violence | Simplemente no quiero conseguirlo con violencia. | I just don't want to to achieve it through violence. |
violence | El objetivo principal del Gobierno es prevenir esa violencia. | The Government's main objective is to prevent domestic violence in the first place. |
violence | Sin soluciones eficaces, continuará el ciclo de violencia. | In the absence of effective solutions, that cycle of violence will continue. |
violence | La violencia familiar está regulada por varias leyes. | Certain laws in the Republic of Tajikistan govern questions of family violence. |
violence | La violencia del último mes compromete gravemente esos adelantos. | The violence of the past month seriously threatens these positive developments. |
violence | Se proscribe toda violencia física o moral . | Any form of physical or psychological violence is prohibited . |
violence | Es mi deber como sheriff intentar detener esta violencia. | Apparently it's my duty as sheriff to try and stop this violence. |
violence | No deseamos otra situación con estallido de violencia. | We do not wish another situation with the outbreak of violence. |
violence | Que la violencia nos está despertando. | It means that the violence is waking us up, in a way. |
violence | Tampoco hubo actos importantes de violencia. | Nor were there any major acts of violence. |
violence | Mientras estén aquí, la violencia continuará. | And as long as they are here, violence is going to continue. |
violence | Tuvo dos etapas de violencia extrema. | My date involved two instances of extreme violence. |
violence | He cometido violencia por esta gente. | I've done some quality violence for those people. |
violence | Las domésticas son otra categoría objeto frecuente de violencia. | Female domestic servants are another category which is often at the receiving end of violence. |
violence | Si trata de detenerlos... sólo habrá más violencia. | If he tries to stop them... there will only be more violence. |
violence | Queremos formular algunos comentarios acerca de la violencia. | We should like to make a few observations about this violence. |
violence | Esas están llenas de blasfemias y violencia. | Those are just full of curse words and violence. |
violence | Puede poner fin a esta violencia. | You could put an end to this violence. |
violence | Arruinaron nuestra rutina con esa violencia callejera. | They totally ruined our performance with that gang violence. |
violence, force | No se consigue nada con la violencia. | You won't achieve anything through violence (or: force). |
violence | La violencia doméstica es una plaga en todos los países. | Domestic violence is a plague in all countries. |
non-violence, nonviolence | Para algunos la no-violencia es la única actitud positiva. | For some people, nonviolence is the only positive posture. |
street violence | La violencia callejera es un tema de preocupación desde hace algún tiempo. | Street violence has been a cause for concern for some time. |
violence against women | Debemos detener la violencia contra la mujer. | We must put an end to violence against women. |
gender violence, gender based violence | Esta campaña busca combatir la violencia de género en el país. | This campaign targets gender violence (or: gender based violence) in the country. |
domestic violence | Debemos erradicar la violencia doméstica. | We must eradicate domestic violence. |
violence in | Hubo hechos de violencia en el estadio de fútbol. | There were incidents of violence in the football stadium. |
domestic violence | La violencia familiar es un problema grave en nuestra sociedad. | Domestic violence is a serious problem in our society. |
institutional violence | La violencia institucional es un tema muy grave y poco discutido. | Institutional violence is a very serious and little discussed problem. |
violence against women | Debemos detener la violencia machista. | We must stamp out violence against women. |