only | Es el único instrumento legítimo de gobernabilidad global que tenemos. | It is the only legitimate instrument of global governance that we have. |
only | Pero tampoco eres el único interesado. | But you're also not the only interested party. |
only | Es el único que sigue desaparecido. | He's the only one still unaccounted for. |
only | Simplemente busco el único rumbo disponible. | I am merely pursuing the only logical course available to us. |
only | Me dejó como único presidente del grupo. | He left me as only president of the group. |
only | Porque el único movimiento lógico es dejarle fuera. | Because the only logical move is to shut him out. |
only | Cuando era el único buen quarterback que teníamos. | When he was, like, the only good quarterback we had. |
only | Espero no ser el único sintético entre vosotros. | I hope that from now on, I will not be the only synth amongst you. |
only | Es el único cráneo de cristal casi perfectamente humanoide. | It's the only crystal skull which is almost perfectly humanoid. |
only | El único medio es conocer la combinación. | The only wa y is to know the combination. |
only | Eres el único detective psíquico que tienen. | You're the only psychic detective they've got. |
only | El único ejercicio que has estado haciendo. | The only exercise you've been getting is this. |
only | Tu único trabajo ahora es recuperarte. | Your only job now is to get better. |
only | El único neoyorquino que papá parece conocer. | The only new yorker that dad seems to know. |
only | Es el único comediante del grupo. | He was the only comedian in this outfit. |
only | Su único interés es la fama. | His only interest is in making a name for himself. |
only | Schiller, el capitán era nuestro único amigo. | Mr. Schiller, the captain was the only friend we had. |
unique | Era un espécimen magnífico, único. | He was a fine, a unique specimen. |
unique | El trasbordador espacial es un vehículo único. | CRIPPEN: The space shuttle is a unique vehicle. |
unique | Una variedad de Aspergillus único en Florida central. | Some variety of aspergillus that is unique to central Florida. |
only | Aquella mujer es la única sobreviviente del accidente. | That woman is the only survivor of the accident. |
unique, one-of-a kind | Martín es único: no hay nadie tan bueno como él. La fama del artista radica en ser un pintor único; su talento es asombroso. | Martin is unique (or: one-of-a-kind): there's nobody as good as him. |