one | Pero el planea acabarnos uno por uno por uno por uno por uno por uno por uno. | But he is planning on taking us out one by one by one by one by one by one by one. |
one | En la identidad espiritual absoluta, uno menos uno es igual a uno y, uno más uno es igual a uno. | In the spiritual absolute identity, one minus one equal to one and one plus one equal to one. |
one | Página uno, párrafo uno, oración uno. | Page one, paragraph one, sentence one. |
one | Mi recomendación fue quitaros los miembros uno a uno hasta que aceptarais. | My recommendation was to remove your limbs one by one until you comply. |
one | Ok, memorizo sus caras uno por uno. | Okay, I memorize their faces one by one. |
one | Ronaldo planeaba sumergirse en todos uno a uno con la esperanza de encontrarla. | Ronaldo planned on diving them all one by one in the hopes of finding it. |
one | Y nuestros niños nos están abandonando uno a uno. | And our children are abandoning us one by one. |
one | Yo arreglaré esos problemas uno por uno. | I will fix those problems one by one. |
one | Podrán arrancarles la nariz uno a uno. | You can pluck their noses off one by one. |
one | Entonces cuéntame uno tu, uno para niños. | Then count me one your, one stops children. |
one | Tengo uno de esos temporizadores... que cocina mientras uno trabaja. | I've got one of those timing devices that cooks your food while you're at work. |
one | Irá tras tus lobos, uno por uno. | He's going after your wolves, one by one. |
one | La gripe no estaría matando sus órganos uno por uno. | The flu wouldn't be killing her organs one by one. |
one | Me encanta que vaya uno verde, uno blanco. | I love that it goes one green, one white. |
one | Tenemos que acabar con ellos uno a uno. | We need to knock them off one by one. |
one | La otra tribu probablemente nos expulse uno por uno. | The other tribe will probably just pick us off one by one. |
one | Solo siguen cayendo uno por uno. | Just getting picked off one by one. |
one | Y entonces los elimino, uno por uno. | And then I eliminate them, one by one. |
you | Quiero decir, uno - uno no debería hacer eso frente a su propia hija. | I mean, you just- You shouldn't just do somethin' like that in front of your own child. |
you | Cuando uno es invisible uno lo siente. | When you go invisible you can feel it. |
one | Mi hijo quiere ser el portero de su equipo porque lleva la camiseta con el uno. | My son wants to be the goalie on his team, because that's who wears the shirt with the number one. |
one | En el capítulo uno se hace una descripción de la protagonista. | The main character is described in chapter one. |
one | Solo quiero una taza de café. | I only want one cup of coffee. |
one | Escogí uno de los aperitivos que me ofrecían. Una de tus amigas dijo que te pasaría a recoger con el coche. | I chose one of the appetizers that they were offering me. One of your friends said she'd come in the car to get you. |
one | Uno ya no sabe si el presidente está loco o es malvado. Una se siente muy bien en la playa. | One doesn't know any more if the president is crazy or evil. |
be delighted that | Les alegraba que hubiera caído la dictadura. | They were delighted that the dictatorship had collapsed. |
learn from one another | Eran jóvenes y aprendieron el uno del otro a ser adultos. | The longer they lived together the more they learned from one another. |
each one | Aunque Elena tiene muchos nietos, cada Navidad le da un regalo a cada uno. | Even though Elena has a lot of grandchildren, every Christmas she gives each one a gift. |
each one of them | Hay tres caminos. Cada uno de ellos te lleva a uno de los campamentos. | There are three paths. Each one of them will take you to one of the camps. |
each one of which, each of which | Habló con los delegados, cada uno de los cuales le explicó las necesidades de su sector. | She spoke to the delegates, each one of which explained the needs of their sector. |
everybody on his own | Trabajó cada uno por su cuenta y luego reunieron los resultados. | Everybody worked on his own and later they combined the results. |
see for yourself | Quería comprobar por mí mismo lo que decían de esa ciudad, así que decidí visitarla en vacaciones. | I wanted to see for myself what they say about this city, so I decided to visit it on vacation. |
be up until the wee hours of the morning | Me dieron las tantas de la madrugada estudiando para el examen. | I was up until the wee hours of the morning studying for my exam. |
feel dizzy, have a dizzy spell | Me dio un mareo cuando me sacaron sangre. | I had a dizzy spell when they took my blood. |
conscience dictates that you | La conciencia me dictó que dejara ese trabajo. | Mark's conscience was dictating that he turn over the money he found to the police. |
break your heart | Me duele en el alma que te vayas. | It breaks my heart that you're leaving. |
two for one | Traje estas dos libras de café porque el vendedor me ofreció un dos por uno. | I bought two pounds of coffee because the vendor offered me two for one. |
each other | Diego y Ernesto se llevan muy bien el uno con el otro. | Diego and Ernesto get on with each other very well. |
made for each other | Es el matrimonio perfecto. Son el uno para el otro. | It's a perfect marriage - they are made for each other. |
fool yourself, kid yourself | El director tendrá que dejar de engañarse a sí mismo y aceptar que la empresa está en quiebra. | The director will have to stop kidding himself and accept that the company is bankrupt. |
Formula One, Formula 1 | La fórmula uno es seguida por millones de apasionados del motor. | Formula One is followed by millions of car fans. |
make [sb]'s blood boil | Me hierve la sangre cuando la gente llega tarde. | It makes my blood boil when people don't arrive on time. |
joined at the hip | Pedro y Pablo son inseparables uno del otro. | Pedro and Pablo are joined at the hip. |
inseparable, indivisible | El gato y el sofá son inseparables uno del otro. | The cat and the couch are inseparable. |
go well for [sb] | A Juan le va bien desde que empezó el nuevo trabajo. | Things have gone well for Juan since he started the new job. |
like going out, like a night out | Le va la marcha y no se pierde una fiesta. | He likes going out and never misses a party. |
enjoy sex | A Luisa le va la marcha; cada día sale con uno diferente. | Luisa enjoys sex; she goes out with a different man every day. |
be a masochist, be masochistic | Castigo a mis alumnos y no mejoran; parece que les va la marcha. | I punish my students but they don't improve; they must be masochists. |
go your separate ways | Cuando la pareja rompió, cada uno se fue por su lado: ella, a Roma y él, a Madrid. | When the couple split up, they went their separate ways; she went to Rome and he went to Madrid. |
make [sb] mad as hell | Me lleva el carajo cuando mi jefe me grita. | It makes me mad as hell when the boss shouts at me. |
both options | Carlos evaluó lo uno y lo otro antes de tomar la decisión. | Carlos weighed up both options before making his decision. |
fight for each other | Son buenos hermanos; luchan el uno por el otro. | They're good siblings, they fight for each other. |
[sth] be to big for [sb], [sth] hang off [sb] | Teresa bajó diez kilos y ahora su ropa vieja le nada. | Teresa lost 10 kilos and her old clothes now hang off her. |
not bother [sb] in the slightest | Saber que me odias no me quita el sueño. | Knowing that you hate me doesn't bother me in the slightest. |
bring out the best in yourself | Tomás saca lo mejor de sí mismo lo dejan concentrarse. | Tom brings out the best in himself if people let him focus. |
be everywhere | Hay motas en toda la ropa; me salen hasta en la sopa. | There are specks all over my clothes; they are everywhere. |
be expensive, work out expensive | Me salió caro el carro. | The car worked out expensive. |
cost you dearly | Te saldrá caro haber preferido el dinero a tu dignidad. | It will cost you dearly to have preferred money to your dignity. |
be just like all the rest | El niño solo quiere ser uno más y que lo acepten en el grupo. | The kid wants to be just like all the rest and be accepted by the group. |
be yourself | Lo importante es siempre ser uno mismo. Cuando subas al escenario, sé tú misma y todo saldrá bien. | When you get on stage, be yourself and everything will work out fine. |
both | Tengo dos primos, y tanto uno como otro son muy amables conmigo. Las dos blusas eran tan bonitas que tenía ganas de comprarme tanto la una como la otra. | The two blouses were so beautiful that I wanted to buy both of them. |
hit the jackpot, win the lottery | Con ese chico te ha tocado la lotería; no encontrarás pareja mejor para ti. | You hit the jackpot with this guy; you'll never find a better partner. |
all for one and one for all | Solo si estamos unidos podremos triunfar: ¡todos para uno y uno para todos! | Only if we are united can we succeed: all for one and one for all! |
each and every one | En la reunión con los empleados, el jefe pronunció duras críticas contra todos y cada uno. | In the meeting with the employees, the boss leveled harsh criticism at each and every one. |
one by one | El abuelo saludó uno a uno a sus veinte nietos. | The grandfather greeted his twenty grandchildren one by one. |
right next to each other | Los niños se sentaron uno al lado del otro en el autobús. | The children sat right next to each other on the bus. |
one of those | Hoy es un mal día en el trabajo, uno de esos en que el jefe grita por todo. | Today is a bad day at work: it's one of those days when the boss yells about any little thing. |
one of those | Quiero comprar uno de esos collares que están en el mostrador; todos me gustan. | I want to buy one of those necklaces that are in the display case; I like them all. |