temperature | Este medicamento no requiere ninguna temperatura especial de conservación. | This medicinal product does not require any special temperature storage conditions. |
temperature | Tiene programación electrónica para temperatura, fuego y apagado. | It's got electronic programming for temperature, firing time and automatic shut-off. |
temperature | Lo tienen siempre a la misma temperatura. | I'm telling you, always the same temperature. |
temperature | No me hagas perder mi temperatura. | So don't make me lose my temperature. |
temperature | Es temperamento abuela, yo tengo temperatura. | It's temper, Mama. I've got a temperature. |
temperature | Sí, pero la temperatura está estable. | Yes, but her temperature has been holding steady. |
temperature | Se mantiene a temperatura y humedad constante. | Kept at a constant temperature and humidity in the case. |
temperature | Bajaré la temperatura de esta instalación 10 grados centígrados. | I will lower the temperature within this facility By 10 degrees. |
temperature | La temperatura subió otros 16 grados. | The temperature just went up another six degrees. |
temperature | Preferiría no consumir lactosa bovina a ninguna temperatura. | I would prefer not to consume bovine lactose at any temperature. |
temperature | Si conseguimos nitrógeno líquido, podríamos regular la temperatura. | If we get our hands on some liquid nitrogen, we could regulate the temperature. |
temperature | Por la mañana, necesito que tengas temperatura elevada. | In the morning, I'll need you to have an elevated temperature. |
temperature | La temperatura está bajando muy rápidamente. | The temperature is dropping so fast out there. |
temperature | Su temperatura era normal esta mañana. | His temperature was back to normal this morning. |
temperature | Tenemos la misma temperatura de siempre. | We are the same temperature we have always been. |
temperature | Disculpe la temperatura aquí, señora. | Apologies for the temperature in here, ma'am. |
heat | Seria buena idea bajar la temperatura. | Turning down the heat might be a good idea. |
heat | Si la temperatura sigue aumentando podemos volvernos locos. | If this heat goes on increasing, it could drive us all insane. |
temp | Seguiremos subiendo su temperatura con oxígeno templado y fluidos. | Let'continue to bring up his temp with warmed oxygen and fluids. |
temperature | Prefiero los lugares de temperatura cálida. | I prefer places with warm temperatures. |
room temperature | La temperatura ambiente es muy agradable hoy. El vino tinto debe tomarse a temperatura ambiente. | Red wine must be served at room temperature. |
room temperature | El vino tinto debe tomarse a temperatura ambiente. | Red wine should be drunk at room temperature. |