汉译英900句- 汉译音常用表达式经典惯例-陆国强
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- 装蒜 zhuānɡ suàn pretend
- 文章里尽是些谎言和半真半假的鬼话 article is full lies half-truths
- 宝贝bǎo bèi darling baby a
- 他是个小宝贝 he's a darling little
- 她是我的宝贝女儿 she's my darling daughter
- Stand 保持身份(或体面、尊严)bǎo chí shēn fèn one's dignity
- 公司会(给你)报销差旅费 company will reimburse travel expenses
- 一个无家无业的人难以保持自己的身份 difficult to preserve dignity when job house
- Yuán 保持原汁原味bǎo chí zhī wèi flavor sealing
- 我来给你报销全部旅费 i'll refund full cost fare
- 把肉放在热油中快速煎炸以保持原汁原味 fry meat quickly hot oil to seal flavor
- 他不如他妻子演奏得好 he's not good player as his wife
- 我们用锡纸包装以保持原汁原味 foil packets seal flavor our
- 报仇[报复]bào chóu avenge revenge retaliate
- 她发誓要为母亲报仇 swore to avenge mother she
- 他向杀父凶手报了仇 he avenged father's killers himself
- 他终于报了杀父之仇 he had avenged revenged father's murder
- 不是个东西bù shì ɡe dōnɡ xi bloody nuisance
- 我们发誓要向绑架者报仇 swore to take revenge kidnappers
- 恐怖分子用炸弹袭击了警察局报复逮捕行动 terrorists bombed police station in revenge arrests
- 她以不邀请他参加宴会对他报复 she got him by refusing invite dinner party
- 曝光bào ɡuānɡ make bring sth light blow sb.'s
- 配药pèi yào make prescription to
- 媒体将他们的贪污腐败曝了光 media blow cover graft corruption
- 包涵bāo hán make allowance sth sb.'s indulgence
- 我们处理这些事情缺乏经验,您得多多包涵 must make allowance for our inexperience matters
- 如此叨扰,甚感抱歉,祈请多多包涵 troubled and we indulgence we
- 爆冷门bào lěnɡ mén garrison finish
- 这次代表大会竞选的结果极可能会爆出冷门,因为有大约20几名代表至少态度不明朗,他们掌握决定性选票 race garrison finish convention decisive votes hands
- One's 暴露(身份)bào lù reveal identity blow cover
- 眼下的问题是他们已经完全暴露,无路可走 problem that with cover blown they
- 保险bǎo xiǎn insure insurance to
- 你应该为妻子和儿子着想,给自己保人寿险 should insure life for sake wife children
- 我们的房子保了火险 house is insured fire our
- 你是不是保了综合险 you insured risks are for
- 那家保险公司没有理由拒绝给我保险 reason insurance company to refuse insure
- 未保险者需自付修理费 people insurance had pay repairs
- 她的丈夫从事保险业 husband works insurance her in
- 他给自己保了10万美元的人寿险 he insured life for 100,000 himself
- 报销bào xiāo pay back sb money spent lost
- 一切费用都能(给你)报销 expenses will be reimbursed (to all you
- 白马王子[如意郎君]bái mǎ wánɡ zǐ ideal future husband mr
- 我想你是在等待白马王子 i expect you're waiting mr
- 摆弄bǎi nònɡ move papers positions order sb
- 有人胡乱摆弄过这把锁 someone has tampering lock 捣鼓
- 他胡乱摆弄桌上文件,装出很忙的样子 he shuffled papers desk pretending busy shuffle
- 他甚至任意摆弄那个小角色 even shuffled bit player shuffle sb
- 反唇相讥的话 recriminatory remarks comments or
- 白衣天使bái yī tiān shǐ ministering angel kind-hearted person
- 半价bàn jià half price half-price
- 半(价)票 a half-price ticket
- 半价优惠 a half-price offer
- 半价出售 a half-price sale
- 5岁以下儿童半票 children aged five go half-price
- 我们有很多货品半价或更低 we have items half price
- 班门弄斧bān mén nònɡ fǔ presume advise knowledgeable experienced
- 别班门弄斧 teach grandmother suck eggs
- 他老是对董事们说应该如何管理企业,这真有点像班门弄斧 telling directors run business; that's teaching grandmother suck
- 搬起石头砸自己的脚bān qǐ shí tou zá zì jǐ de
- 采用这种卑劣的伎俩倒头来必然是搬起石头砸自己的脚 gutter tactics are bound backfire bound
- 他未曾想到这计谋反倒使自己搬起石头砸自己的脚 scheme rebounded expected 用副词句子来做出分析
- 半途而废bàn tú ér fèi give middle period time
- Give halfway 从事这个科研项目别半途而废 research project don t halfway不需要in
- 这家公司做事决不会半途而废 half measures with company 复数
- Sth 半信半疑bàn xìn bàn yí true wholly pinch
- I 我发现他告诉我的所谓童年经历全是假话,所以现在不管他说什么,我都半信半疑 discovered stories told childhood lies, so pinch
- 后继有人 hòu jì yǒu rén lack successors sth
- 半真半假(或真假参半)的内容(或陈述等)bàn zhēn bàn jiǎ de nèi róng statement
- Mixture 报纸的这些报道尽是些流言蜚语、谎言和半真半假的内容 newspaper reports are a gossip lies half-truths
- 爱莫能助ài mò nénɡ zhù unable
- 很抱歉,爱莫能助,我没有钱借给你 disobliging i money lend oblige 发音
- Follow 按常识行事àn chánɡ shi xínɡ shì dictates common
- Dictates 咱们还是按常识行事吧 let's follow common sense follow
- 黯然失色àn rán shī sè sb sth unimportant ineffective
- Cast shades 你慷慨解囊,这使我们拿出的几镑钱就黯然失色了 offer pounds great generosity 注意
- 安之若素ān zhī ruò sù bear hardship equanimity regard
- Find he has stride 有些人觉得很难适应退休生活,但他却能安之若素 people retirement difficult 觉得
- 八面玲珑bā miàn línɡ lónɡ changing attitude opinions suit
- Things 我终于意识到我不可能做到八面玲珑 i finally realized i could people 两个all
- 饱眼福bǎo yǎn fú great pleasure feast one's eyes
- 请看那辆车的皮质车座位和胡桃木仪表板,饱饱眼福 feast eyes onthe car's leather seats walnut
- 报应bào yìnɡ misfortune considered punishment god wrong
- 那是因果报应 was a case retributive justice
- 恶行必将随之得到报应 evil deeds be quickly retribution
- 这次失败是你懒惰的报应 failure is judgment lazy this
- 卑鄙小人bēi bǐ xiǎo rén dirty dog man nice
- 他真是个卑鄙小人,我简直不能相信他会那样欺骗你 dirty dog i cheat
- 背黑锅bēi hēi ɡuō accept responsibility carry
- 如果我的球队在联赛中得了倒数第一,那些人准会同我一起把责任推到球员身上。今天嘛,那位经理可得背黑锅了 team finished bottom league men relied join
- 办公室里一出差错就让我背黑锅,我已经忍无可忍了 i tired of being whipping boy mistakes made
- 背弃(以前的言论或政策)bèi qì withdraw earlier statement policy reverse one's
- 内阁正在背弃它竞选时的诺言 cabinet are back-pedaling election promises
- 他们背弃了原先的理想(或原则、信仰 they have renounced earlier ideals principles convictions
- 杯水车薪bēi shuǐ chē xīn put blazing cartload faggot
- 饥荒十分严重,援助也只是杯水车薪 famine bad; aid scratch surface
- 背水一战bèi shuǐ yī zhàn difficult position forced defend
- 理查德已经无路可逃,正在背水一战 back wall richard wasfighting fiercely
- 本届冠军běn jiè ɡuàn jūn reigning champion
- 比不上(某人)bǐ bù shàng clever capable sb
- 他的演奏水平比不上他姐姐 he doesn't play sister as
- 福尔摩斯也比不上你——你是名副其实的侦探 sherlock holmes has you real detective
- Cǐ 彼此彼此bǐ bǐ people doing
- 我们为什么要到法国去?我连一句法语都不会讲”“别担心,彼此彼此,我也不会讲 france i speak word french worry, you're good
- Fleeing enemy 逼到绝路[逼得走投无路]bī dào jué lù force hunted
- 警察把强盗围困在深谷里逼到了绝路 police brought robbers bay deep valley
- 比率[比例]bǐ lǜ relation amounts determined number times
- 该部门男女比例是多少 is the ratio men women in department
- 护理人员和医生的比率为二比一 ratio nursing staff doctors is
- 罢工次数与生活费用上涨成(正)比例地增加 number strikes increased direct ratio rise cost living
- 报酬将与工作量成比例,而不是与花费的时间成比例 payment proportion work time spent
- 报纸的销售量似乎与刊登的新闻多寡成反比 number copies paper sells seems inverse proportion ratio
- 他的头部与身体大小不成比例 head is proportion size body
- 闭塞bì sè communicating influenced self-contained unwilling accept ideas
- 闭塞(或闭关自守)的社会(或经济 a closed society economy or
- 她思想闭塞僵化 she has closed mind a
- 同他争论没有用,他思想太闭塞 arguing him; he's closed mind
- 他觉得城镇太闭塞了 he finds town backwater the
- 笔头快bǐ tóu kuài facile pen
- 他是位笔头快的作家 is a writer facile pen
- 必要时[紧急时,不得已时]bì yào shí case necessity emergency pinch
- 必要时(或紧急时)我们只好把房子卖了 pinch sell house to
- 要做好这件事我们确实需要3个人,但不得已时两个人也行 people order job well, but pinch
- 编班biān bān gather form pupils class group
- 入学儿童按好、中、差三等编班 children are banded grouped average
- 表明意图(或计划)biǎo míng yì tú reveal show one's hand
- 我怀疑他们在策划什么事,但他们还未表明意图 i suspect planning they haven't shown hands (or cards) yet
- Good 表现出色biǎo xiàn chū sè give account oneself
- 这支球队在今天下午的比赛中表现非常出色 team showed real class in afternoon's match
- 表现出优秀(或恶劣)的品质 biǎo xiàn chū yōu xiù de pǐn
- 她在家庭遇到危难时表现出优秀品质 family crisis really brought the
- 彪形大汉biāo xínɡ dà hàn hulking man bruiser
- 他是个6英尺高的彪形大汉 was a six-foot hulk man
- 他真是彪形大汉 he looks real bruiser a
- 别贪小失大[别捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜]bié tān xiǎo shī dà risk failure large
- Paint 我打算再买几把漆刷——旧的漆刷全变硬了。我买漆花了好多钱,不想因小而失大 buy brushes stiff paid lot i don't
- 冰山一角bīnɡ shān yī jiǎo small evident part larger
- 每月报的盗窃案超过百次,但这只不过是冰山一角 burglaries reported month, and tip iceberg
- 官方关于吸毒的统计数字只是冰山一角,实际数字很可能要大得多 official statistics drug addiction are tip iceberg real
- 驳倒[推翻]bó dǎo prove idea opinion completely false incorrect
- 她驳倒了我们的论点 she knocked bottom argument the
- 这看来完全驳倒(或推翻)了现有的假设 to knock bottom existing hypothesis
- Casanova 薄情郎[情场老手]bó qíng láng man relationships women esp
- 科林·沃森是个毫无心肝的薄情郎,遭他抛弃的情人像落叶一般比比皆是 colin watson was a callous casanova who loved left
- 步步高升[步步升级]bù bù gāo shēng climbing ladder success
- 一点不错,真是步步高升(或升级)啊 right. straight ladder that's up
- 不成问题bù chénɡ wèn tí problem
- 你能给我弄几张比赛的票子吗?”“当然可以,不成问题 tickets match course, no problem
- 在选举中获胜是绝对不成问题的 winning election is problems the
- 不耻下问bù chǐ xià wèn questions
- 你要学东西,就该不耻下问 learn you must questions if
- Bù 不动摇,不懈怠,不折腾bù dònɡ yáo xiè dài zhé tenɡ
- 不费吹灰之力(地)bù fèi chuī huī zhī lì effort breeze
- 他不费吹灰之力完成了任务 job done in breeze he
- 不敢苟同bù ɡǎn ɡǒu tónɡ beg differ politely agree
- 约翰对《明星》杂志上刊登的有关他的报道实在不敢苟同 john begs differ report printed star
- 不管三七二十一bù ɡuǎn sān qī èr shí yī damn
- 咱们不管三七二十一,玩个痛快吧 enjoy and damn consequences let's
- 不进则退bù jìn zé tuì advance fall
- 在这个世界上不能停滞不前;不进则退 standing world must either advance fall
- 补考bǔ kǎo supplementary test assignment student missed failed
- 学生要求补考 student asked make-up the for
- 不客气bù kè qi stop acting gentleness mercy begin
- 她父亲威胁说,我要是再设法同她约会,他就不客气了 father threatened to gloves if i attempt meet
- 不劳而获bù láo ér huò expecting
- 你总是想不劳而获。你该改变一下,自己出去挣钱 expecting earn change for
- One's hide 不露锋芒bù lù fēnɡ mánɡ talents abilities
- 他才华横溢而不露锋芒 he's brilliant self-effacing but
- 联想】 韬光养晦[深藏若虚]:我从不知道你还会唱歌 这些年你可真是深藏若虚(或韬光养晦)啊 i sing hiding candle light bushel
- 步履维艰bù lǚ wéi jiān walk slowly difficulty tired
- 他提着三个箱子,步履维艰 he was struggling weight suitcases
- 不买账bù mǎi zhànɡ refuse fall line
- 该委员会无权恫吓整个城市,因为市长不会买它的账。这是政治上针锋相对的最强硬姿态 committee threaten entire city mayor won't fall line
- 不赔不赚bù péi bù zhuàn make loss profit break
- 这家公司一年以后才能赢利,现在至少已不赔不赚了 year company makes profit it's breaking
- Sb 步其后尘[重蹈覆辙]bù qí hòu chén job style life
- 他步其父亲的后尘,在电视台工作 works television, following father's footsteps
- 若不整治好医保制度,美国有可能会步通用汽车公司的后尘 fix health-care system, america general motors
- 不如bù rú not so as
- 他不如他弟弟学得快 was not quick learner as his brother
- 别怪我骂人;他实在不是(或真不是)个东西 blame swearing but he's bloody nuisance
- 不是开玩笑吧bù shì kāi wán xiào bɑ kidding
- 不是开玩笑吧?你是说汤姆真的要上普林斯顿大学啦 kidding tom's princeton no
- 仍然)不失为bù shī wéi remain to
- 不知什么缘故,普利策奖金仍然不失为美国最高价值的奖金 pulitzer prize remains valuable american award
- 补位bǔ wèi back sb up
- 他是个屡立大功的后卫,因此不希望别人在自己的身后补位 defenseman loaded past successes loathed anyone trying back
- 不修边幅bù xiū biān fú careless one's appearance
- Great 诚然,伟大的人有时不修边幅,但并不因此失去其伟大的形象,当然不能说因为有此习惯才显得伟大 men true sometimes very careless appearance spite
- Dǒnɡ 不要不懂装懂bù yào bù zhuānɡ claim
- 不要(或免得)弄巧成拙bù yào lònɡ qiǎo chénɡ zhuō change situation
- 我要是你,我会维持现状,免得弄巧成拙 i i would leave if
- 不在状态bù zài zhuànɡ tài good fine form sports
- 这支足球队在比赛上半场不在状态 football team was good form in half match
- 不择手段bù zé shǒu duàn immoral stick stop
- 他们不择手段地追名逐利 have stopped quest fame wealth
- 他不择手段地赚钱 he stops make money at
- 不自在bù zì zài uneasy troubled anxious
- I 我在一群陌生人中间徘徊,感到很不自在 wandered around rather ill ease among people
- 开创(或开拓)新路kāi chuànɡ xīn lù show activity area knowledge
- 他们在激光外科手术领域中开拓新路 were blazing trail field laser surgery
- 艾萨克·牛顿爵士为光学研究开创了新路 sir isaac newton blazed trail field light
- 开门见山kāi mén jiàn shān straight point
- 别转弯抹角了,咱们开门见山吧 stop talking roundabout way. let's straight point
- 开药方kāi yào fānɡ write prescription
- 医生给我开了一张止痛药方 doctor gave prescription pain-killers the
- 开药方是医生的职责 prescription drugs is doctor's responsibility
- 医生给我开了一些药片以利睡眠 doctor prescribed pills to sleep the
- 医生给我开了一些药片治感冒 doctor prescribed pills cold the
- 看风使舵kàn fēnɡ shǐ duò people thinking esp acts
- 他得先看风使舵,然后把自己的计划告诉他们 he needed wind blowing before told plans
- 他想先看风使舵,然后再作决定 he wants cat jumps before makes decision
- 看中了什么kàn zhònɡ le shén i sees b
- 我真弄不懂,像他那样丑陋粗暴的人,她究竟看中了他什么 i know what sees gorilla
- 慷他人之慨kānɡ tā rén zhī kǎi generous expense
- 他一如既往仍是慷他人之慨 true form he stays generous expense
- 考证原文kǎo zhènɡ yuán wén establish text sth
- 他决定去考证《李尔王》的原文 decided to establish text king lear
- 客座指挥kè zuò zhǐ huī guest conductor
- 这位优秀的音乐家将担任上海交响乐团的客座指挥 fine musician will guest conductor shanghai symphony orchestra
- 肯定(或保管)又要…kěn dìng yòu yào typical sb sth
- 你保管又把我的生日忘了 trust forget my birthday you
- 他肯定又要在不适当的时候提问题 trust question just wrong moment
- 联想】亏你想得出这样异想天开的计划 trust dream up a crazy scheme
- 啃老族kěn lǎo zú kippers kids parents purse eroding
- Wā 坑坑洼洼kēnɡ kenɡ full bumps hollows bumpy rough
- 洪水退后,人行道上坑坑洼洼 holes gaped in pavements floods
- 空谈kōnɡ tán providing practical experience sth
- 空谈理论家(或批评家 an armchair theorist critic or
- 空谈将军 an armchair general
- 只会空谈的知识分子 a closet intellectual
- 空中楼阁kōnɡ zhōnɡ lóu ɡé castle air
- 你的方案不过是空中楼阁,无非想借此为这种蠢事辩护 scheme is merely castle air built purpose justify folly
- 口若悬河kǒu ruò xuán hé one's talk endless
- 他口若悬河 he has eloquence tap in
- 夸夸其谈kuā kuā qí tán talk big
- 不要夸夸其谈,自以为了不起 talk big don't so
- 快餐店kuài cān diàn short-order fast-food restaurant
- 他过去在一家快餐店当服务员(或当招待 serve food in a short-order restaurant
- 快刀斩乱麻kuài dāo zhǎn luàn má solve remove problem
- 你应该快刀斩乱麻,把他们统统解雇 should cut gordian knot by firing
- 盘根错节pán ɡēn cuò jié twisted joined intertwine
- 历史与思想意识盘根错节 history ideology intertwined and
- 跑龙套pǎo lónɡ tào part play small words unimportant
- 刚开始我跑跑龙套,后来我演上了主角 i started walk-on played principal roles
- 他只不过是个跑龙套角色似的小人物 was a mere walk-on figure
- 赔偿péi chánɡ pay back sb money spent lost
- 我们愿赔偿顾客受到的一切损失和损害 will reimburse customer loss damage
- 保险公司赔偿了他的火灾损失 insurance company reimbursed loss fire
- 配合默契pèi hé mò qì cooperate function efficiently
- 篮球运动员配合默契 basketball players showed good combination
- 培养干部péi yǎnɡ ɡàn bù develop cadres
- 工会在培养新领导干部方面做些什么工作 union to develop cadres leadership
- 联想】 师资培养:他们正在制定师资培养计划 making plans teacher development
- 药剂师配错了药 chemist made mistake making prescription
- 碰壁[吃闭门羹]pènɡ bì snub snubbed a
- 第二次碰壁使她不敢再找麻烦 snubsettled hash the second
- 他一再碰壁 he was rebuffed again and
- 朋比为奸的腐败pénɡ bǐ wéi jiān de fǔ bài cozy
- 他决定清除在他前任掌握下滋生的朋比为奸的腐败现象 decided mop up the cozy corruption that flourished predecessor
- 捧腹大笑pěnɡ fù dà xiào extremely funny
- 小丑令人捧腹大笑的滑稽动作 clown's side-splitting antics the
- 她捧腹大笑 she collapsed gales laughter into
- 品牌pǐn pái product made sold store brand
- 高级品牌 upscale upmarket) brand an or
- 商店品牌要便宜些 pay the store brand you
- 一流品牌的洗涤剂 leading brand detergent the
- 这家公司的成功在于其品牌形象 company owes success brand image
- 品位pǐn wèi someone's judgment good chooses clothes music
- 任何有点品位的人都不会买那样一幅画 taste wouldbuy painting no
- 他们有钱,但品位不高 they've got money taste more
- Reach rise 平步青云pínɡ bù qīnɡ yún highest point
- 他勤奋工作,两年之内便平步青云 hard work he rose top ladder in years
- 平淡无奇pínɡ dàn wú qí qualities noticeable characteristic featureless
- 这乡村一马平川,平淡无奇 countryside is flat featureless the
- 凭良心pínɡ liánɡ xīn reasonable standard conscience
- 凭良心你总不能认为那样的报酬是合理的吧 cannot in conscience regard fair play
- 平台pínɡ tái opportunity place sb express opinions publicly
- 他们以报纸专栏为平台,宣传(他们的)女权主义观点 they used newspaper column platform for feminist views
- 这笔生意为我们提供了扩展新市场的平台 deal provides platform expansion markets
- 演员有促进其事业发展的良好平台 actors have good platform promote
- 破案pò àn solve crime to
- 警方花了很长时间才破案 police long time to solve crime
- 颇有微词pō yǒu wēi cí complain sth
- 老板的侄子谋取了这份工作,他们对此颇有微词 were murmuring boss's nephew's job
- 铺平道路pū pínɡ dào lù create situation happen pave
- 将要召开一次会议为建立临时政府铺平道路 conference held to smooth pave establishment provisional government.才华(或才气)横溢 cái
- 他作为一名演员才华横溢 he sparkled performer as
- 采取积极措施 cǎi qǔ jī jí cuò shī proactive measures
- We must 我们必须采取积极措施打击恐怖主义 proactive in fighting terrorism proactive measures to fight
- 采取主动 cǎi qǔ zhǔ dònɡ initiative
- 在修复关系方面应由日本采取主动 was up japan initiative in repairing relations
- 才思 cái sī wit wisdom combination quick intelligence good
- 他作为一个演说家才思横溢 he sparkled orator as an
- 藏垢纳污的场所 cánɡ ɡòu nà wū de chǎnɡ suǒ place
- 那是藏垢纳污的场所 was a cesspool iniquity vice
- 沧海一粟 cānɡ hǎi yī sù drop bucket ocean
- 目前对发展中国家的援助只是沧海一粟 aid developing countries present little drop ocean
- 花费在基础研究上的钱只是沧海一粟 amount spent basic research is (only drop bucket
- 掺和 chān huo intervene step to
- 这事与你无关,别掺和了 business. don't step intervene it's
- 产生反感 chǎn shēnɡ fǎn ɡǎn make sb feel dislike
- 肮脏的房间使她产生反感 was repelled dirty room she
- 他的鲁莽态度(口臭)使我产生反感 bad manners breath) put his
- 超过(对手)几个等级 chāo guò jǐ gè děng jí put sb
- 我们的营销方法得力,超过主要对手几个等级 marketing methods put steps ahead main rivals
- 炒作 chǎo zuò publicize wildly exaggerated hype
- 这部影片被炒作得离了谱 movie been hyped worth the
- 他那被大肆炒作的新电影本周在伦敦上映 week his hyped movie opens london
- 这次会议被媒体炒作成一件大事 meeting was hyped media important event
- 尘埃落定 chén āi luò dìnɡ event violent disorderly confusing
- 裁员尘埃落定后,该部门只剩下两名高级主管 dust finally settled layoffs senior managers left
- 我们只好等尘埃落定后再说 wait dust settle to
- 陈年好酒 chén nián hǎo jiǔ vintage wine
- 他收藏的酒中有一些稀有的陈年好酒 some old vintages in collection wines
- 这种酒是稀有的陈年好酒 wine was a rare vintage
- 称心如意 chèn xīn rú yì happy successful result roses
- 在这之前,他从来未曾真正过上舒适的生活,但是现在有了自己挣来的这笔钱,忽然间一切都变得称心如意 comfortable life money earned, suddenly everything's coming roses
- 城府很深 chénɡ fǔ hěn shēn unpredictable secretive
- 那个托马斯城府很深 thomas is a deep that
- She's 她以前从未表露过她是颇有见解的,也许是没有这种必要吧,城府很深嘛 shown sign mind needed water runs
- Pú tɑo 吃不到葡萄反而说葡萄酸 chī bù dào fǎn ér shuō
- 他说自己反正不想娶她,那不过是吃不到葡萄反而说葡萄酸罢了 marry anyway, but sour grapes
- 自从约翰在选举中落败后,他说自己反正从来不想当政治家,但我认为这不过是吃不到葡萄反而说葡萄酸罢了 losing election john wanted politician anyway, but i
- 吃不了兜着走 chī bu liǎo dōu zhe zǒu trouble big
- Trouble boss hears 这事要是让老板知道,那可就要吃不了兜着走 vengeancewhen willget big waywhen
- Yī 吃一堑长一智 chī qiàn zhǎnɡ zhì fall pit gain
- 他离婚是吃一堑长一智 divorce left sadder wiser man
- 充充数[凑凑数] chōnɡ chōnɡ shù thing person usu supplies deficiency
- 我在那球队里不过是充充数而已 i team as sort makeweight
- 这集子中有些故事只是凑凑数的 stories collection are mere makeweights
- 冲出跑道 chōnɡ chū pǎo dào overshoot runway
- 飞机冲出了跑道 aircraft overshot runway the
- 充分发挥(或利用) chōnɡ fèn fā huī gain advantage sth
- 让世人看看,你重又抖擞精神,决意发表自己的看法,并充分发挥自己的聪明才智 world back form determined air views and make
- 重复乃是学习之母 chónɡ fù nǎi shì xué xí zhī mǔ
- 冲浪(浏览) chōnɡ lànɡ travel riding surfboard browse
- 他正在互联网上冲浪 he's surfing net the
- 我要在互联网中冲浪去了 surfing net i'll go
- 充实头脑 chōnɡ shí tóu nǎo enrich mind
- 读书可以充实头脑 reading enriches mind the
- 重振雄风 chónɡ zhèn xiónɡ fēnɡ make sb sth independent
- 他的经营意识使俱乐部重振雄风 business sense helped club feet
- 这项计划旨在使公司重振雄风 plan project) is intended set company feet
- Short 抽到倒霉签(或下下签) chōu dào dǎo méi qiān person group
- Short 他抽到了倒霉签,只得去打扫厕所了 he drew straw (or end stick clean toilets
- Sth draw 抽签 chōu qiān choose sb lot cast
- 我们抽签决定谁先去 we drew straws for who
- 他们抽签决定谁先走 they drew lots for the
- 他们不得不抽签决定比赛顺序 to draw straws lots determine playing order
- 我们是抽签决定谁先去的 we drew lots to see
- 酬酢不止 chóu zuò bù zhǐ incessant exchanges toasts
- 宴会上觥筹交错,酬酢不止 vintage flowed freelyat dinner party
- 出丑 chū chǒu make exhibition oneself discredit
- 昨夜他喝酒过量出了丑 he disgraced night drinking himself
- 初出茅庐 chū chū máo lú immature inexperienced fledgling
- 初出茅庐的政治家(外交家、剧作家等 a fledgling politician diplomat dramatist etc
- Ěr 出尔反尔 chū fǎn change early statement opinion fail
- 抗议活动迫使政府出尔反尔,撤回新税制计划 protests forced government to back-pedal plans introduce tax
- 该国政策在一些改革上出尔反尔 country's government is back-pedaling reforms
- 出格 chū ɡé behave act differently expected step line
- 老师警告他们说谁行为出格就罚谁 teacher warned punish who stepped line
- 初见成效 chū jiàn chénɡ xiào begin effect
- 政府的货币政策已初见成效 government's monetarism was beginning bear fruit
- 出力 chū lì make one's efforts work hard
- 没有人出一点力去救那些囚犯 one lifted finger save the prisoners
- 处于鼎盛(或最佳)时期(或状态) chǔ yú dǐnɡ shènɡ shí qī state form
- 处于鼎盛时期的现代建筑 modern architecture at its best
- 日本国力处于全盛时期的时代 days japan was at the
- 他处于鼎盛时期的作品 writing at his its best
- Great 处于最佳(竞技)状态 chǔ yú zuì jiā zhuànɡ tài british
- 我队这个月处于最佳状态 team's on top form this month
- 传给后代 chuán ɡěi hòu dài give leave people younger
- 这种习俗是从18世纪传下来的 custom been carried 18th century
- 这枚戒指在我家已传了几代人 ring been handed passed family generations
- 人类有了语言,才能把智慧和经验传给子孙后代 possession language enables man to pass wisdom experience
- 船体吃水 chuán tǐ chī shuǐ hull water
- 船体吃水越深,阻力越大 hull water greater drag
- 闯天下 chuǎnɡ tiān xià world find oneself
- 他早年到外国去闯天下 early youth went to seek fortune foreign country
- 春心荡漾 chūn xīn dànɡ yànɡ amorous showing feeling relating
- 在职员聚会上他已春心荡漾了 he became amorous at office party
- 刺激 cì jī stimulus stimulation stimulate
- 新税法应该能刺激出口 tax laws should act stimulus exports
- 市领导希望游乐园将会刺激旅游业发展 city leaders hope amusement park will stimulate tourism
- 汤姆搞爆炸就是为寻求刺激 tom blew things just kicks
- 他们从开快车中寻求刺激 they get kicks driving fast cars
- 磁悬浮列车 cí xuán fú liè chē maglev train
- Minɡ 聪明反被聪明误 cōnɡ fǎn bèi cōnɡ wù prove turn
- 他结果是聪明反被聪明误 he turned victim wisdom out
- 从全局来看 cónɡ quán jú lái kàn including parts sth
- 从全局来看,我个人的问题并非十分重要 personal problems important in scheme things
- 凑合[拼凑] còu make sth frow preparation
- 我们没有弄到合适的材料,只好临时凑合了 proper materials, we'll improvise as
- 匆匆拼凑的一顿饭 a hastily improvised meal
- 我们时间很紧,只好凑合着弄点小吃 hurry we had make quick snack
- 东西不多,你只好凑合了 make there isn't much
- 粗茶淡饭 cū chá dàn fàn plainest food
- 我们上大学时只能粗茶淡饭过活 we had live bread water when university
- 存一线希望 cún yī xiàn xī wànɡ continue hope sth
- 打退堂鼓 dǎ tuì tánɡ ɡǔ decide promised back
- Hope 他们对自己的女儿在船只失事中幸免于难仍然存有一线希望 they continued that their daughter survived shipwreck
- 事情看来不妙,但我们仍然存一线希望 things bad we live hope
- 打扮得花枝招展 dǎ bàn dé huā zhī zhāo zhǎn esp
- 我不知道她哪来这么多钱供她花费,可是她每天晚上都外出,打扮得花枝招展 i afford night out, dressed kill
- 大饱耳福 dà bǎo ěr fú listen sth great pleasure
- 这个晚会真是让音乐爱好者大饱耳福 evening was real feast music lovers
- 大吃一顿 dà chī yī dùn stuff oneself food gorge
- 我们过去经常到各家小餐馆去大吃一顿 restaurants and gorged to we
- 达到标准[符合要求] dá dào biāo zhǔn equal standard demanded
- 你最近做的工作未达到标准 latest piece work is not mark standard
- 他的工作未达到规定的标准 work does reach standard required
- 达到登峰造极的地步 dá dào dēnɡ fēnɡ zào jí de dì
- 卓别林扮演小流浪汉已达到登峰造极的地步 chaplin was at best playing tramp
- 大刀阔斧 dà dāo kuò fǔ end difficulty vigorous violent
- 在你的智慧启迪下,我们以大刀阔斧的办法解决了难题 intelligence that cuts gordian knot untie
- 打的是什么主意 dǎ de shì shén zhǔ yì driving one's
- I knew what 但愿我知道他打的是什么主意 game driving
- 大款 dà kuǎn wealthy person moneybags
- 他是个大款 he's a moneybags
- 打乱阵脚 dǎ luàn zhèn jiǎo make unable sth effectively
- 为了打乱民主党的阵脚,总统提出了几个限制政府补贴的建议 attempt knock democrats stride president offered proposals
- 大起大落 dà qǐ dà luò feast famine
- 汤姆是个聪明而有点懒散的学生,难怪他的学业成绩总是大起大落 tom clever bit sluggish student; no school record
- 大器晚成 dà qì wǎn chénɡ achieve success one's late
- Late 这位作家是大器晚成 writer reached success life writer attained full maturity
- 大千世界,无奇不有 dà qiān shì jiè wú qí bù yǒu
- 打情骂俏 dǎ qínɡ mà qiào play flirtatious sexual frolic
- 他在海滩上与一位穿着比基尼泳装的美女打情骂俏 he frolicked bikini-clad beauty beach
- 大人物 dà rén wù important influential person big shot
- 大人物,也即“要人”,常乘坐豪华型c-54型飞机旅行 important persons vips travel plush c-54's
- 大肆渲染 dà sì xuàn rǎn make important
- 媒体一直在大肆渲染此案件在种族方面的重要性 press has playing racial aspects case
- 大庭广众 dà tínɡ ɡuǎnɡ zhònɡ public eye
- 你有没有这个胆量,敢在大庭广众中试验这种材料 balls to material front real audience
- 他们打退堂鼓决定不做这笔交易了 they decided back deal to
- 经理中有几个在执行决定时打了退堂鼓 managers balked enforcing decision the
- Big 大腕 dà wàn person famous area enchilada wizard
- 语言学界大腕 linguistic wizard a
- 数学界大腕 mathematical wizard a
- 艺术界大腕 artistic wizard an
- Big 她是音乐界的大腕 she's a time music world
- 这位导演最近拍了一部影片成了影视界的大腕 director made big time latest film
- Oneself 大显身手 dà xiǎn shēn shǒu distinguish give good
- Time to define 你大显身手的时机到啦 the has
- 大丈夫 dà zhànɡ fu true men
- 大丈夫可杀而不可辱 true menchoose death dishonor
- 代表作 dài biǎo zuò representative work
- 这部影片是卓别林的最佳代表作 film is vintage chaplin this
- 带来朝气 dài lái zhāo qì breathe fresh life revitalize
- 新经理给公司带来了朝气 manager breathed fresh life company
- 代人受过 dài rén shòu ɡuò accept responsibility carry
- 弟弟打破了什么东西,我总得代他受过 i carry canfor younger brother broke
- 带头 dài tóu initiative to take
- 学生家长带头为开设音乐课程筹资 parents school took initiative raise money music program
- 淡化 dàn huà make important play
- 他们极力淡化最近的丑闻 to play latest scandal they
- 当电灯泡 dānɡ diàn dēnɡ pào person present lovers play
- 珍妮和贝尔邀我一块儿去看电影,但我没答应,因为不想当电灯泡 jane bill asked cinema i refused i didn't
- 他们不要我在他们第一次相会(或幽会)时硬在中间当电灯泡 they didn't playing gooseberry on date
- 当事后诸葛亮 dānɡ shì hòu zhū ɡě liànɡ wise event
- 我们花钱请金融分析家不是让他们当事后诸葛亮 pay financial analysts to wise event
- 到此为止[别再说了,就这样算了] dào cǐ wéi zhǐ sth
- 咱们不可能意见一致,就到此为止吧 agree, so leave we'll never
- 刀剑威逼顺者少,好言劝说人皆服 dāo jiàn wēi bī shùn zhě shǎo hǎo
- Muddle 捣糨糊 dǎo jiànɡ hu goldbricking job simply cosmetic
- 你要确定人生的目标,别再捣糨糊了 decide life; don't muddle what
- 他在训练时捣糨糊 he just mucked training around
- 别捣糨糊了,赶快把工作做完吧 stop mucking aboutand finish work
- 道听途说 dào tīnɡ tú shuō grapevine news unofficial information
- 那些道听途说的话不可全信 believe all gossip hear don't
- 倒要看看(某人能不能做某事) dào yào kàn kɑn defy challenge sb sth
- 我倒要看看他能不能做到他自吹自擂的事 i challenged make good boast
- 我倒要看看你能不能证明我欺骗过 i defy prove that i cheated
- 我倒要看看你能否给我一条充分理由让我相信你 i defy give good reason for believing
- 得宠 dé chǒnɡ gain favor find sb
- 她得宠于老板,很快便获得提升 she found favor boss and promoted
- 他因得宠而担任这一职位,并非有何特长或本事 he obtained position favor than merit ability
- 得体 dé tǐ proper appropriate right
- 在正式婚礼场合穿运动服是不得体的 sports clothes appropriatefor formal wedding
- 这话很不得体 remark was in bad taste
- 得天独厚 dé tiān dú hòu heaven divine celestial
- 她歌喉之得天独厚的甜美 celestial beauty of voice the
- Yì 得意与失意 dé yǔ shī triumph despair
- 人生总是时而得意,时而失意 life invariably accompanied alternate triumph despair
- 登录 dēnɡ lù log to on
- 进一步查询,请登录 information, log for further on
- 等闲视之 děnɡ xián shì zhī regard sth matter indifference
- 这件事可不能等闲视之 it cannot regarded matter indifference
- 他们已成为不能等闲视之的政治力量 already a political force reckoned
- 低声下气 dī shēnɡ xià qì pride respect
- 他上班迟到,低声下气地表示道歉 he made abject apology for late work
- 地头蛇 dì tóu shé person dominates local group cock
- 他以为当过村里足球队队长,便算是地头蛇(或土皇帝 thinks that he cock walk just captain village football
- 第一人选 dì yī rén xuǎn one's suggestion
- 约翰是我推荐出任董事总经理的第一人选 john was my suggestion managing director
- 垫底 diàn dǐ lowest position class list game
- 他的数学成绩在班上总是垫底 was always bottom class maths
- 篮球队在联赛中垫底 basketball team was bottom league
- 吊吊…的胃口 diào diɑo de wèi kǒu mislead sb deliberately
- 她不打算跟他结婚,她只不过吊吊他的胃口而已 plans marry she was stringing
- 吊儿郎当 diào er lánɡ dānɡ hard order dog
- 别再吊儿郎当了,去干你的事吧 quit dogging itand work
- 低级[低档] dī jí designed people belong low social class
- 低级餐厅(商店 a downmarket (or downscale restaurant store
- 这家公司被迫转向低档市场 company forced to move downmarket
- 定夺 dìnɡ duó decide leave one's discretion
- 你是否该递辞呈由你定夺 i must leave judgement (or discretion offer resignation
- Tóu 钉头碰铁头[针尖对麦芒,棋逢对手] dīnɡ pènɡ tiě situation clever people competition
- 这两个人碰在一起就像钉头碰铁头,他们都认定自己的看法是对的 diamond cut diamondwhen men met ideas
- 丢三落四 diū sān là sì tending forget things thinking
- 爷爷愈来愈丢三落四了 grandpa's becoming absent-minded quite
- 东山再起 dōnɡ shān zài qǐ return position strength importance
- 那位老演员20年后又东山再起,红了起来 actor made staged successful comeback twenty years
- 动真格 dònɡ zhēn ɡé make good one's threat
- 我们不相信他们会动真格 believe their threats real believe they make good
- 独树一帜 dú shù yī zhì show activity area knowledge
- 他在女装设计方面独树一帜 he has blazed trail women's fashions
- Make 对…不客气 duì bù kè qì sb suffer good
- 比利说:“嗯,要是你对我的老婆献殷勤,我就对你不客气 forces attentions wife, i'll show billy
- 咄咄逼人 duō duō bī rén person aggressive situation highly
- 你为什么这样咄咄逼人 you being aggressive why are
- 形势咄咄逼人 situation is crying attention response
- 夺回(奖杯) duó huí reclaim cup to
- 赢了这场比赛,美国自1985年以来第一次夺回了奖杯 win u.s. reclaimed cup for time
- 堕落[失足] duò luò fall depart correct usual standards backslide
- 他已堕落到和异教徒讨价还价的地步 had backslid bargain infidel he
- 那个学生因与坏伙伴们为伍而堕落了 student went astray bad companions
- 多面下注(以减少风险) duō miàn xià zhù reduce chances failing losing
- 同时向几所大学提出申请,这是多面下注减少风险的好主意 good idea hedge betsby applying college
- 堕五里雾中 duò wǔ lǐ wù zhōng puzzled confused fog
- 我对计算机技术如堕五里雾中——一窍不通 complete fog computer technology i understand
- 发号施令 fā hào shī lìnɡ call shots
- 他没有资格向人家发号施令 position to call shots he
- 发挥聪明才智 fā huī cōnɡ minɡ cái zhì make one's
- 让世人看看,你又重抖擞精神,决意发表自己的看法,充分发挥自己的聪明才智 world back form determined air views and make
- 发掘 fā jué make source energy knowledge exists tap
- 我们需要发掘现有人员的专业知识和技能 to tap expertise skill people
- 他们的潜力尚未发掘出来 potentialities have tapped their yet
- Rén 法律面前人人平等 fǎ lǜ miàn qián pínɡ děnɡ law
- 发明创造 fā mínɡ chuànɡ zào one's invention brainchild
- 开放和开发沼泽地,使之成为吸引游客的旅游点乃是他的发明创造,他为此而感到骄傲 opening development marshland tourist attraction was his brainchild
- 反唇相讥 fǎn chún xiānɡ jī reply retort critical hostile
- 你不该因而惹人反唇相讥 thus invite sarcastic comeback you
- 玛丽说那是杰克的错误,杰克反唇相讥说她的错误并不比他的错误小 mary jack's fault jack retorted
- Talk 泛泛而谈 fàn fàn ér tán general referring real
- 我现在只是在泛泛而谈 i'm just talking abstract in
- One's 反躬自问 fǎn ɡōnɡ zì wèn carefully motives actions
- 你反躬自问是否自己也同样要承担责任 search heartand equally blame
- 他经过几天的反躬自问,最终决定离家而去 days soul-searching he finally decision leave home
- 反悔 fǎn huǐ unable sth agreed beg
- 他总是在最后一分钟反悔 he's always begging minute off
- 凡事不可半途而废 fán shì bù kě bàn tú ér fèi
- 反式脂肪 fǎn shì zhī fánɡ trans fat
- 政府禁止快餐店使用反式脂肪 government imposed ban of trans fats in fast-food restaurants
- 防患于未然 fánɡ huàn yú wèi rán put end action
- 无法应付的事情切勿沾边,可以防患于未然 nip minor ailments budby opting feel cope
- 那一点小毛病不会成大毛病,只要上床多睡觉,就可以防患于未然 illness nipped budby bed plenty sleep
- 放心 fànɡ xīn rest assured to
- 你尽管放心,正在尽力把一切做好 you may rest assured that everything
- 警方让她放心,她的儿子很安全 police reassured child's safety her
- 飞短流长 fēi duǎn liú chánɡ common gossip gossiping
- 他的不忠实行为成了人们飞短流长的题材 infidelities were common gossip his
- 一群飞短流长的娘儿们对他穷追(或紧追)不舍 gaggle gossiping women dogged step
- 分一杯羹 fēn yí bēi ɡēnɡ share role interesting exciting
- 要是新机场开始修建,外国公司都想要分一杯羹 foreign companies will piece action if airport ahead
- 凤毛麟角 fènɡ máo lín jiǎo few
- 像他那样的伟大思想家是凤毛麟角 great thinkers are few like
- 奉若神明 fènɡ ruò shén mínɡ regard sth great respect
- 咱们别把君主政体奉若神明 not make sacred cow monarchy
- Fortune 风水轮流转 fēnɡ shuǐ lún liú zhuàn smiles people
- Fine kào person 佛靠金装,人靠衣装 fó jīn zhuānɡ rén yī
- 浮想联翩 fú xiǎnɡ lián piān power bring images feelings
- 这首诗充满浮想联翩的意象 poem is filled resonant imagery
- Sb 敷衍 fū yǎn make excuses order avoid duty
- 我敷衍他说下星期付给他钱 i put promise to pay week
- 敷衍塞责 fū yɑn sè zé person duty routine care
- 他们敷衍塞责地检查行李 they checked luggage perfunctorily the
- 问题、新闻等)富有爆炸性 fù yǒu bào zhà xìnɡ violent reactions
- 那条新闻富有爆炸性 news story is really dynamite
- 堕胎在政治上是个爆炸性问题 abortion issue is political dynamite
- 复杂化 fù zá huà make complicated
- 如果他不肯帮忙,就会使事情复杂化 refusal may complicate matters his
- 别把问题复杂化 cloud issue don't the
- 改革开放 ɡǎi ɡé kāi fànɡ opening country economic reforms
- 今年(2008)是中国改革开放30周年 year marked decades since the opening china economic
- 甘拜下风 ɡān bài xià fēnɡ humble esp admit defeat
- 我的兄弟在辩论中被证明是错了,他只好当众甘拜下风 brother had eat dirt admit defeat) in front proved
- 感到手头拮据 ɡǎn dào shǒu tóu jié jū experience hardship
- 如今连市议会也感到手头拮据 town council now feeling pinch
- 赶浪头 ɡǎn lànɡ tou jump climb bandwagon
- 如果你看到别人能轻轻松松赚大钱,你准会赶浪头抢先去仿效的 jump bandwagon if making lot money effort
- 敢拿脑袋打赌 ɡǎn ná nǎo dài dǎ dǔ completely confident
- 就是那边那个人——我敢拿脑袋打赌 i'd stake life that's him
- 刚正不阿 ɡānɡ zhènɡ bù ē moral correctness straightforwardness
- 一个刚正不阿的人 person of stern moral rectitude
- 他不受外界影响,立场坚如磐石,证明自己是个刚正不阿的人 had proved fortress moral rectitude
- 搞糊涂 ɡǎo hú tu puzzle confuse sb
- 这些说明书把我搞得有些糊涂了 i'm a bit fogged instructions
- 老太太想开录像机,但是越搞越糊涂 lady gets muddle trying work video
- 高级[高档] ɡāo jí designed people belong high class british
- 高级[高档]品牌(或餐厅、商店 an upmarket brand restaurant store or
- 这家公司被迫进一步转向高档市场 company forced to move upmarket
- 高档百货商场 an upscale department store
- 他们住在高级住宅区 they live upscale residential area
- Train 高架铁路列车 ɡāo jià tiě lù liè chē running
- 高见 ɡāo jiàn views sb.'s sage opinion
- 根据经理的高见,公司应该想方设法争取中标承建新桥 sage opinion manager company means win tender
- 我想听听你对这个问题的高见 i to hear views subject
- 高考资格补习班 ɡāo kǎo zī ɡé bǔ xí bān british
- 高于一切 ɡāo yú yī qiè centerpiece sth place
- 有些妇女在生活中把丈夫或情侣看得高于一切 women make husband lover centerpiece lives
- 一个军人应视荣誉高于一切 soldier should value honor a
- Sb 格格不入 ɡé ɡé bù rù contrary belonging naturally
- 弄虚作假与他的本性格格不入 dishonesty is foreign alien nature
- 残忍与他格格不入 cruelty was alien quite to
- 他感到同这些人格格不入 he has sense belonging people
- 各怀鬼胎 ɡè huái ɡuǐ tāi gain personal profit advantage
- 我和他们相识已久,可以有把握地说,他们各怀鬼胎 i long time certainty that each ax grind
- 给…点颜色 ɡěi diǎn yán sè threaten make sb suffer
- 比利说:“嗯,要是他硬要向我老婆献殷勤,我一定要给他点颜色 forces attentions wife, i'll care billy
- 如果你继续这样干下去,我要给你点颜色看 carry this, i'll show if
- 给人以耳目一新之感觉 ɡěi rén yǐ ěr mù yī xīn zhī
- 定期播放的电视剧需要换些新演员,以给人耳目一新之感觉 regular television play freshening upwith faces
- 根本不是那样[毫无类似之处,一点都不像] ɡēn běn bù shì nà yànɡ kind sort
- 人家告诉我她很可爱,但实际上她根本不是那样 people told pleasant but she's kind
- 更不必说 ɡènɡ bù bì shuō speak
- 大容量公交运输被认为已经过时,更不必说不方便了 mass transit regarded outmoded, to inconvenient
- Sb.'s 耿耿于怀 ɡěnɡ ɡěnɡ yú huái rankle mind stick
- 她对女人应待在厨房里的观念早就耿耿于怀了 notion kitchen woman's place has long stuck gizzard
- 她对那次受侮辱仍耿耿于怀 insult still rankled mind the
- 我未能及时提醒他,这事至今使我耿耿于怀 conscience thati warn time
- 更年期 ɡēnɡ nián qī menopause period woman's life typically
- 功败垂成[功亏一篑] ɡōnɡ bài chuí chénɡ slip twixt cup lip
- 事情往往会功败垂成 things easily wrong beforeone expects hopes
- 他们以为能在选举中轻易取胜,但事情往往会功败垂成 win election easily, but slip twixt cup lip
- 觥筹交错 ɡōnɡ chóu jiāo cuò wine cups mora chips
- 招待会上觥筹交错,酬酢不止 vintage flowed freelyduring reception
- 供认不讳[如实招供] ɡònɡ rèn bù huì make full confession sth
- 他对自己的罪行供认不讳 he made clean breast crime
- 攻心术 ɡōnɡ xīn shù make sb love sb.'s heart
- 据猜想,针对他的情况最佳的攻心术就是行贿 thought that the heart payola (= bribery
- Civil 公务员 ɡōnɡ wù yuán service employee servant
- 政府行政部门的全体公务员威胁要举行罢工 civil serviceis threatening strike
- 公务在身 ɡōnɡ wù zài shēn duty calls
- 看来我得走了——公务在身 afraid duty calls i'll
- 工于心计 ɡōnɡ yú xīn jì good planning things advantage
- 一个工于心计的冷酷杀手 cold and calculating killer a
- 我真没想到你会这样工于心计 i realized you calculating never
- 狗仔队 ɡǒu zǎi duì freelance photographers pursue celebrities photographs
- 古板 ɡǔ bǎn strict old-fashioned ideas moral behavior strait-laced
- 古板的路德牧师 a strait-laced lutheran minister
- 孤芳自赏 ɡū fānɡ zì shǎnɡ indulge self-admiration bird loves
- 他一朗诵自己的诗,就会陶醉在孤芳自赏之中 he indulged self-admiration when recited poem
- 辜负信任 ɡū fù xìn rèn abuse sb.'s trust
- 他感到他们向报界透露有关他的情况是辜负了他的信任 felt they had abused trust by talking press
- 孤家寡人 ɡū jiā ɡuǎ rén person utterly isolated lone
- 他是个孤家寡人,看来不要交朋友,也不想影响任何人 is a lone wolf apparently wanting friends seeking
- 故态复萌 ɡù tài fù ménɡ lapse back state habit
- 他故态复萌,又在超市行窃 he lapsed back bad habit shoplifting supermarket
- 他是经过改造的罪犯,然而仍有可能故态复萌 reformed criminal who may backslide
- Single 孤注一掷 ɡū zhù yī zhì stake throw risk
- 他们在执行一项危险的救援任务时把自己的生命孤注一掷 they gambled lives in dangerous rescue mission
- 他们孤注一掷地用自己的积蓄创办这家公司 they gambled savings to set business
- 资金雄厚的投资者将资金分散投放到各种证券,从而避免了孤注一掷全军覆没的危险 spreading investments wide range securities large investors) avoid
- 令人)刮目相看 ɡuā mù xiānɡ kàn make one's presence felt
- 这位新上任的警长确实令人刮目相看 police chief has made presence felt
- 怪杰 ɡuài jié celebrity eccentric unconventional behavior excused admired
- 毕加索可算是艺术家中的怪杰 picasso was much monstre sacré
- 光彩夺目[光辉灿烂,光芒四射] ɡuānɡ cǎi duó mù sending rays light shining
- 她双手的戒指光彩夺目 hands are radiant rings her
- 光彩照人 ɡuānɡ cǎi zhào rén person bright joy hope
- 新娘光彩照人 bride looked radiant the
- 光说空话 ɡuānɡ shuō kōnɡ huà talk
- 他光说空话 he is talk all
- 他听上去光说空话 words rang hollow all his
- 他光说空话而不干实事 he blusters but does nothing
- 归类 ɡuī lèi describe classify sb sth
- 你认为她的小说归属严肃文学类呢,还是通俗文学类 you classify novels literature mere entertainment
- 他的工作很难准确归类 work is difficult label accurately
- 归属感 ɡuī shǔ ɡǎn sense belonging
- 他在这儿没有一种归属感 he has sense belonging no
- 过火[过分,过头] ɡuò huǒ exaggerated degree effort overdo overplay
- 约翰真是同情得过火了 john really overdid sympathy the
- 这部电影中的爱情场面有点过火了 love scenes film bit overdone
- 他把这角色演得过火了 he overacted role the
- 她在影片中表演完全过火了 performance movie is completely top
- 她开的玩笑开得太过分了 she carried joke the too
- 别那么假正经——你谦虚得过头了 prude can carry modesty don't
- 果然如此 ɡuǒ rán rú cǐ introduce statement confirms previous
- 我说过会有这样的事,果然如此 i happen and sure it
- 还来不及 hái lái bu jí only
- 他们终于摆脱了这个讨厌的人(或拔除了眼中钉),高兴还来不及呢 were only glad to finally rid gadfly presence
- Mò 含情脉脉 hán qínɡ readily showing feeling love amorous
- 含情脉脉的样子(或情书、情诗 amorous looks letters poetry or
- 他含情脉脉地凝视着她的眼睛 was gazing amorously eyes he
- 寒舍 hán shè humble abode a
- 竭诚欢迎光临寒舍 most welcome humble abode you
- 行话 hánɡ huà difficult strange language words members group
- 广告业行话 jargonof advertising business the
- 她用了不少行话,我们怎么也听不懂她的解释 uses so jargon we understand explanations
- 官方认可的教育界行话 officially approved educationist bafflegab gobbledygook
- 好高骛远 hào ɡāo wù yuǎn unusually extravagant ambitious high-flying
- 他是个好高骛远的理想主义者 was a high-flying idealist he
- 那是好高骛远的计划 was a high-flying scheme it
- 他是个好高骛远的人 was a high-flyer he
- 好坏参半 hǎo huài chān bàn thing good bad aspects
- 这部作品好坏参半,质量不错,但失之于过分卖弄噱头 is a bit curate's egg good spoilt facetiousness
- 这是一本好坏参半的书 is a curate's egg book
- 好极了 hǎo jí le good show bully
- 你考试及格了?好极了 passed exams? good show you
- 我在竞赛中赢得了去西班牙度假的机会”“嗯,好极了!这项竞赛我参加过好几年了,可从未赢过 won holiday spain competition bully years won.”【说明】 bully
- 好色之徒 hào sè zhī tú lecherous mature man skirt
- 好事过了头,反而不好 hǎo shì ɡuò le tóu fǎn ér bù
- 好景不常在 hǎo jǐnɡ bù chánɡ zài day sunday
- 豪言壮语 háo yán zhuànɡ yǔ brave words meant impressive
- 记住,说起话来,别那么豪言壮语,只要到那儿去干我们的活就行了 remember, no heroics job we
- 和…的心在一起 hé de xīn zài yī qǐ sb offer
- 我的心和你在一起 i shall spirit be with
- 你们结婚那天我们恐怕正在国外,但是我们的心当然会跟你们在一起 afraid abroad day marriage but of spirit
- 红颜易逝 hónɡ yán yì shì beauty fades flower
- 鸿运高照 hónɡ yùn ɡāo zhào luck good success esp
- 不管走到哪里,他总是鸿运高照 goes, he pretty find bread buttered sides
- 年轻的一代显示出英国芭蕾舞后继有人 younger generation shows that the future english ballet
- 唬(人) hǔ ren deceive delude fool sb
- 别胡诌了!别用你那老一套的鬼话来唬我 you don't in with gag come
- 我不相信他真会按他威胁的话去做——他只是唬人而已 i he'd threatens he's bluffing
- 忽悠 hū trick cheat sb deceive dupe
- 老太太被忽悠买了一台有毛病的洗碟机 lady was duped buying a faulty dishwasher
- 胡作非为 hú zuò fēi wéi foolish unacceptable behavior
- 我们决不容忍员工胡作非为 we won't stand nonsense staff
- 话得说回来 huà děi shuō huí lái
- 这星期我没有收到彼得的信,不过话得说回来,最近我也没有给他写过信 i letter peter week, but it i written recently
- 华灯初上 huá dēnɡ chū shànɡ lights city
- 黄昏时分,都市华灯初上 dusk, the lights of city come at
- 画底线[有个底线] huà dǐ xiàn draw line sth refuse tolerate
- 事情总得有个分寸)我得画个底线,那就是不能再继续借钱给你 line drawn somewhere i lending money
- I 我可以帮忙,但我得画个底线,什么事都让我干,那可不行 mind helping, but draw line
- 画龙点睛的妙语 huà lónɡ diǎn jīnɡ de miào yǔ words
- 他在宴会之后的讲话中把那句画龙点睛之妙语给忘了 forgot the punch-line after-dinner speech
- 他没懂得这句笑话中的画龙点睛的妙语 get the punch lines jokes
- 画上了圆满的句号 huà shànɡ le yuán mǎn de jù hào
- 大使馆举行的宴会为总统的正式访问画上了圆满的句号 party embassy set put seal on the president's official
- 画蛇添足 huà shé tiān zú gild lily add unnecessarily
- 漂亮的姑娘再浓妆艳抹等于是画蛇添足 beautiful girl plenty make-up on would gild lily
- 哗众取宠[耸人听闻] huá zhònɡ qǔ chǒnɡ newspaper interest presenting facts
- 哗众取宠的新闻报道 sensational news stories
- 记住,说话切忌哗众取宠,只要到那儿去干我们的活就行了 remember, no heroics job we
- 媒体大肆渲染案件中哗众取宠的内容 media played sensational aspects case
- 换句话说 huàn jù huà shuō words variation sth introduce
- 公司请他走人,换句话说,就是他被解雇了 company asked leave in words fired
- 我可不能采取那种经营方式,换句话说,就是我不想买单 i run business variation pay bills
- 换了我是你的话 huàn le wǒ shì nǐ de huà stand
- 换了我是你的话,我就立刻辞职 i stood shoes resign immediately
- 还情 huán qínɡ return favor to
- 多谢,我总有一天要还你的情 lot! i'll return favor thanks
- 焕然一新 huàn rán yī xīn freshen sth
- 我们打算油漆一下厨房,使之焕然一新 to paint kitchen freshen bit
- 好好收拾一下就会使房子焕然一新 good cleaning tidying-up will freshen house
- 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没安好心 huánɡ shǔ lánɡ ɡěi jī bài nián méi
- 注意黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没安好心 beware fear greeks bearing gifts
- 灰姑娘 huī ɡū niɑnɡ person organization valued esp well-known
- 几年前这家公司还被视为印刷业中的“灰姑娘”,鲜为人知,可如今成了国内最大的公司之一 years ago company still regarded cinderella printing trade
- 挥霍钱财 huī huò qián cái spend money lavishly squander
- 他的儿子挥霍钱财 son spent money gay abandon
- 回扣 huí kòu money pay sb secretly dishonestly helping
- 主任说他诊所的一些主管从供应商那里收取了回扣 director administrators clinic accepted kickbacks suppliers
- 讳莫如深 huì mò rú shēn silent reserved
- 他似乎对过去的事讳莫如深 he seemed unduly reticent subject past
- 回天乏术 huí tiān fá shù doctor sth
- 医生的确是回天乏术了 absolutely morethe doctorscan there's
- 浑然一体 hún rán yī tǐ blend integral make seamless
- 一座座的花园与东面的海德公园衔接而浑然一体 gardens make seamless hyde park east
- 活该[罪有应得] huó ɡāi suffer unpleasant effects actions deserve coming
- 她离开了他,这毫不奇怪——大家都知道这是他活该 surprise left knew he coming
- 她那次失败是活该 she had defeat coming that
- 约翰被罚一周不得出门,但我认为他活该 john grounded week i guess coming
- 他这是活该——他本不该弄虚作假 it serves right cheated place
- 她离开了你,是吗?那你活该——你太自私了 left she? it serves right for selfish
- 活受罪 huó shòu zuì place condition suffering
- 买票要排几小时的队真是活受罪 standing queue hours buy ticket is sheer purgatory
- 火中取栗 huǒ zhònɡ qǔ lì save person situation difficulty
- 我已经多次代他火中取栗,我不愿再为他冒险了 i had pulled chestnuts fire him on occasions unwilling
- 忌妒之人无宁日 jì du zhī rén wú nínɡ rì envy
- 急功近利 jí ɡōnɡ jìn lì eager instant success quick
- 他们急功近利 they're only interested quick profit
- 机会均等的局面 jī huì jūn děnɡ de jú miàn situation
- 这个项目旨在创造机会均等的局面 project intended to level playing field (= create situation
- 我们只希望我们的出口商品面对机会均等的局面进行竞争 exports to compete level playing field
- 急流勇退 jí liú yǒnɡ tuì stop leave place conditions
- 这儿的竞争越来越激烈——我们还是急流勇退吧 competition stiffer time let's going's good
- 挤眉弄眼[抛媚眼] jǐ méi nònɡ yǎn stare sb esp woman
- 他还是在向年轻女人挤眉弄眼 he was ogling young ladies
- 极其[非常] jí qí extremely very nothing
- 他极其坚决 he's nothing determined if not
- 假日活动极其丰富多彩 holiday was varied the nothing
- 集思广益 jí sī ɡuǎnɡ yì making group people sth
- 明天将举行一个集思广益的讨论会 be a brainstorming session tomorrow there
- 请大家集思广益,献计献策 brainstorm ideas as many
- 即席[即兴] jí xí spoken previous thought preparation impromptu
- 即席讲话 an improvised (or extempore speech
- 他因忘了带讲稿,只好即席发言 he had extemporise because forgotten bring notes
- 弹钢琴的人把乐谱忘了,只好即兴伴奏 pianist forgot music and had improvise accompaniment
- 觊觎 jì yú eye sth covet
- 觊觎别国领土 covet another country's territory
- 切勿觊觎钱财权势 never covet wealth power and
- 那个国家长期以来觊觎着这繁荣的港口 country has long covetous eye prosperous port
- One's 家丑外扬 jiā chǒu wài yánɡ reveal talk hidden
- 他把自己犯罪的经历出价卖给报界,弄得一家人无地自容,他锒铛入狱已经够糟糕了,这下还把家丑外扬,就更加声名狼藉了 family ashamed sold story crimes newspapers bad
- 架次(飞机出动的架次) jià cì flight made aircraft military operations sortie
- 那四架飞机昨天各出动两(架)次 planes each made sorties yesterday the
- 家道中落 jiā dào zhōnɡ luò important society one's career
- 自从上次与他们见面之后,他们家道中落了 world since i met they've
- 很多富户都因那次金融危机而家道中落 rich families were brought low financial crisis
- Hù 家家户户都有一本难念的经 jiā jiā dōu yǒu yì běn nán
- Job 驾轻就熟 jià qīnɡ jiù shú handle ease previous
- 起初她觉得这工作很难,但现在已驾轻就熟了 found job difficult first, but she's stride
- 假心假意 jiǎ xīn jiǎ yì intended tongue-in-cheek
- 她假心假意的答复令人极其沮丧 tougue-in-cheek reply was frustrating her
- 加油 jiā yóu harder make effort
- 加油!加油 on! come come on
- 咱们为运动员加油 let's cheer players on
- 请来看运动会,为我们的队助威加油 sports meeting to cheer team
- 价值连城 jià zhí lián chénɡ invaluable priceless
- 凡·高的任何一幅画都是价值连城 painting van gogh is worth fortune
- 这根钻石项链价值连城 diamond necklace is worth king's ransom
- 佳作不断 jiā zuò bù duàn achieve success one's career
- Success 他在电影事业上佳作不断,丝毫没有懈怠的迹象 movie career sign slacking
- 剑拔弩张 jiàn bá nǔ zhānɡ bitter enmity daggers drawn
- 世界在冷战中剑拔弩张 world lives daggers drawn in cold war
- 他与同事们的关系很紧张,可谓剑拔弩张 he's at daggers drawn with colleagues, so speak
- 见多识广 jiàn duō shí ɡuǎnɡ well-informed
- 你开计程车,可真是见多识广了 taxi-driver you really life as
- 见好就收 jiàn hǎo jiù shōu leave place stop sth
- 这里的生活越来越困难了——咱们还是见好就收吧 life difficult time let's going's good
- 简直是笑话 jiǎn zhí shì xiào huɑ laugh
- 他竟然没认出那是你?简直是笑话 realize you? what laugh and
- 他,主动帮他忙?简直是笑话 offer help? that's laugh him
- 将多兵少 jiànɡ duō bīnɡ shǎo organization senior staff members
- 这个机构有那么多高级管理人员,真是将多兵少 high-ranking executives organization's getting top-heavy
- 将就 jiānɡ jiu manage sth adequate satisfactory
- 东西不多,你只好将就了 but you'll make there isn't
- 我们时间很紧,只好将就一下,吃点饼干权当中饭 hurry so we make biscuits lunch
- 讲求(或讲究)实际[实事求是] jiǎng qiú shí jì realistic
- 我们应该讲求实际,先把费用算出来,然后再作出决定 we must practical and work cost make decision
- 他是个很讲究实际的人 he's a practical person very
- 应该讲究实际——我们没有足够的钱既去买汽车又去度假 practical afford car holiday
- 叫板 jiào bǎn invite sb compete fight match challenge
- 他雄心勃勃要向冠军叫板进行网球比赛 ambitious to challenge champion game tennis
- 脚踩两只船 jiǎo cǎi liǎnɡ zhī chuán involved connected opposing
- 要在这笔交易中确保自己得到好处,唯一的办法就是脚踏两只船 make one's gain deal to have foot camps
- 佼佼者 jiǎo jiǎo zhě outstanding prestigious kind cadillac flagship
- 这一计划被视为这批新提案中的佼佼者 scheme is seen flagship batch proposals
- 这是我们计算机系统中的佼佼者 is the flagship system range computers
- 绞尽脑汁 jiǎo jìn nǎo zhī hard cudgel rack beat
- I 尽管我绞尽脑汁,还是想不起他的名字 hard cudgeled brains remember
- 我们的科学家正绞尽脑汁,力求找到解决这个问题的办法 scientists racking brainstrying solution problem
- 脚踏实地 jiǎo tà shí dì practical helpful friendly down-to-earth
- 这个年轻人工作勤奋且脚踏实地,她很快就喜欢上他了 young man was hard-working down-to-earth and quickly felt drawn
- 叫停 jiào tínɡ call halt sth bring stop work
- 现在该是我们叫停这一切无谓争论的时候了 time we called halt senseless arguing
- 骄者必败 jiāo zhě bì bài pride fall
- Result one's 借光[沾光] jiè ɡuānɡ friendship respective abilities qualities
- 他借了约翰之光得了这份差使——公司的董事很尊重约翰,对他的工作也很满意 job by riding john's coat tails company director
- Money 拮据 jié jū straitened as
- 八口之家日子过得很拮据 family was living straitened circumstances
- 她不想让他知道自己拮据的状况 of her straitened circumstances she
- 解决(问题) jiě jué find solution problem one's
- 我把这个问题交给你来解决 leave to sort problem i'll
- 他们的事让他们自己解决吧 leave to sort let's them
- 介入[干预] jiè rù people interfere prevent sth happening change
- 暴乱发生时,警察有责任介入 rioting broke out, the police obliged intervene
- 工会领导上周介入从而使罢工正式化 union leadership stepped week and made strike official
- 揭示奥秘 jiē shì ào mì unlock secrets
- 这本书旨在揭示翻译的奥秘 book intended to unlock secrets translation
- 街谈巷议 jiē tán xiànɡ yì marketplace gossip
- 他成为当地人们街谈巷议的对象 became the subject local gossip
- 借题发挥 jiè tí fā huī critical comment made sb
- 他的讲话不错,可他还是忍不住借题发挥攻击了对手 good speech resist taking sideswipe rival
- 捷足先登 jié zú xiān dēnɡ acquire sth advance
- 许多桌子被举行家宴的人捷足先登了 tables already pre-empted family parties
- 他们早早来到剧院,以便捷足先登占到最好的座位 arrived early theatre to preempt seats
- 晋级 jìn jí move forward develop esp stages gradually
- 该队的晋级为甲级队 team's progression to the division
- 我队已晋级为甲级队 team advanced division our to
- 足球队已晋级为甲级队 football team was promoted division
- 你何时晋级 you go step when do
- 进入(决赛等) jìn rù promoted advance to
- 这支球队已进入半决赛 team has advanced semifinals the
- 进入角色 jìn rù jué sè identify oneself personality role
- 尽量发挥想象力,使自己进入角色 to think role try yourself
- 这是一种戏剧表演技巧,演员借此进入所刻画的角色 dramatic technique actor seeks to gain complete identification
- One's 进入状态 jìn rù zhuànɡ tài begin sth confidence
- 网球选手开局紧张,但到第二盘终于进入状态 nervous start tennis player finally got stride set
- 他1968年就发行了他的第一张歌曲专辑,但10年以后才真正进入状态 released album 1968, but hit stride till ten
- 锦上添花 jǐn shànɡ tiān huā desirable feature perceived finishing
- 股市行情再次攀高,为星期二的上涨锦上添花 stock market rose again, adding frosting tuesday's advance
- 晋升 jìn shēnɡ promoted advance to
- 足球队已晋升为甲级队 football team was promoted division
- 进退维谷的情况(或境地) jìn tuì wéi ɡǔ de qínɡ kuànɡ catch-22
- 他觉得自己处于进退维谷的境地 found himself in catch-22 situation embarrassing
- 我们处于进退维谷的境地,星期一之前无法弄到汽车备件 real fix spare parts car monday
- Wú rén 金无足赤,人无完人 jīn zú chì wán man faults
- 进展[进步] jìn zhǎn continual improvement development intended desired result
- 和平谈判的进展情况令人相当失望 progress peace talkshas disappointing
- 你的调查有进展吗 you getting investigations are anywhere
- 那计划我们搞了8个月,终于觉得有所进展 months work project last we feel
- One's 尽自己的本分(或职责) jìn zì jǐ de běn fèn share
- 我们必须尽到自己的本分(或职责),使工业生产正常进行 bitto industry working we
- 每一个人尽自己的本分,我们就能按时完成这项工作 finish job time if bit
- 尽自己最大努力 jìn zì jǐ zuì dà nǔ lì perfectly
- 设备不理想,但我们已尽了最大努力 facilities ideal but managed we
- 赢不了也不要紧——只要你尽了最大努力 matter win just it
- 精彩纷呈 jīnɡ cǎi fēn chénɡ full exciting events activity
- 那是一个活动精彩纷呈的周末 was an action-packed weekend it
- 精美绝伦 jīnɡ měi jué lún absolutely perfect
- 这位小说家的最新作品真是精美绝伦 novelist's recent book is perfection
- 就目前情况看 jiù mù qián qínɡ kuànɡ kàn present set
- 就目前情况看,我们不能按时完成任务了 things stand finish job time
- Sth 就是这些 jiù shì zhè xiē finished telling add
- 还有什么要说的吗?”“没有了,现在我要说的就是这些 no, that's anything else about
- 咎由自取 jiù yóu zì qǔ act unintentionally harms one's
- 你若考试不及格,只能咎由自取 fail exam, you'll blame if
- 就这样了[就是这样] jiù zhè yànɡ le end matter settles
- 我看就这样了——我们已经了解到你们出的最高价了吧 i heard final offer
- 就这样了,我们终于取得了一致的意见 agreed so that's that
- 距离增添魅力 jù lí zēnɡ tiān mèi lì distance lends
- Chénɡ 聚沙成塔,集腋成裘 jù shā tǎ jí yè qiú helps
- 具有抽象思维能力 jù yǒu chōu xiànɡ sī wéi nénɡ lì
- 他是个冷面滑稽演员 was a dead-pan comedian he
- 研究表明,学龄前儿童具有抽象思维能力 research shows pre-school children are capable thinking abstract
- 卷土重来 juǎn tǔ chónɡ lái popular successful fashionable stage
- 超短裙又卷土重来了 miniskirts are starting back to
- 决不手软 jué bù shǒu ruǎn relentless strict harsh
- 警方在跟犯罪分子的斗争中决不手软 police will relent fight crime
- 觉得不对劲 jué de bù duì jìn feel slightly wrong
- I 听完那场辩论离开时我觉得很不对劲——我真不知道该相信什么 left debate feeling strange
- 绝对标准 jué duì biāo zhǔn absolute standard
- 美是不可能用任何绝对标准来衡量的 beauty measured by absolute standard
- 绝对不 jué duì bù absolutely not
- 她的烹饪技术绝对不如你 cooking is nothing good as
- 来而不往非礼也 lái ér bù wǎnɡ fēi lǐ yě courtesy
- 来劲 lái jìn high spirits full beans
- 我们一开始——嗬,可来劲了——但后来我们不干了 start oh full beans stop
- 滥用职权 làn yònɡ zhí quán power unfairly wrongly
- 她滥用自己作为校长的职权,把工作安排给朋友们 she abused position principal by giving jobs friends
- 狼狈为奸[朋比为奸] lánɡ bèi wéi jiān working mutual advantage involved
- 狼狈为奸的交易(或勾当 a cozy cosy) deal or
- 他决定清除在前任掌握下滋生的狼狈为奸的腐败现象 decided to mop cozy corruption that flourished predecessor
- 老法师 lǎo fǎ shī senior member group profession doyen
- 他是法律界的老法师 is the dean jurists he
- 老滑头 lǎo huá tóu leery bird
- 他是个老滑头 he's a leery bird old
- 劳驾 láo jià favor to do
- 我在打电话,劳驾把收音机的声音调小点好吗 do me favor turn radio down while phone
- 老前辈 lǎo qián bèi senior member group profession doyen
- 他是英语系的老前辈(或元老 is the doyen department english
- 他是英国出版界的老前辈 is the doyen british publishers
- 老色鬼 lǎo sè ɡuǐ dirty lascivious man
- 乐趣 lè qù great pleasure something
- 生活在乡村的乐趣 delights of living country the
- 他以证明别人出错为(一大)乐趣 he take great delight proving wrong
- 他从开快车中得到极大的乐趣 he gets kick driving fast cars
- 雷声大雨点小 léi shēnɡ dà yǔ diǎn xiǎo loud arrogant
- 他说的话吓不倒我——不过是雷声大雨点小 i frightened it bluster
- 类似的事 lèi sì de shì kind
- 是你说他们要搬家吗?我也听到过类似的事 moving i'd heard kind did
- 冷面幽默(或滑稽) lěnɡ miàn yōu mò dead-pan humor
- 利令智昏 lì lìnɡ zhì hūn blinded gain success
- 那个目空一切的人因获得成功而利令智昏 haughty man was blinded gain success
- 礼貌 lǐ mào polite
- 拒绝他们的邀请是不礼貌的 be bad taste to refuse invitation
- 里氏震级 lǐ shì zhèn jí richter scale
- 墨西哥城的地震为7.1里氏震级 earthquake mexico city registered richter scale
- 那个城市的地震为7.3里氏震级 earthquake city measured richter scale
- 联袂 lián mèi team to up
- 他们8月联袂登台义演 they teamed charity performance in august
- 谅(某人)不能(或无法) liàng bù néng challenge sb sth believes defy
- 我谅你无法证实我欺骗了人 i defy prove i cheated
- 我谅你不能提出任何证据来支持你的要求 i defy produce evidence that supports claim
- 两方面都说得通 liǎnɡ fānɡ miàn dōu shuō de tōnɡ point
- 你的论点两方面都说得通 argument cuts ways your both
- 两清[谁也不欠谁] liǎnɡ qīnɡ terms debt money repaid quits
- 咱们两清呢,还是你仍欠我2美元 quits or owe dollars are
- 他似乎已经忘了我去年借给他的那笔钱,但如果他今晚替我付饭钱,我愿意咱们就此两清 forgotten money i lent year pays meal
- 两全其美 liǎnɡ quán qí měi benefits widely differing activities
- 她又当职业妇女,又当母亲,两全其美 she's career woman mother she has worlds
- 良心[良知] liánɡ xīn conscience
- 他犯罪后,良心上感到不安 committed crime, his conscience troubled
- 他受良心责备 conscience racks him
- 我必须去,这是有关良心的事 i go. it's matter conscience
- 他以撒谎和骗人为乐,真是没有良心 cheerfully cheats lies; he's conscience
- 他因谋害了几个人而良心受到谴责 he has murders conscience several
- 两者兼得 liǎnɡ zhě jiān dé gain advantage opposing opinions
- 要减轻体重还是要吃巧克力,你得选择其中之一,两者不可兼得 decide lose weight eat chocolate you can't ways
- 劣根性 liè ɡēn xìnɡ defects character
- 他觉得劣根性很难改掉 he finds difficult overcome defects character
- Fill 临时顶缺(或顶替) lín shí dǐnɡ quē sb.'s job work
- 正当演出要开始时,我们的一位主要演员生病了,幸亏另一位演员熟悉这一角色,由他临时顶缺 perform play main actors fell ill luckily
- 如果美国不挺身而出临时顶替,你认为后果会如何呢 consequences be if united states step up and fill breach
- 临渊而退 lín yuān ér tuì step back edge abyss
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