window | Abrieron la ventana de mi habitación. | They just open the window of my room. |
window | Necesito algo para poner en la ventana. | I need something I can stuff in the window. |
window | Tendremos una ventana dentro de unos 53 minutos. | I'd say we'll get a shot at an atmospheric window in about 53 minutes. |
window | Tienes un asiento junto a la ventana. | Well, we've a seat by the window all picked out for you. |
window | No la imagino teniendo una ventana. | I don't really see it having a window. |
window | Vi una cara en la ventana. | What's wrong? - There was a face in that window. |
window | El asaltante entró forzando una ventana. | [Scraping] The attacker entered through a jimmied window. |
window | Sólo soy yo pateando la ventana. | It's just me kicking in the window. |
window | Las estrellas eran espectaculares desde mi ventana. | CLAIRE: The stars were spectacular from my window. |
window | Siéntate de espaldas a la ventana. | In the seat, with your back to the window. |
window | Elijan una ventana vacía y colóquenlas. | Pick a window that's empty and put them on it. |
window | Si abrimos la ventana, podríamos destruir pruebas. | [sighs] If we open the window, we might destroy evidence. |
window | Mi ventana de devoluciones ha cerrado. | My Papa Don't Preach window is closed. |
window | Estaba llorando junto a mi ventana. | She was crying in front of my window. |
window | Dejó la ventana abierta cuando entró. | He left the window open when he came in. |
window | Ven, estamos perdiendo nuestra ventana. | Come on, we're losing our window. |
window | Vamos, debemos tapar esa ventana. | Come on, we've got to board up that last window. |
window | Solicito que alguien abra la ventana. | I make a motion somebody open a window. |
window | Había un fusil saliendo de cada ventana. | Every window had a rifle sticking out of it. |
window | Estarás junto a la ventana controlando los despachos. | You'll sit by this window and check the shipments. |
window | Desde la ventana de mi habitación se ve toda la ciudad. | You can see the whole city from the window in my room. |
window frame | La ventana ya está colocada, vamos a colocar el vidrio. | The window frame is in place. Let's put in the glass. |
window sill | Camila apoyó la taza de café en el antepecho de la ventana. | Camilla placed the cup of coffee on the window sill. |
look out the window | El gato se asomó por la ventana cuando me vio llegar. | The cat looked out the window when it saw me arrive. |
go all out | Luis va a tirar la casa por la ventana en la celebración del cumpleaños de su hija menor. | Luis is going to go all out for his youngest daughter's birthday party. |
spare no expense | En sus últimas vacaciones en Europa, los Sánchez tiraron la casa por la ventana. | On their last holiday to Europe, the Sanchez family spared no expense. |
window to current affairs | El programa sobre política, deportes y espectáculos, es una ventana a la actualidad. | The programme on politics, sport and entertainment is a window to current affairs. |
dialog box | Las ventanas de diálogo ofrecen opciones de acciones a los usuarios. | A dialog box offers users different actions to take, |