you | Quizás te cuesta dormir porque tus visiones te atormentan. | Perhaps you have trouble sleeping because... you're haunted by your visions. |
you | Si te alejo mucho tiempo, probablemente te quemarás. | I keep you out of the ground too long, you're likely to just burn right on up. |
you | Tus mejores amigos te temen porque nunca te entenderán. | Your closest friends fear you because they will never understand you. |
you | Te unirás, te unirás, te unirás, te unirás, te unirás. | THEY CHANT You will join, you will join, you will join, you will join, you will join, you will join, you will join. |
you | Si no te arriesgas por algo que te importa, más te valdría morir. | If you're not willing to take a risk for something you really care about, you might as well be dead. |
you | Lo segundo peor es que te quedes trabajando mientras te investigan y alguien de Asuntos Internos te persiga constantemente. | Next worst, you remain on duty here while you're being investigated and somebody from internal affairs hounds you constantly. |
you | Y solo porque te transformaste cuando te mordió el Alfa no te da licencia para ir destruyendo a la gente. | And just because you got the Alpha bite makeover doesn't give you a license to go around destroying people. |
you | Ella te molestaba, te atormentaba y te atrapellaba. | She nagged you, tormented you, and pushed you around. |
you | Si te pones triste te contaré chistes y te haré reír... | If sadness surrounds you I'll be your jester and make you laugh again. |
you | Nadie te creería, además te estarías incriminando. | Regina: Nobody would believe you, plus you'd be incriminating yourself. |
you | Pensé que te reemplazaría cuando te retiraras. | I thought I would take over when you retired. |
you | Si no te conociera, te mataría. | If I didn't know you so well, I'd break your neck. |
you | No te muevas hasta que te avise. | So don't make a move of any kind until you hear from me. |
you | Si esto te incomoda, no te presiono. | I mean, if you feel uncomfortable with this, I don't need to press. |
you | No te culpo que te guste. | It's not that I'm blaming you for being attracted to her. |
your | Si te pones triste te contaré chistes y te haré reír... | If sadness surrounds you I'll be your jester and make you laugh again. |
your | Si no te conociera, te mataría. | If I didn't know you so well, I'd break your neck. |
will | Esto te paralizará el diafragma y te sofocarás lentamente. | This will paralyse your diaphragm, and you'll slowly suffocate. |
will | Él te explicará porqué te estamos despidiendo así. | He will explain why we're saying farewell to you like this. |
T, t | Después de la te viene la u. | After t comes u. |
you | ¿Quieres que te lleve al aeropuerto mañana? Lo siento; no quería lastimarte. | Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. |
you | Ya te había dicho que no me gusta tu amiguita. Vinimos a traerte un regalo. | I already told you that I don't like your friend. |