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- 化解 iron out
- Boudoir 深闺 有如古代的少女,躲在僻静的深闺 maiden ancient times hidden secluded
- 湫隘破败,泥泞坎坷,杂草乱生 narrow low一lying muddy bumpy overgrown wild weeds
- 鳞次栉比 common lilong(meaning alleys shanghai literally packed dwellings
- 颓然地 shuffling languidly slippers laohuzao
- 它又这么曲折,你望着前面,好像已经堵塞了 winding blind alley ahead
- 不高不矮的围墙挡在两边 side lane stand enclosing walls medium height
- 天赖细细 soft sounds nature of
- 现身说法 ready cite advice and
- 并不存在任何外在的动机 pursued scholarly study solely sake ulterior motive
- 在学问上焉能不有收获 natural man devotion great scholarly achievements
- 许多青年朋友 great young friend a
- 味同嚼蜡 dry sawdust as
- 任性 只有懒惰与任性,才能使一个人自甘暴弃地在“趣味”的掩护之下败退 laziness waywardness give hopeless back pretext
- 哭诉 房客的家属们哭着诉说着,向我的祖父跪了下来 tenant’s family grandpa dropping knees tearfully
- 父亲也就更变了样 father bad worse from
- 我不愿时时落泪 i don’t shed tears that.
- 夏天不是干旱就是大雨倾盆 dry visited rainstorms summer
- 不是乱吹,这就是知识呀 exaggeration knowledge involved is
- 总是好的 秋天,无论在什么地方的秋天,总是好的 autumn recommend wherever
- 来得清,来得静,来得悲凉 北国的秋,却特别地来得清,来得静,来得悲凉 limpid(清澈的 serene 宁静)and melancholy忧愁
- Muddling 浑浑沌沌地过去 一个人夹在苏州上海杭州,或厦门香港广州的市民中间,浑浑沌沌地过去 urban dwellers suzhou shanghai xianmen
- Romp 嬉戏喧闹
- Forgot-me-not 勿忘我
- Manor 庄园
- Ayah 女佣;看护人员
- Governess 家庭女教师
- 一部乱蓬蓬的花白胡子 large unkempt(邋遢 beard streaked(布满 white
- 又脏又破 dirty tattered(破烂的 衣衫褴褛的 and
- 说话总是满口之乎者也 archaisms speech he used
- 一个浑身黑色的人 man clad black clad是cloth的过去式和过去分词
- 眼光正像两把刀 eyes daggers 匕首 短剑
- Potted 盆景 landscape,bonsai 在我们中国教师住的院子里,有一个跟这模式一样的喷水泉,不过比这要小得多,像个盆景似的 courtyard house chinese teachers
- 装饰 decorate,adorn,ornament(with 他们在池中放了些水草和金鱼 graced water plants goldfish
- 可能是为了抒发对祖国的怀念之情吧 为了,out yearning homeland of
- 西湖便在他们的怀抱之中了,故乡的月便也在向着这些游子微笑了 flight imagination bring presence native moon smiling
- 还有着淡绿色的边儿 trimmed light green edges
- 火车呼啸而过 trains roar by
- Enchanting 迷人的 站在这里可以看到迷人的晚霞与夕照 i watch glow sunset
- 落地窗 french windows
- 新嫁娘雪白的头纱 bridal veil
- 针对这些问题 view problems in of
- 研讨会 workshop
- 一致认为 reach agreement an
- 杀鸡取卵 kill goose lays golden egg
- 无异于 synonymous is with
- Silt 淤泥,泥沙
- 顾名思义 suggests as the name
- 摇曳 sway
- Intoxicate 使陶醉 drink wine 他根本不喝酒,因为一点酒就能使他醉
- 竹笋 bamboo shoot
- 瓦砾和石块 debris rubble and
- 幼芽 sprout 它的根往土里钻,它的芽往上面挺 its roots drilling downward shooting
- 大力士 hercules
- 能屈能伸 shrink expand can and
- 悲观叹气 pessimistic sad or
- 坚韧的 tenacious 生命开始的一瞬间就带着斗志而来的草才是坚韧的草 grass fights moment born called
- 年平均 annual average
- 日益 increasingly
- 倒闭 bankrupt
- 因为 in that
- 发动战争 launch war a on
- 鸦片 opium
- 殖民地 colony
- 耗费钱财 cost china enormous sums money
- 全面禁止 completely banned have something
- 鸦片泛滥 spread opium of
- 钦差大臣 high commissioner
- 上缴 surrender
- 商人 merchant
- 强迫 comple somebody to
- 犹豫不决 waver between
- 停泊 anchor british battleship anchored nanjing
- 双方协定 mutual agreement
- 条约规定 treaty stipulated the that
- 审理 try
- 换言之 words in other
- 领事裁判权 consular jurisdiction
- 单方最惠国待遇 unilateral most-favoured-nation treatment
- 欺凌 bully humilate
- 封建国家 feudal country
- 侵略战争 aggressive war
- 赔偿 indemnity
- 19世纪后半叶 half nineteenth century second
- 半殖民地半封建 semi-colonial semi-feudal and
- 翌年 year in the following
- 审判 try
- 为了 so as to
- 先进武器 superior weapon
- 良好局面 upbeat situation
- 来之不易 hard won is
- 密不可分 inseparable is from
- 前所未有的活跃时期 unprecedentedly dynamic period
- 明确提出 explicitly put forward
- 杂交水稻 hybrid rice
- 科技 sci-tech
- 培育农作物 breed crop
- 高产 产量 high-yeild yeild
- 品种 variety
- 难能可贵的 praiseworthy praise-worthy all of
- 太多事情要做 irons fire with too
- 不愿做某事 reluctant to do
- 权威的分析 authoritative analysis
- 本书分为 book consists this of
- 以。。。为己任 responsibility with as its
- Commit 致力于 致力于打造公众最信赖的航空公司 building trustworthy airline providing servise
- 秉承…的原则 uphold principle the of
- 前瞻的 prospective
- 坚定不移地 unswervingly
- 高层领导 senior officials
- 坚定态度 strong resolve
- 锐意改革 determined reform
- 巨大推动作用 tremendous role advancing of
- 互为依托 interdependent
- 互相支撑 mutually sustain
- 有名的学者 renowned scholar
- 拜谒 pay homage
- 不得要领 fail pith argument to
- 风雅境界和心境 elegant state mood and
- 借…之名 excuse by the of
- 能源资源禀赋 energy resource endowment
- 人均拥有量 per-capita share
- 供应压力增大 increase strain the on
- 重要的 important vital significant essential key
- 天蓝色 蔚蓝色 azure suppose put humble rented house
- Put mind 让我想起 thr arrival autumn peiping。在南方每年到了秋天,总要想起
- 一丝阳光 streak sunlight saunter eastward locust trees closely
- 枝叶 foliage saunter eastward locust trees closely observe
- 给…作陪衬 set have off by
- Reed 芦花 catkin arrival autumn put mind peiping's
- 虫叫声 鸟叫 chirp
- 早上起来 泡一碗浓茶 向院子一坐 dawns sit courtyard sipping cup
- 漫步 saunter
- 枝叶中漏下的阳光 streaks sunlight filtering foliage
- 槐树 locust tree
- 铺满 盖满 strew morning find ground strewn flower-like
- 感到一丝凄凉 feeling forlorness begin creep
- 花蕊 pistil
- 断断续续 sporadic.the sporadic feeble chirping cicadas characteristic autumn
- 可以听到 audible cicadas audiable nook cranny 无论在什么地方都能听得见它们的啼唱
- Nook 不引人注目的角落 cranny.cicadas audiable cranny
- 闲逛 loiter
- 悠闲的 idle carefree
- 从前的 onetime
- 湿润的 微微湿润的 moist
- 苍白的 pallid,pale wan
- 享受 relish
- 随后 i made light travelling long distance hangzhou
- 足够 绰绰有余 enough.a single fallen leaf wutong tree
- 嘶叫 shrill
- 靠。。。为生 live off。these insects peiping living household crickets
- 穿着很厚的青布单衣或夹袄的都市仙人,咬着烟管,在雨后的斜桥影里,上桥头树底下去一立,遇见熟人,便会有缓慢悠闲的声调,微叹着互答着地说 idle townsfolk wearing lined unlined clothing made
- 雨滴滴答答 sudden gust cool wind slaty sky raindrops
- Make wonderful 奇特的景色 sight fruit trees north autumn
- 椭圆形的 elliptical。it height autumn jujubes shaped dates pigeon
- 等到….时候 time….by time turned ruddy leaves fallen north-westerly
- 柿子 persimmon。only turn july august jujubebs persimmons grapes
- 文人 literati
- 带着很浓厚的…色彩 desposed be to
- 所以 accounts which to
- 赞颂秋天 sing praise autumn eulogize
- 诗文 poetry prose and
- 歌颂和悲啼 eulogize lament and
- 足见 show that all goes
- 一样 alike 对于秋,总是一样的能。。live creatures sensitive humans prone
- 倾向于。。引起 prone feeling are to
- 萧索 bleakness
- 幽远 depth remoteness and
- 囚犯 convicts
- 秋之于人,何尝有区别 autumn treats humans alike nationality
- Autumn 但这秋的深味,非要在北方,才感受得到底 knw real flavour china's visit north
- Autumn wine 南国的秋比起北国的秋来,正像是黄酒之于老白干 southern northern yello rice laoliang
- 十分愿意 i will be more
- 俏皮地 mockingly
- 哪个更好 desirable which one is
- 世风日下 deteriorating public morals
- 多产作家 prolific writer
- 奔丧 hasten home attend grandma's funeral
- 祸不单行 misfortune singly never come
- 看见…又想起了 sight put mind of
- 一片狼藉 disorderly mess
- 事已至此 things've pass now that
- 天无绝人之路 heaven leaves always one
- 外出游玩 stroll about
- 约我 invitation at their
- 渡将 ferry river across the
- 再三叮嘱 urge waiter good care
- 没什么要紧的 matter nothing would at
- 一番犹豫之后 wavering after some
- 劝他不用去 talk him out of
- 照看 see to
- 自作聪明 smart aleck/smarty be a
- 讨价还价 haggle
- 插嘴 chip in
- 讲定价钱 bargain clinched was
- 没有用 utterly useless it is
- Evident efforts reduce energy demand greenhouse gas emission
- Valuable tools collective efforts reduce energy consumption protect
- Recover provide updates progress 然后,我们需要改进产品并实时更新
- Growth rate 专家预计2008年中国经济依然可以达到9.8%左右的高增长率,这一增长速度与改革开放以来30年年均增长速度相当 experts predict china's economy achieve
- 若不是心中早就蕴藏着这种感情的话,能出现这种情况吗 i made promise deep-seated affection university library
- 无论外界环境如何变化,坚定不移地走可持续发展的道路一直是厦航人不二的选择 changing external environment unswervingly taking road sustainable
- 旅游胜地 tourist resort
- 在。。。。。。方面 aspects in of
- Barons 男爵 巨头
- Serf 农奴
- Nutshell 一言以蔽之 简而言之 in a
- 但自己也并不以为可惜 i regret but see
- 我曾经常常出入于质铺和药店里 i frequented pawnshop pharmacy
- 药店的柜台正和我一样高 pharmacy counter height the
- 质铺的柜台是比我高一倍 pawnshop height that in
- 药罐子 chronic invalid
- 前前后后细想一遍 reflect back to and
- 打烊 service out of
- 悲叹 哀叹 lament
- 共同愿望 common aspiration
- 不懈追求 unremitting efforts with
- 核武器国家 nuclear-weapon state
- 核裁军 nuclear disarmament
- 完全是为了 solely purpose for the
- 恪守承诺 faithfully abided commitment by
- 美术 fine art
- 美的享受 feast beauty of
- 生生不息 延绵不绝 endless continuous and
- 占有一席之地 hold place a
- 文化底蕴 culture deposits
- 旺盛的创造力 exuberant creativity
- 令人瞩目的 eye-catching
- 讲诚信 trustworthy
- 不需要为此担心 concern this is no
- 更善于 adept at
- 密友 confidant
- 早已买了 long sold it has
- 流着眼泪 tears eyes with in
- 扉页 title page
- 事实并不是这样的 things that is not
- 仅仅经历了二十几个寒暑 i passed twenty odd summers
- 激流在动荡 torrent life tumbling of
- 乱山碎石 confused mass mountains rocks
- 闯进大门 door uninvited get into
- 就登堂入室 find study ourselves in
- 头悬梁 tie hair house beam
- 锥刺骨 jab side needle our
- 虽为弹丸之地 small place despite being
- 尽心 takes great effort
- 管制站 control point
- 出入境管制 immigration control
- 有着…的任务 tasked is with
- 违反入境条例人员 immigration offender
- 积极合作 actively cooperate
- 执法机关 law enforcement agency
- 跨境偷渡 cross-boundary illegal migration
- 伪证 forged documents
- 成员国 member states
- 结成紧密的共同体 forge close community a
- 命运共同体 community common destines of
- 利益共同体 community shared interest of
- 国际形势 international situation
- 过去 现在 将来 has been
- 首要任务 top priority
- 维护社会稳定的努力 endeavor safeguard social stability
- 加大打击力度 intensify efforts combat to
- 毒品犯罪 drug-related crime
- 值得注意的是 merits caution what is
- 现象愈演愈烈 growing tendency
- 反恐 counter-terrorists
- 禁毒 anti-narcotic
- 相互勾结 collude with each other
- 成为需要双管齐下的系统工程 integrated two-pronged approach should
- China 中方认为 believes holds
- 职能 function
- 大力推动 vigorously promote
- 加快 expedite
- 人际关系 interpersonal skill
- 首先想到自己 ego let their get
- 八面玲珑 well liked everywhere
- A已经不满足于b b longer caters demand
- 横贯几千里 地域广大 cover large territory
- 经历了140年的风风雨雨 running years has been
- 以…为己任 assume mission the of
- 一代又一代继承下来 inherited generations through
- 积淀了宝贵的精神财富 yeild precious spiritual wealth
- 坚定不移地走 unswervingly stick path to
- 以邻为壑 beggar-thy-neighbor
- 国强必霸 beaten track rising powers
- 提供力所能及的帮助 do what we can
- 总经理 general manager
- 总裁 president
- 腰缠万贯 abundant wealth
- 交游广阔 wide range social network
- 颐指气使 bossy attitude
- 一往无前 indomitable
- 自....以来 witnessed 自改革开放以来 reform opening
- 甲午中日战争 sino-japanese war
- 瓜分中国 partition china
- 是……的代表人物 outstanding people among these
- 君主立宪 constitutional monarchy
- 封建专制 feudal autocracy
- 宣传 propagate
- 错误思想 erroneous ideas
- 势力强大 strong force
- 不至于害怕 i misgiving have no
- 躲开 shy away
- 没办法 complete loss be at
- 事情多 多方面的 multifaceted
- 我知道的 is known to me
- 九牛一毛 mere drop ocean a
- 在某处长大 brought be up there
- 爱 cherish genuine love a
- 无法用语言来表达 words fail me
- 内心深处 innermost
- 枝枝节节 bits pieces and
- 一段历史 phase history a of
- 景点 scenic spots
- 名胜 historical sites
- 佛塔 pagoda
- 辜负 letdown
- 爱上 attached become to
- 俊伟 壮伟 grandeur
- 脾气 temperament
- 关系密切 close affinity
- 牵强附会 far-fetched
- 太 too much of a
- 有种…的味道 smack of
- 蝌蚪 tadpole
- 内心平静 calm inner
- 保留着 retain。the city retains stillness midst motion
- 令人疲乏的 wearisome
- 喝的 饮品 beverage
- 市区 city proper
- 困扰 折磨 纠缠 plague
- 郊外 outskirt
- 贫寒 经济能力有限 man limited means
- 清福 carefree easy and
- 藏在 tuck away in
- 一步之遥 stone's throw within a
- 在我看来 mind to my
- 天下第一 equal world without all
- 城楼 gate tower
- 超越 克服 surmount
- 划分界限 区分it hard draw clear lines demarcation work
- 姿态 carriage
- 正直 upright
- 走在 trudge through
- 傲然 proudly
- 难道你 how could you
- 只是 mere…trees nothing but
- 坚强不屈 unyielding n fortitude
- 联想到 associate
- 不屈不挠的 dauntless
- 就跟什么什么一样被 as they are much
- 折磨 affliction
- 压迫 oppression
- 赞美…敬重 i pay tribute to
- 坚韧 tenacity
- 不宁静 disquieting
- 月夜 moonlit night
- Assume 呈现出…样子 总该另有一番样子 must quite
- 迷迷糊糊地 sleepily
- 人行小道 footpath
- 僻静 secluded
- 路人 pedestrian
- 孤寂 solitary
- 蓊蓊郁郁 lush shady and
- 气氛、环境 ambiance。it mare solitary lush shady ambience trees
- 穿插着 interlaced with
- 我喜欢什么…也喜欢什么 i serene peaceful life bustling
- Indulge 沉迷于 沉浸于 沉溺于 moment profusion moonlight lotus
- 大约200年 hundred years some
- 精读 细看 perusal
- 牵着鼻子走 led nose be by
- 绝无仅有 近乎于零 next to none
- 伟大的 monumental
- 简直地 virtually
- 恨他 loathe him
- 住在 reside in
- 慨叹 sigh regret with
- 弥望的是…看到的是 meets eye弥望的是田田的叶子what meets the eye is a silken field of leaves what the
- 亭亭的舞女 dancing girl grace叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的裙what meets the eye is a silken field of leaves, reaching rather high above the surface, like the skirts of dancing girls in all their grace in
- 零星 there层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的here and there, layers of leaves are dotted with white lotus blossoms, some in demure bloom, others in shy bud here and
- 袅娜的 demure零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的here and there, layers of leaves are dotted with white lotus blossoms, some in demure bloom, others in shy bud
- 一缕一缕的 零散的 scattering微风过处,送来缕缕清香a breeze stirs, sending over breaths of fragrance
- 渺茫的 微弱的 faint仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的like faint singing drifting from a distant building
- 碧绿的 emerald
- 被遮住了看不见 covered view叶子底下是脉脉的流水,遮住了,不能见一些颜色;而叶子却更见风致了。underneath, the exquisite water is covered from view, and none can tell its colour; yet the leaves on top project themselves all the more attractively is with
- 青雾 bluish haze薄薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里:叶子和花仿佛在牛乳中洗过一样leaves and flowers, which, in the floating transparency of a bluish haze from the pond, look as if they had just been bathed in milk
- Shed 散发出某物散发出(某物 fire shedding warmth 向外散热的火 lamp soft
- 发光 shed light the moon sheds her liquid light silently over the leaves and flowers月光如流水一般 its
- 洗过的 浸泡过的 bathed milk 薄薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里:叶子和花仿佛在牛乳中洗过一样leaves and flowers, which, in the floating transparency of a bluish haze from the pond, look as if they had just been bathed in milk
- 薄纱似的 gauzy又像笼着轻纱的梦 or like a dream wrapped in a gauzy hood
- 罩子 hood又像笼着轻纱的梦 or like a dream wrapped in a gauzy hood
- 层层的云 film clouds although it is a full moon, shining through a film of clouds, the light is not at its brightest虽然是满月,天上却有一层淡淡的云,所以不能朗照 of
- 刚刚好 me但我以为这恰是到了好处——酣眠固不可少,小睡也别有风味的it is, however, just right for me -a profound sleep is indispensable, vet a snatched doze also has a savour of its own just right for
- 别有一番风味 savour own.但我以为这恰是到了好处——酣眠固不可少,小睡也别有风味的it is, however, just right for me -a profound sleep is indispensable, vet a snatched doze also has a savour of its own have a
- 投下影子 cast shadow月光是隔了树照过来的,高处丛生的灌木,落下参差的斑驳的黑影the moonlight is streaming down through the foliage, casting bushy shadows on the ground from high above
- 青春一去不复返 youth return will soon
- 时间不是问题 time object is no
- 参差的 jagged月光是隔了树照过来的,高处丛生的灌木,落下参差的斑驳的黑影the moonlight is streaming down through the foliage, casting bushy shadows on the ground from high above jagged and checkered, as grotesque as a party of spectres
- 斑驳的 checkered峭愣愣如鬼一般 as grotesque as a party of spectres
- 怪诞的 怪怪的 grotesque 峭愣愣如鬼一般 as grotesque as a party of spectres
- 鬼怪 spectres峭愣愣如鬼一般 as grotesque as a party of spectres
- 塘中的月色并不均匀;但光与影有着和谐的旋律 the moonlight is not spread evenly over the pond, but rather in a harmonious rhythm of light and shade
- 历史的道路 history(而非the road/path history course本身有课程等意思,词源指“跑道”,现代也有航线的意思,故用course
- 有时走出 不直译,直接用sometimes beset with(有时碰到
- 浩浩荡荡 中文博大精深,英文只能用a mighty long river 一条极长的河流(mighty让我想起almighty,全能的,也指代上帝与神
- 全靠雄健的精神 全靠→只能靠→nothing short 用前者或者中者更具文学性 of
- 境界 section 此译文的的绝妙之处,后文多次出现
- Thousands 一泻千里 rolling non-stop miles
- 两岸 用flanked by,flank本意为在...侧面,此处用作被动,也是极妙的
- 回环曲折,极其险峻 perilous twist turn a是古语或者文学用于,等于many。perilous 危险的
- 亦复如是 fare likewise 好
- 有时是,有时是 now
- 要知 mind 第一次接触这个成语,mind i you
- 觉得 不译为feel,而是译为 grow 与find himself
- 跑来跑去 译为 dash here and
- 身子还软 一般译为 body soft,此处译为with shell soft,挖掘出这句话的本意,更容易理解
- Varieties 母亲把花生做成好几样食品 我会译成:mother peanut make food low 爆了
- 争着回答 vied giving answer in
- 瑟缩地长在地上 curled ground up on
- 都说 译为said unison 异口同声 in
- 你们要像花生 peanuts after用得太好 take after
- 这是我对你们的期望 i expect that's what
- 某地的人民 native of
- 你一定见过他,一定听别人谈起他 heard person you must
- 面相 physiognomy
- 脑子也不小 brain small his is
- 不勤思 sloppy thinking in
- 红糖 brown sugar
- 反之亦然 反过来也是一样 vice versa
- 由于 with,what pain worry couldn’t wait longer
- 快断气的时候 breath about to his
- 翘辫子 两脚一蹬 kick bucke the
- 口头禅 pet phrase
- 身后的,死后的 posthumous
- 看吧 看啊 lo
- 母校 alma mater
- 随自己的喜好 依自己的心愿 follow one’s bent
- 年富力强,盛年 prime life one’s bloom youth,declining year
- 全靠你自己选 choice lies the with
- 放弃 forsake
- Eaten 我生活费中至少有十分之一二是消耗在书上的 book percent pocket(消耗在 生活费译为 pocket
- 我的房子里 译为 roof【我的房子里比较贵重的东西就是书了 things roof books
- 做高深研究 make profound study a
- Care 不喜欢 to【我不喜欢向别人或者图书馆借书 i borrow books people library
- 一下子 sitting【页数不多的往往立刻通读 thin i finish reading sitting
- 只凭了购入当时的记忆而已 dint impression made time buying
- 比作 liken...to 我常自比为古时的皇帝,而把插在架上的书譬诸列屋而居的宫女 prompts liken books shelves
- Sicken candy 对什么恶心 据说,任何爱吃糖果的人,只要叫他到糖果铺中去做事,剪了糖果就会生厌 it’s great liking happen
- 选集 anthology
- 散文 prose
- 入门 rudiment 别的门类只是些概论等类的入门书 rest called outline introduction subjects
- Books 藏书癖 bibliomania【借来的书,在我好像过不来瘾似的,必要时自己买的才满足。it bought satisfy bibliomania borrowed
- 心血来潮 whim(太贴切!)【完全要看一个时期一个时期的兴趣it completely subject whims moment
- 刻板而乏味的生活方式 stuck `rut be in
- 故态复萌 slip back rut into
- Nameless 难以名状的寂寞 loneliness【常不禁会感到一种难以名言的寂寞的轻微 i suffer loneliness
- 不消说 needless to say
- 可是相识的人并不就是朋友 acquaintances friends but not
- 亲爱的某某 dear so-and-so
- Give thought personal gains 不计较个人得失 losses【打算计较的念头也少 losses
- 无所为的友谊 friendship friendship’s sake for
- 人心不古 degeneration public morality of
- 警惕的眼神 wary eyes keep a
- Worthy 值得纪念的 remembrance【在我自己的交游中,最值得纪念的老师一些少年时代以来的朋友 friends i childhood remembrance
- 比如 say
- 虚伪的 hypocritical
- 顾虑 scruple 人到成年以后,彼此都有生活的重担须负,入世既深,估计的方面也自然加多起来 people middle age heavy burden
- 不知不觉 unwittingly【逢到和旧友谈话,就不知不觉地把话题转到旧事上去,这是我的习惯。when chatting friends i habit unwittingly channeling
- 安慰 solace
- 数不尽的滩,礁石随处都是 countless shoals reefs negotiate
- Complicate 还有盗匪 matters bandits lurking about【to 承上启下,bandit 强盗,lurk
- Ward 抵抗 pitiful fellow countryman unable starvation farming
- 坏事情 disreputable busines
- 束手无策 最后一根稻草【have reduced disreputable business resort
- 回转想来 reflection on
- Invariably 明显地 一定地 statistics shows higher percentage people
- Tile 瓦片 屋檐 eaves【人家屋檐边也可以掉下一张瓦片a falling eaves somebody’s house
- 要绝对避免危险就莫要做人 enjoying absolute safety humanly impossible
- I 合乎道理 stand reason steamer aircraft care
- Fish seek for【i simply fishing personal connection(关系
- Ill afford afford【which i hardly
- Disdain 不屑于做 do....【which i to
- 代表 signify【black signifies fraud(欺骗 illegal practice
- 书生之见 pedantic(迂腐的 学究的 view bookish person
- 祈求帮助 solicit help=beg hel for
- 吃香的,紧俏的,受欢迎的 sought-after
- Cold reception 被冷落 cool one’s heal 与 cooling
- 于是 thereupon
- 一丝希望 ray hope a of
- 棉絮被 cotton-padded quilt
- 谦卑地 低声下气地 humbly【i disdain humbly begging job i
- 长期 good【so i hate change places good
- Part myself【i bear for my
- 剥离 deprive【i feel deprived 在我总觉着像被剥夺了什么似的(贴切
- Alone【it absolutely true wooden boat compare steamer airplane
- 吉人自有天相 good guy enjoys heaven’s protection
- 涌出 gush from【while i watching tears gushed eyes
- 发泄 vent【his pent-up emotion find vent
- 唯恐 lest【i quickly wiped catch crying
- 跛行,蹒跚 hobble【i watched hobble railway track black skullcap
- 费力的 strenuous【that strenuous job father fat
- 肥胖的 corpulent【and corpulent body tipped slightly left making
- 渗出 ooze sweat forehead tears trickle cheeks
- 梦想,幻想 reverie passes quietly fixed gaze eyes i
- 眼角有几滴眼泪 teardrops visible corners eyes
- 打招呼 beckon【sometimes beckoned shop he
- Scrape 勉强糊口 along【at first he
- 专心地,集中精力地 intently【and i stand watch quietly intently
- 悸动 颤动 throb【but warmth gave keeping heart throbbing
- 界限 demarcation【many people forsake friends favour families draw
- 原则 宗旨 教义 tenet【friends transient family lasting tenet
- 救世主 saviour【friends saviour are my
- 不可理解,难以想象 inconceivable【to utterly inconceivable me
- Frugal 节俭朴素不吝啬 慷慨的 unstinting【no matter hard friends unstintingly
- Move 让我流泪 tears=make cry【all tears
- 异常重要 undue importance【there great kind-hearted people world
- 至人 man highest virtue a
- 老 old【it home streets chengdu
- 心里安慰地想【我心里安慰的想:父亲还很康健呢 i inwardly consoled thought father hale hearty[hale
- 我没有挂虑的笑 i smiled naive smiles
- Drip 没有笑,没有话语,只有雨声:滴—滴—滴 smile chitchat rain
- Pitch darkness 漆黑 我在漆黑的空间中找寻你的影子i began search
- 我的心感到无比的寂寞 i seized acute loneliness
- 但是从两扇开着的小窗,慢慢地透进来灰白色的亮光,使我的眼睛看见了这个空阔的房间 greyish light edged small windows enable spacious
- 奔涌 surge torrent surging ahead 这激流永远动荡着
- 汹涌的 turbulent【it afford glimpse turblent torrent life
- Aptly 相当于 exactly【this seeking for.the quotation reflects state
- Ceaseless 不断的 riding rushing torrent life 我激荡在这绵绵不息、滂沱四方的生命洪流中
- 兵不血刃 bring enemy death drawing blood
- 驱散 dispel task fighter darkness 驱散黑暗 这是战士的任务
- 绊脚石 stumbling stone
- 不幸的 inauspicious
- 意外之财 windfall
- 搜身 frisk
- 一个铜板都没有搜出 single copper not even
- 手榴弹 grenade
- 怒视 glower at
- Speak 没有 of,从来没有奢侈过with luxuries no
- 一分一厘的钱 single cent money every
- 美德 virtue characteristic
- 问我 inquire me of
- 与…相比 unlike
- 使…成为,标志着 made has
- 有一些特殊要求 meet special technological requirements
- 严格密封 tightly sealed be
- 湿度 humidity
- 太空服 spacesuit
- 新陈代谢 metabolism
- 通风 ventilation
- 人工的 manual
- 装置 apparatus
- 同样不容易 equal difficulty is of
- 局领导 bureau leadership
- 发言时用了这样的开场白 open speech prologue his
- 距一个例子 cite one example
- 不太懂 understanding beyond the of
- 他们能够理解的表达 expression perceive they can
- Prevail 同…一样 白天与夜晚一样地安闲there peace tranquility day night
- 主张 posit
- 不管是…还是…,或静或动 一切人物或静或动,all living beings moving rest
- 温暖舒适的,和曦的 cozy,the sun shines warm cozy
- 浑厚的 sonorous
- 高音 尖音 piping
- 无可批评 flawless
- 一系列的,一群,。。。的集合 constellation a of
- 可以,有能力,能够 suffice to
- 技巧高超的,完美的 consummate
- 轻易 readily
- 武断 assertiveness
- 宇宙观 world outlook
- 见诸 interpret 中华的宇宙观“天人合一”见诸于文学是“物我交融”chinese world outlook unity heaven man
- 追求的境界是 pursuit in the of
- 以…为前提 premise on the of
- 主观能动性 subjective initiative
- 肯定 highly praised
- 人杰地灵 place propitious giving birth great men
- 公正的 正义的 righteous
- 功利主义 utilitarian
- 性情 temperament
- 不在…也不再 neither nor
- 不同于 differs from
- 实现真实的自我 fulfillment true nature of
- 更一目了然 easier to tell
- 真性情 true temperament
- 创作注重的只是创作本身的快乐 write create sheer joy creation
- 竞争 匆忙 rat-race
- 我不是指 i by that do
- 知足保守 myopic contentment
- 不受…的桎梏、奴役 free yoke of be
- 比如 case point is a
- 使永恒 perpetuate
- 咒骂 call hard names it
- 尽管它贫穷 poor as it is
- 济贫院 alms-house
- 住所 家 abode
- 受之无愧 receive misgiving without
- 不体面 disreputable
- Conifer 针叶树
- Spiteful 令人苦恼的
- 意义非凡的 bear significance particular
- 顽强拼搏的精神 indomitable spirit
- 谐音 homophonic
- Abysm 深渊
- Opulence 富裕
- Solidarity 团结
- Obstruct 阻碍
- Praxis 实践
- Vis-à-vis 与..相比,对面
- Ferment 骚动
- Totalitarian 集权主义
- 争论不休的 polemical
- Persecution 迫害
- Theology 神学
- Ashblond 头发淡褐色
- Smoldering 火辣的
- Sensuality 性感
- 推理 ratiocination
- Descry 发现
- Despound 意志消沉
- Errand 差使
- Vestibule 前厅
- 身体不好 poor health in
- 走远了 walk fair distance a
- 正因为如此才更应该 reason that would be
- 挺不住 经不住等待 stand wait the
- 熬过了 brave through
- 一块儿一块儿的 patches of
- 树上的嫩芽也密了 sprouts trees dense new
- 出现了分歧 disagreement pop up
- 取决于我 i final have the
- 高大的 健壮的 brawny
- 高大的 towering
- 感到了责任的重大 gravity responsibility of
- 决定委屈儿子 decide son's preference back-seat
- 随着小路望去 eyes small path her
- 整齐的 neat
- 桑树 mulberry
- 蹲下来 crouch down
- 自然不算太重 naturally considered heavy would
- 肥嘟嘟的 chubby
- 加起来 总计 total to
- 假使真的是这样 case that being the
- 大书 fat book
- 书评家 critic
- 无需看得几页书就 glance pages they through
- 一大堆 loads of
- 潦草地写 scribble
- 感叹号 exclamation
- 随意地 desultory fashion in
- 先后彼此有矛盾 contradict themselves
- 毫不在乎 care couldn't less
- 出现一个念头 pops whenever a though
- 大日子 red-letter day
- 平庸 mediocrity
- 不管是………还是 it.....or be
- Candid 坦率的
- Malevolent 恶意
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