wait | He esperado mucho, puedo esperar otro año. | You need her. I've waited this long. I can wait another year. |
wait | Tendrá que esperar fuera en el banco. | We're going to have you wait outside on the bench. |
wait | Sólo tenemos que esperar por ellos. | Now, we just have to wait for the kids. |
wait | Apuesto que mereció la pena esperar. | I'll wager it's been worth the wait. |
wait | Tengo mucho que decirte y no puedo esperar. | I have all sorts of things to discuss with you, - and they can't wait. |
wait | Nada debe esperar o ser callado. | Nothing should ever wait or be left unsaid. |
wait | Sólo podemos esperar hasta el atardecer. | We can only wait until the end of the afternoon. |
wait | Ojalá pudieras esperar hasta la mañana, Cuddles. | I wish you could wait until the morning, Cuddles. |
wait | No puedo esperar para descubrir su misterio. | Can't wait to find out about your mystery. |
wait | Hay que esperar hasta nueva orden. | We have to wait until the new wall is finished. |
wait | Mi contacto nos está haciendo esperar. | GAMORA: My connection is making us wait. |
wait | Quizás Lizzie debería esperar otro año. | Well, maybe Lizzie should wait another year. |
wait | Podrías solamente esperar y ver si eres compatible. | You could always just wait and see if you're a match. |
wait | Quería esperar hasta que estuvieras fuerte. | I wanted to wait until you were stronger. |
wait | Encontré una forma de esperar silenciosamente sin llamarlo. | I found a way to quietly wait without calling him. |
wait | Acordamos esperar hasta que ellos mueran. | We agreed to wait until they're dead. |
expect | Y sería legítimo esperar una respuesta razonada. | And it would be legitimate to expect a reasoned answer. |
expect | Bueno, por supuesto puedes esperar resultados. | (Beep) Well, of course you can expect results. |
wait for | Tendrás que esperar al próximo viaje. | Sorry, Peri, you'll have to wait for the next trip. |
wait for | Quizás no debas esperar nuestra lectura. | You might not want to wait for our read. |
wait for | Los niños están esperando el autobús. Llevo una hora esperando a mi hermano. | The children are waiting for the bus. I've been waiting for my brother for an hour. |
wait | ¿Dónde estabas? ¡Hemos esperado veinte minutos! | Where were you? We've been waiting twenty minutes! |
hope | Los desempleados esperan encontrar trabajo muy pronto. La familia del enfermo espera que este tratamiento funcione. | The unemployed hope to find work very soon. The patient's family hopes that the treatment works. |