work | Aprovechemos positivamente la especialización profesional que pueden ellos aportar a nuestra labor. | Let us draw positively on the professional specialist knowledge that they can bring to bear on our work. |
work | Portugal continúa apoyando la encomiable labor del facilitador y su equipo. | Portugal continues to support the commendable work of the facilitator and his team. |
work | Estamos satisfechos con la labor del examen integral. | We are satisfied with the work of the comprehensive review. |
work | La labor del mediador no finaliza necesariamente con las negociaciones. | The work of the mediator does not necessarily end with the negotiations. |
work | Realiza su labor con las organizaciones políticas regionales afiliadas. | It carries out its work with its member regional political organizations. |
work | En esta labor participan personalidades religiosas y organizaciones sociales. | Religious figures and non-governmental organizations are encouraged to contribute to this work. |
work | La labor preparatoria empezará hasta finales de 2012. | The preparatory work will start towards the end of 2012. |
work | Su presencia enriquecerá la labor del Comité. | Its presence would enrich the work of the Committee. |
work | Las autoridades deben respetar y facilitar la labor de esas instituciones. | The work of these institutions should be respected and facilitated by the authorities. |
work | El Comité desea solicitar que esa labor continúe. | The Committee would like to request that the work continue. |
work | Seguiremos apoyando activamente la labor del Consejo. | We will continue to actively support the work of the Council. |
work | La labor del GTE-CLP será transparente e incluyente. | The work of the AWG-LCA will be transparent and inclusive. |
work | Quisiera recalcar que seguiremos apoyando esta labor mientras sea necesario. | I would like to stress one thing: We will continue to support this work as long as is needed. |
work | Esta labor continuará con todos nuestros asociados pertinentes. | This work will continue with all of our relevant partners. |
work | Participa asimismo en la labor de varios subcomités. | The Movement also participates in the work of various sub-committees. |
work | La labor del Tribunal avanza bien. | The work of the ICTR is progressing well. |
work | La comunidad internacional escruta su labor. | Its work was scrutinized by the international community. |
task | Tengo una labor muy importante que encomendarte. | I have a very important task to entrust you with. |
work | Resolví los problemas de la empresa. Mi labor aquí ha terminado. | I solved the business' problems. My work here is done. |
labor | Disminuyó la labor agrícola debido a la sequía. | Agricultural labour decreased due to the drought. |
not feel like | No estoy por la labor de hacer lo que me pides. | Maria had planned on going to the store with Juliana, but Juliana does not feel like it anymore. |