three | Acabé acostándome con tres mujeres diferentes. | You know, I end up sleeping with three different women. |
three | Regla de tres para lo bueno en L'espace PH3, el segundo restaurante del hotel: tres primeros platos, tres segundos, tres postres, tres vinos blancos, tres rosados y así sucesivamente. | The rule of three applies to the good things at L'espace PH3, the hotel's second restaurant: three starters, three main courses, three desserts, three white wines, three rosé wines and so on. |
three | Son tres, tres ladrones, tres máscaras. | Three of them, three burglars, three masks. |
three | Proponemos, tres británicos, tres holandeses, tres polacos, tres franceses. | We propose three British, three Dutch, three Poles and three French. |
three | Los tres presidentes también examinaron opciones de financiación para las tres empresas estatales. | The three presidents also discussed financing options for the three State companies. |
three | Otras tres correcciones se refieren a tres reclamaciones presentadas por conducto del Gobierno de Kuwait. | Three further corrections concern three claims submitted through the Government of Kuwait. |
three | Cambia tres reyes por tres nuevas cartas. | Take three of these kings out, and replace them with... three fresh cards. |
three | Somos tres pasajeros, repito, tres. | We have three passengers, repeat, three. |
three | Ya se habían construido tres edificios de apartamentos para tal fin, y otros tres estaban casi terminados. | Three apartment buildings had already been constructed for that purpose and three others were nearing completion. |
three | Ayer en la televisión, hicieron tres reconstrucciones tres eran falsas. | They did three re-enactments of the attack yesterday on TV, all three were false. |
three | Tenemos tres concesionarios en tres condados. | We got three dealerships in three counties now. |
three | Los Mets consiguen empatar tres a tres en el campeonato. | The Dodgers are looking at a Mets team that has tied this series to three. |
three | Detrás de esas tres persianas... Había tres hermanas. | Behind these three shutters... were three sisters. |
three | Y ahora nos encarga preparar tres guerras totalmente operativas en tres países. | You'd be committing us to planning... three fully operational wars with three countries. |
three | Los tres convenios vigentes sobre productos químicos y desechos aplican actualmente tres criterios diferentes para la movilización de recursos. | The three existing chemicals and wastes conventions presently have three different approaches to resource mobilization. |
three | Solamente los primeros tres proyectos de artículo plantean tres cuestiones de gran importancia. | The first three draft articles alone raised three questions of major importance. |
three | Doble tres por tres hermanos muertos. | Double threes for your three dead homies. |
three | Que agradable, los tres sentados nuevamente juntos como tres mosqueteros. | This is nice, the three of us sitting together again like a three musketeers. |
three | Las tres casas estaban cotizadas por tres inmobiliarias distintas. | All three houses were listed with three separate real estate companies. |
three | Tres es un número primo porque sólo tiene dos divisores: él mismo y la unidad. | Three is a prime number, because it has just two divisors: itself and the number one. |
three | Conseguí boletos para la obra de teatro en la fila tres. | I got third-row tickets to the play. |