you | El tipo que supuestamente cuidaba de ti. | The guy who was supposedly looking out for you. |
you | Llevaría la tisteza lejos de ti. | I would take the sadness away from you. |
you | No tiene que recaer todo sobre ti. | Enjoy it. I'm here. Doesn't all have to fall on you. |
you | Pero, siento más pena hacia ti. | But out of all of them, I'm the most sorry towards you. |
you | Pensé en ti cuando no estabas. | PARSONS: I thought about you when you were gone. |
you | No quiero mas travesuras de ti. | I don't want any more shenanigans out of you. |
you | Nunca diría esas cosas de ti. | I would never say those things about you. |
you | Perdimos dos refugios en Kilburn gracias a ti. | We've already lost two safe houses in Kilburn thanks to you. |
you | La otra tarde me acordé de ti. | You know, I was thinking about you the other afternoon. |
you | Olió a ti durante mucho tiempo. | It smelt of you for the longest time. |
you | Y lo entenderá viniendo de ti. | And he'll understand that coming from you. |
you | Nunca podre atravesar este día sin ti. | I never would've made it through this day without you. |
you | Vine a ti mientras estabas dormida. | I came to you last night while you were asleep. |
you | Penny, me encanta todo de ti. | (Alex gasps) (Brad stammers) Penny, I love everything about you. |
you | Morgan ahora necesita arreglárselas sin ti. | Morgan needs to get by without you right now. |
you | Dime que estaba equivocado sobre ti. | Tell me I have been mistaken about you. |
you | Depende de ti descifrar esos tatuajes. | It's up to you to decipher the tattoos. |
you | Debería haber estado trabajando más cerca de ti. | I should have been working more closely with you instead. |
you | Estoy- Estoy perdidamente enamorado de ti. | I'm... I'm hopelessly in love with you. |
you | No confío nada en ti Griffin. | I don't trust anything about you Griffin. |
you | Gracias por tu apoyo; no podía tomar esta decisión sin ti. | Thank you for your support; I wouldn't have been able to make this decision without you. |