already | Lucharemos porque ya hemos sacrificado demasiado. | We will fight... because we've already sacrificed too much. |
already | El cambio climático está ya ocurriendo y estas comunidades y naciones ya están soportando sus consecuencias. | Climate change is happening now and these communities and nations are already bearing the brunt. |
already | Y además, solo se hacen cuando ya hay síntomas de la enfermedad y, por tanto, ya es demasiado tarde, el cerebro ya suele estar dañado. | And, moreover, they are only preformed when patients display symptoms of a disease, which is still too late, as the brain has normally already been damaged. |
already | La mayoría de los operadores inicialmente desean implementar 5G en su red ya existente, que ya tal vez ya albergar varias antenas en cada sitio. | Most operators want to initially deploy 5G onto their existing network, which may already host several antennas on each site. |
already | Los países en desarrollo están ya padeciendo desproporcionadamente los mayores impactos, acentuando las desigualdades económicas y sociales ya existentes. | Developing countries are already disproportionately suffering the greatest changes, accentuating existing economic and social inequalities. |
already | Aunque suena como que él ya ha gastado algo de eso ya. | Although it sounds like he's spending some of it already. |
already | Yo ya empecé y ya terminé. | My great career's already come to an end. |
already | Bueno, ya es malo que Peter ya lo sepa. | Well, look, it's bad enough that Peter already knows about this. |
already | Morito, ya lo has oído. Kesa ya está casada. | Morito, as you've just heard, it seems Kesa is already married. |
already | Cuando llegué, ya había montado esto según las fotos de Lloyds y ya estaban trabajando. | By the time I arrived, he'd had that mock-up built from photos and they'd already started working. |
already | Volví a mi casa, y ya he dicho todo esto ya. | I went back to my house, and I've told you all of this already. |
already | Obviamente ya te has olvidado de las armas que ya he creado. | You've obviously forgotten about the weapons I've already created. |
now | El cambio climático está ya ocurriendo y estas comunidades y naciones ya están soportando sus consecuencias. | Climate change is happening now and these communities and nations are already bearing the brunt. |
anymore | Yo no voy ya a ningún sitio ya. | I'm not going anywhere anymore. |
previously | Como ya se ya dicho, la Junta de Gobierno debería tener principalmente una función administrativa. | As stated previously, the Bureau should have primarily administrative duties. |
existing | La mayoría de los operadores inicialmente desean implementar 5G en su red ya existente, que ya tal vez ya albergar varias antenas en cada sitio. | Most operators want to initially deploy 5G onto their existing network, which may already host several antennas on each site. |
existing | Los países en desarrollo están ya padeciendo desproporcionadamente los mayores impactos, acentuando las desigualdades económicas y sociales ya existentes. | Developing countries are already disproportionately suffering the greatest changes, accentuating existing economic and social inequalities. |
now | Ya comprendo por qué María estaba disgustada.
—¡Quiero que entres a casa ya! | Now I understand why Maria was upset. I want you to come inside now! |
already | La policía ya había detenido al ladrón en dos ocasiones. | The police had already detained the thief on two occasions. |
soon | —Dejemos solo a Martín. Ya se calmará.
—Los nuevos gafetes están casi listos. Ya mañana podremos usarlos. | Let's leave Martin alone; he'll soon calm down. |
now | Los planes de estudio ya pueden ser descargados de nuestra web.
—El informe financiero acaba de salir. Ya puedes irte despidiendo del bono de medio año. | The financial report has just come out; now you can kiss your half-year bonus goodbye. |
once | Ya en la segunda parada, sentimos hambre y tuvimos que almorzar.
Ya a la tercera llamada infructuosa, se envía el correo certificado. | Once at the second stop, we felt hungry and had to eat lunch. |
oh, sure | —Por fin el viernes no puedo verte: tengo junta.
—¡Ya! ¿Y cómo no me avisaste antes? ¿Se te volvió a olvidar? | "I can't see you on Friday after all: I've got a board meeting." "Oh! Why didn't you tell me earlier? Did it slip your mind again?" |
whether | Mi padre siempre me acompañó, ya en la alegría, ya en las penas. | My father has always been there for me, whether in happiness or in sorrow. |
Stop it already!, Enough already! | ¡Basta ya! No quiero escucharte más. | Enough already! I don't want to hear anymore. |
Enough! Period! | No volveremos a hablar del asunto, ¡basta ya! | We're not going to talk about it again, enough! |
Shut up | ¡Corta ya! Déjame en paz de una vez y no me cuentes más historias. | Shut up! Leave me alone and don't tell me any more tales. |
from now on, as of now | Desde ya empezamos a gastar menos. | From now on we start to spend less. |
have been doing [sth] for years | Va ya para varios años que Juan y Laura salen juntos. | Juan and Laura have been going out for years. |
right away | El jefe necesita estos documentos para ya. | The boss needs these documents right away. |
now you see | Pues ya ves, me han dejado solo de nuevo. | Now you see, they have left me alone again. |
get lost, beat it | ¿Qué haces en mi cocina? ¡Deja de estorbar! Mejor vete a ver si ya puso la marrana. | What are you doing in my kitchen? Stop getting in the way! Better yet, get lost. |
I told you so | —Ya le pregunté al jefe y no es verdad que te van a dar un aumento. —Ya decía yo. | - I already asked the boss and it's not true that you're getting a raise. - I told you so. |
it's about time | —Julia acaba de llegar. —¡Ya era hora! | "Julia has just arrived." "It's about time!" |
it's time, it is time | Ya es hora: ¡tomen sus herramientas y comiencen a trabajar! | It's time: grab your tools and get to work! |
it's time to, it is time to | Despierta, Julia. Ya es hora de ir a trabajar. | Wake up, Julia. It's time to go to work. |
it's all over bar the shouting | Ya está dicho: la ganadora del concurso de poesía es Diana. | It's all over bar the shouting: the winner of the poetry contest is Diana. |
I already know | —Tienes una mancha de café en la camisa. —¡Ya lo sé! | "You have a coffee stain on your shirt." "I already know!" |
tell me later | ¿No te gusta el pastel de zanahoria? Pues prueba el que preparé ayer y ya me contarás. | Don't you like carrot cake? Well try the one I prepared yesterday and tell me later. |
let me know | Si inviertes en mi negocio, tendrás derecho al 30% de las ganancias. Piénsalo y ya me dices. | If you invest in my business, you will be entitled to 30% of the profit. Think about it and let me know. |
any minute | Me voy porque ya mero empieza la novela. | I'm leaving because the soap opera is going to start any minute. |
right now | Debo atender una emergencia en la oficina, así que necesito que vengas ya mismo a cuidar a los niños. | I must attend to an emergency in the office, so I need you to come right now and take care of the children. |
not anymore, no longer | Miguel ya no fuma. —¿Necesitas ayuda con tu tarea? —Ya no. | Miguel doesn't smoke anymore. "Do you need help with your homework?" "Not anymore." |
no more! | Basta de mentiras. ¡Ya no más! | Enough lying. No more! |
I won't take long, I won't be long | "Ya casi estoy listo para salir." "¡Espérame, que ya no tardo!" | I'm almost ready to leave. Wait for me; I won't take long! |
see you later | —Voy a la tienda y luego regreso, Pedro. —Está bien, Ana. Ya nos vemos. | - 'Pedro, I'm going to the shop.' - 'OK Ana. See you later.' |
all set | Ya puestos para ver el partido preparamos unos aperitivos. | All set to see the game, we prepared some appetizers. |
while you're at it | Ya puestos, ¿por qué no arreglamos también el baño? | While we're at it, why don't we also fix the bathroom? |
because, since, as | Está feliz ya que obtuvo una beca para doctorado. | He's happy because he got a grant for his doctorate. |
while we're at it | Como sobró pintura, pintemos mi habitación, y, ya que estamos, la sala también. | As there was paint left over, let's paint my room, and, while we're at it, the living room too. |
now that | Ya que no trabajas deberías ayudar en la casa. | Now that you're not working, you should help out at home. |
either | A Carlos no le gusta ningún perro, ya sea pequeño o grande. | Carlos doesn't like any dog, either big or small. |
I'll tell you about it later | Hoy voy a probar el nuevo restaurante y ya te contaré. | Today I'm going to try the new restaurant and I'll tell you about it later. |
shame on you!, you've gone too far!, how could you! | Te he estado esperando dos horas; ya te vale. | I've been waiting for you two hours; how could you! |
it's all over bar the shouting | Aunque las elecciones fueron ayer y ya todo está dicho, este candidato sigue insultando a sus oponentes. | Although the elections were yesterday and it's all over bar the shouting, this candidate continues to insult his opponents. |
it's about time | Ya va siendo hora de marcharse a casa; es muy tarde. | It's about time to head home; it's very late. |
I see | —Lo estás haciendo mal. Tienes que cortar la cebolla y luego mezclarla con los demás ingredientes. —Ya veo. | - You're doing it wrong. You have to cut the onion and then mix it with the other ingredients. - I see. |
I'm on my way, I'll be right there | –Ana, llegó tu taxi. –Dile al chofer que ya voy. | "Ana, your taxi has arrived." "Tell the driver I'm on my way." |
yes, but | —Deberías comenzar la tarea de matemáticas.
—Ya, pero es que estoy muy cansada. | - "You should get started on the math homework." - "Yes, but I'm really tired." |