gun | Quizás es dónde disparó su arma. | Maybe that's where he fired his gun. |
gun | Son muchas molestias por un arma. | It's an awful lot of trouble to go through for a gun. |
gun | Un arma así no hubiera sido mucha diferencia. | If it's a gun like that, maybe it wouldn't have made much difference. |
gun | Quizás quieras tener ese arma preparada. | You might want to have that gun ready. |
gun | Encontraron un arma en tu bolsa. | Whoo! They found a gun in your bag. |
gun | Tiene un arma pero está registrada. | Owns a gun, but it's registered. |
weapon | Trabajamos contra-reloj para completar el arma. | We're trying our best to make the weapon. |
weapon | Voltron no puede contra mi arma. | Voltron doesn't stand a chance against my weapon. |
weapon | Una carta explicaría cómo desapareció el arma homicida. | A playing card would explain how our murder weapon disappeared. |
weapon | Esta podría ser el arma homicida. | This could be our murder weapon right here. |
weapon | El asesino podría haberse deshecho del arma. | Killer could've tried to dispose of the weapon. |
weapon | Está usando la bola traductora como arma. | He's using the translator ball as a weapon. |
weapon | Quizás deberíamos buscar otra arma para ti. | Maybe we should find a... different weapon for you. |
weapon | Avísame cuando identifiques la categoría del arma. | Let me know when you've narrowed down the weapon category. |
weapon | Posesión se arma y perturbar la paz. | Possession of a concealed weapon and disturbing the peace. |
weapon | Esta cruzando para recargar el arma. | He's moving across to resupply the weapon. |
weapon | Ha presentado cargos: agresión con arma mortífera. | He's filed charges: assault with a deadly weapon. |
weapon | La usamos como arma cuando mordemos. | We use it as a weapon when we bite. |
weapon | No encontramos evidencias de ningún arma. | We've found no evidence of a weapon. |
weapon | Tengo la identificación de nuestra arma asesina. | Got an I.D. on our murder weapon... 41 Ruger Magnum. |
weapon | El policía apuntó al ladrón con su arma. | The police officer pointed his weapon at the thief. |