait. |
surround | El vacío va a rodear a la gente. | Emptiness is going to surround people. |
surround | Órdenes del Coronel: rodear campos. | Colonel's orders, surround field. |
surround | Felicity, me gusta rodear mi equipo con cantidades conocidas. | Felicity, I like to surround my team with known quantities. |
surround | Les recuerdo que nuestro objetivo... es rodear al sujeto y traerlo con vida. | I remind you, our objective is to surround the subject and bring him in alive. |
encircle | Durante las manifestaciones, fuerzas militares y de seguridad solían rodear a los manifestantes. | During protests, military and security forces would often encircle the protesters. |
encircle | Se trataría de rodear y destruir las fuerzas polacas. | They would attempt to encircle and destroy the Polish forces. |
circle | El lobo empezó a rodear al niño. | The wolf begins to circle the boy. |
circle | Cada nave recibió órdenes de rodear la Tierra. | Every ship we had left was ordered to circle Earth. |
circle | Tenía que rodear la manzana, para volver a mi apartamento. | I had to circle the whole block, go back to my rooming house room. |
go around | Rodeamos la montaña y llegamos por fin al lago. | We went around the mountain and at last reached the lake. |
go around | No tomaron el camino directo, rodearon por el barranco. | They didn't take the direct route; they went around by the cliff. |
enclose, encircle, surround | La rodeó con sus brazos y le dio un beso apasionado. | He enclosed her in his arms and kissed her passionately. |
surround, encircle | Una muralla de diez metros de altura rodea la fortaleza. | A wall ten meters in height surrounds (or: encircles) the fortress. |
surround, encircle | Las tropas enemigas rodearon la ciudad para asaltarla al anochecer. | The enemy troops surrounded (or: encircled) the city in order to attack it at sundown. |