NEET Biology ug
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- Stages reach reproduction juveline-physio morpho chang-repro
- Primates cows,sheep,rat,deer,dog,tiger non
- Primates monkey,apes,human
- Productivity rate biomass production the
- Unit productivity of
- Type productivity npp,gpp two of
- Cycle nutrient types a.gaseous b.sedimentary
- Type nuclease exonucleases endonucleases two
- Exonuclease remove nucleotides ends dna
- Endonucleases cut specific position dna
- Type autogamy a.chasmogamous b.cleistogamous two
- Chasmogamous exposed anther stigma and
- Cleisogamous anther stigma close assured seed set
- Geitogamy flower plant different same
- Xenogamy plants flower pollination in
- Agents pollination 1.abiotic 2.biotic of
- Mosaic viral disease tobacco turnip
- Meristem free virus from the
- Meristem tissue culture banana,sugarcane,potato eg
- Abiotic factors temp,water light,soil eg
- Temp ecological relevant environmental factors
- Death rates refer capita to
- Sex ratio population a has
- Abingdon goat galapogas the and
- Bamboo flower yrs lifetime once
- Strobilanthus kunthiana flowers years once
- Reproduction process organism rise young similar
- Life span period birth natural death organism represent
- Organism death unicellular with no
- Ls elephant of 50
- Ls dog of 22
- Ls butterfly of 2
- Ls crow of 15
- Ls cow of 22
- Ls parrot of 14
- Ls crocodile of 60
- Horse 40
- Fruit fly week 2
- Tortoise 100
- Reproduction ensures continuity species what
- Hw types reproduction asexual sexual
- Speciality asexual reproduction clone,similar,unicellular single parent
- Type asexual reproduction fission,budding,vegetative propagation
- Fission protists monerans eg for
- Type fissio binary multiple two
- Binary fission ameoba paramecium eg
- Multiple fission amoeba plasmodium eg
- Budding small bud,mature,detach,new
- Budding hydra,sponge,yeast eg for
- Asexual reproductive structure zoospore,conidia,gemmules other
- Zoospores algae protist microscopic motile structure
- Conidia pencillium
- Gemmules sponge
- Vegeatative propagules runner,rhizome,sucker,tuber,offset,bulb eg for
- Vegetative propagation buds potato,banana,ginger form notches bryophyllum
- Juveline phase period growth reach maturity sexual reproduction
- Understant end vegetative phase flowering
- Annual binneal plant show perrinial clear cut vegetative
- Unusual floweing bamboo srobilanthus kunthiana
- Oestrous mentrous cycle change undergo activities ovary,accesory duct
- Scenesce concomitant occur what happens
- Responsible life phase change hormones
- Events sexual reproduction prefertilisation.fertilisation post fertilisation
- Prefertilisation consist of gametogenesis gamate transfer
- Homogametes algae gametes similar chatagorise genders
- Heterogamates male female gamtes distinguished
- Male female gamates called antherozoids egg
- Dioecious plants papaya date palm
- Monoecious cucurbits cocunut eg for
- Homothallic bisexual
- Heterothallic unisexual
- Hermaphrodites bisexual animal
- Bisexual animal earthworm,leech,sponge,tapeworm eg for
- Animals unisexual cockroach higher eg
- Haploid meiocytes monera,fungi,algae,bryophytes eg for
- Diploid moecyte pteridophytes,gymnosperm,angiosperm,animals eg for
- Syngamy process fusion gamates form zygote
- Parthanogenic animal rotifers,honeybee,lizard,birds eg for
- Aprthanogenesis female gamates develops organism fertilisation
- Types fertilisation internal external of
- External fertilisation algae,bony fishes,amphibians eg
- Internal fertilisation fungi,animal-reptiles,birds,mammal,plants-bryophyte,pteri,gymn,ang eg for
- Occurs process embryogenesis division differentiation cell
- Ecosystem functional unit nature living organisms interact surrounding
- Terrestial ecosystem forest grassland,desert
- Aquatic ecosystem pond,lake,wetland,river,estuary
- Man made ecosystem crop fields aquariums
- Entire biosphere regarded global ecosystem
- Function unit ecosystem biotic abiotic
- Stratification vertical distribution species occupyin levels
- Stratification trees top vertical strata shrubs herbs bottom
- Basic components functioning ecosystem 1.productivity 2.decomposition flow
- Pond shallow simple sustained water body exhibit basic
- Abiotic components ponds water rich soil deposit bottom
- Climatic condition affect pond ecosystem solar input cycle
- Autotrophic components pond phytoplanktons,algae,floating,submerged marginal plants
- Consumers ponds zooplanktons,free swimming and bottom dwelling forms
- Decomposers pond fungi,bacteria flagellates of
- Autotrophs pond perform ecosytem inorganic organic light heterotrophs
- Primary production amount biomass organic matter produced unit
- Unit primary production of
- Gpp gross primary productivity rate production organic matter
- Npp net primary productivity gpp-r(respiration loss
- Secondary productivity rate formation organic matter consumers
- Primary productivity depend on plant species inhabiting area
- Annula net primary productivity billion tons dry weight-70
- Decomposition breakdown complex organic matter by decomposers inorganic
- Dead detritus plant remainingsuch leaves bark,flowers remains animal,including
- Steps decomposition a.fragmentation b.leaching c.catabolism d.humification e.mineralization
- Fragmentation breakdown detrirus smaller particles detritovores-earthworm
- Leaching process water soluble inorganic nutrients soil horizon
- Catabolism degradation detritus simpler inorganic substance bacterial fungal
- Humification accumulation humus soil decompose slowly serves reserve
- Mineralization releasse inorganic nutrients dueto degradation humus microbes
- Factors affecting decomposition chemical composition detritus climatic temp
- Detritus chemical composition decomposition rate slow rich lignin
- Temp decomposition climatic facter soil moisture affect warm
- Energy source sun deep sea hydro thermal ecosytem
- Par sun photosynthetically active radiation
- Plant capture par 2-10 of
- Ecosystem obey 2nd law thermodyanamics constand supply energy
- Producers organism depend food all
- Primary producers aquatic phytoplankton,algae,higher plant
- Beginning detritus food chain death organism
- Simple grazing foodchain grass goat-man
- Gfc grazing food chain
- Dfc begins dead made decomposer saprotrophs heterotrophic
- Decomposers meet energy degrading dead organic matteror detritus
- Material decomposr degrade food produce enzyme breakdown dead
- Aquatic ecosystem major conduit energy gfc
- Terrestial major conduit energy is dfc
- Trophic level specific place organisms natural food chain
- 1st trophic level phytoplanktons,grass trees
- 2nd trophic level zooplanktons grasshoper,cow
- 3rd trophic level birds fishes,wolf
- 4th trophic level man,lion
- Food web interconnectionof chain called
- Standing crop trophic level mass living material aparticular
- Measured standing crop mass living organisms number in
- Trophic level gfc restricted transfer energy law
- Levels law energy transfered trophic lower
- Ecological pyramids represenaition food chain form pyramid called
- Types ecological pyramids a.pyramid number b.pyramid biomass c.pyramid
- Higher energy lower levels is level-hrbivorous number carnivorous
- Inverted biomass examples pyramids insects feeding big tree
- Energy lost form heat how
- Ecological pyramids limitaion account thesame species belonging trophic
- Ecological succession a gradual slow predictable change species
- Community climax equilibrium environment that
- Succession leads incerease number decline species
- Sere entire sequence community successively change area
- Community seral stages individual transitional termed
- Successive seral stage occur change i n diversity
- Succession evolution parallel earlier times
- Succession types primary secondary is
- Succession primary takes place li ving organism existed
- Primary succession newly cooled lava,bare rocks,newly created pond
- Primary succession speed slow very
- Succession secondary place area existed organism lost
- Forsecondary succession abondoned farmland,brned cut forest,land flooded
- Species invade depend condition e soil,availibility water
- Succession vegetation affect food shelter of organism
- Stage convert seral succession earlier deforestation fire human
- Types succession plant hydrarch xerarch
- Succession hydrarch takes place wetter areas.the series progress
- Xerarch succession takes place dry areas.the series progress
- Succesion leads to medium water condition-mesic
- Species invading bare area called pioneer
- Primary succession rocks-xerophytic habitat 1.lichen-secrete acids dissolve rock
- Remain climax community stable long environment unchanged
- Primary succesion water 1.phytoplankton floating angiosperms 3.rooted
- Standing state amount nutrient carbon,nitrogen,phosphorous calcium present soiil
- Standing state varies kind ecosystem seasonal basis
- Nutrient cycle(biogeochemical cycles movement elements components acosystem
- Cycle gaseous reservoir exist atmosphere(nitrogen carbon
- Sedimentary cycle reservoir located earths crust(sulphur phosphorous
- Rate release nutrient based soil moisture,ph,temperature
- Reservoir meets deficit nutrients due to imbalance ratte
- Reservoir c atm-1 orga(dry weight)-49 ocean-regualte atmospheric co2-71%
- C cycle occur atmo,ocean,living dead organism
- C fixed photosyntheses kg how
- Lost amount c how sediment removed circulation
- Role human activities carbon cycle deforestation burning fossil
- Reaervoir p constituent biological membrane,nucleic acid,cellular enrgy transfer
- Natural reservoir p rock(in form phosphates
- P cycle flowchart refer text book
- Difference b/w c andp cycle refer text
- Ecosystem services products processes the
- Healthy ecosystem provide purify air d water habitat
- Price tagged nature life support servicess robert constanza
- Price ecosystem service trillion dollar global gross national
- Contribution soil trillion of to
- Recreation nutrient cycle trillion and
- Climatic regulation habitat wildlife rc
- Biotechnology deals techniques live organisms enzymes products processes
- Efb european federaion biotechnoly of
- Biotechnology-efb defines biotechnology integrationof natural science cells parts
- Gene biotechnology deals microbe mediated invitro synthesis preparation
- Principle biotechnology a.genetic engineering b.maintanace sterile ambience
- Genetic engineering technique ehich material chemically altered indroduced
- Sterile ambience traditionamethod leads inclusion multiplcation undesired gene
- Recombinanat dna emerged possibility linking gene antibiotic resistance
- Isolated antibiotic resistance gene stanley cohen herbert boyer
- Dna host basic step genetically modifying organism 1.identification
- Tools recombinant dna technology 1.restriction enzyme 2.cloning vector
- Enzyme restriction found 1963-two responsible restricting growth bacteriophage
- Restriction endonuclease hind ii first
- Sequence recognition pair restriction enzymes cut
- Restriction enzyme found strain bacteria
- Enzyme naming restriction ecori roman number =the order
- Cut specific restriciton endonuclease dna recognize sequence strands
- Sequence palindromic dna base pair reads direction orientation
- End sticky restriciton enzyme cut dna awy palindromic
- Pros sticky ends form h bond complementary cut
- Gel electrophorosis dna fragments formed restriction enzyme seperated
- Process electrophorosis made move anode ve chargedunder electric
- Smaller sized fragments move faster
- Identified visualised staining ethidium bromide exposture uv rays-bright
- Gel elution seperated dna bands cu agarose extracted
- Cloning vectors dna molecule carry foreign dna segment
- Cloning vector plasmid bacteriophage eg
- Feature cloning vector a.ori b.selectable marker c.cloning site
- Ori sequence replication starts piece dna linked replicate
- Transformanants selectable marker helps select
- Transformation procedure piece dna indroduced host bacterium
- Selectable marer e choli ampicilin chloramphenicol,tetracyclin kanamycin
- Gene ligation alien carried antibiotic resistance
- Alternate selectalbe marer chromogenic substrate lined enzyme alpha
- Deliver agrobacterium tumifaciens pathogen dicot plants t dna
- Retrovirus transform normal cells cancerous
- Dna ice making host competetnt hydrophilic passage cell
- Method indroduce alien dna host cell micro injection
- Microinjection recombinant dna directly injected nucleas animal cell
- Biolistic cells ombareded high velocity micro particle gold
- Dna gene processes recombianat technology 1.isolation genetic material
- Isolation genetic material cell treated enzymes lysozyme bacteria
- Rna removed ribonucleases how is
- Dna precipitated treated chilled ethanol
- Dna cutting specific location incubate purified restriction enzyme
- Pcr synthesis mulitiple copies gene interest in vitro
- Primers small chemically synthesized oligonucleotides complementary region dna
- Dna polymerease extend primers nucleotide genomic amplified 1billion
- Amplification thermostable dna polymerease thermus aquaticus
- Ultimate aim recombinant dna technology produce desirable products
- Protein recombinant encoding gene expressed heterologous host
- Bioreactor large produce quantities products volumes of culture
- Bioreactor vessels raw material biologically converted specific products
- Reactor facilitate mixing stirred tank cylindrical curved base
- System control bioreactor agitator oxygen delivery foam temp
- Stream processing series processes seperation purification products biosynthetic
- Applications biotechnology a.biopharmaceuticals b.therapeutics c.diagnostics d.gmc agriculture e.processed
- Critical reserch areas a.providing catalyst form improved organism
- Food production agriculture options increasing a.agro chemical bassed
- Gmo plants bacteria fungi animals whise genes altered
- Reduce plants advantage gmo moretolerant abiotic stress chemical
- Pest resistant plants bio pesticides eg-bt cotton,rice,tomato,potato,soyabean
- Bt bacillus thuringensis
- Bt kill coleopterans-beetles lepidopterans-tobacco budworm dipterans-flies mosquitoes
- Protein doesnt kill bt exist inactive protoxin
- Protein kill insect ingest inactive toxin activated due
- Protein kill toxin bind surface midgut epithelial cells
- Gene produce protein cry which
- Cryiac cryiiab cotton bollworm and
- Cryiab corn borer
- Nematode meloidegayne incognito infecttion removed rna interference
- Rnai amethod cellular defense eukaryotic prevents translation
- Rna source comlpemntary infection viruses mobile genetic element
- Transpons mobile gentic elements
- Nematode specific resisted gene indroduced produce sense antisense
- Recombinant medicine goo mass production safe effective therapeutic
- Gmo medicine certified india how
- Structure insulin short polypeptide chain b linked disulphide
- Prohormone mammal insulin produced prohormone consisit extra structure
- Found artificial insulin eli lilly american company
- Made artificial insulin dna sequence corres b seperately
- Gene therapy method correcting defect diagnosed ina child
- Gene therapy carried outo inserted person cell tissue
- Gene therapy year girls ada(adenosine deaminasse deficiency
- Ada occurs h deletion gene fot ad crucial
- Early method curing ada bone marrow transplantation enzyme
- Ada gene therapy lymphocyte grown culture cdna indroduced
- Molecular diafnosis recombinant dna technology pcr elisa
- Detect pcr diagnosis hiv powerful mutation
- Pcr ssdna ssrna tagged allowed hybridise complementary dna
- Antigen antibody elisa based principle interaction protein,glycoprotein pathogen
- Animals transgenic whhose genome altered indroduction extra gene
- Study safety benefit transgenic animals normal physiology development
- Study factors normal physiology development transgenic animals geneare
- Study contribution genes development disease investigation treatment cancer
- Biological products alpha antitripsin treat emphysema pku cystic
- Rosie protein enriched milk.alpha lactalbumin balanced human beings
- Vaccine safety mice monkeys and
- Toxxicity testingos compare tran toxic environment
- Problem ethical issues unpredictable results patent biopiracy
- Geac genetic engineering approval committee
- Biopiracy basmati rice herbal medicines turmeric neem
- Varieties basumati in india of how
- Biopiracy bioresources by multinational companies organisation proper authorisation
- Plants shows sexual reproduction angiosperm
- Flowers morphological embryological structures sites reproduction
- Androecium whorls stamens of
- Parts stamens a.filament b.anther two
- Filament long slender stalk.its proximal attached thalamus petal
- Anther terminal typically bilobed structure
- Theca dithecous longitudinal grooves runs length wise seperating
- Layers microsporagium circular epidermis,endothecium,middle layer,tapetum
- Fn tapetum nourishes the developing pollen grain
- Cells tapetum dense cytoplasm nucleas
- Sporogenous tissue gp homogenous cells occupies centre microsporangia
- Cell convert microspore tetrad sporogenous tissue
- Tetrad potential pollen each of
- Microsporogenesis formation microspore pmc meiosis is
- Microspore dissociated anther matures dehydrate
- Pollen grain spherical pico meter cytoplasm surrounded plasma
- Layer pollen exine intine two
- Exine hard outer layer.made sporopollenin
- Prop sporopollenin highly resistant enzyme,acid alkaly degrade
- Sporopolleninis absent germ pore aperture
- Intine wall thin continuos layer made cellulose pectin
- Cells mature pollen grain vegetative generative
- Vegetative cells bigger abundent food reserve large irregularly
- Generative cells small floats cytoplasm vegetative spindle shaped
- Celled pollen grains sheds stages
- Viability pollen grain depend temp humidity
- Viability cereals 30min of
- Leguminoseae,rosa,solan pollen volatality months
- Cons parthenium chronic asthma bronchitis
- Advantages pollen grain increase performance rich nutrients food
- Single pistil monocarpellery
- Pistil multipicarpallary more than one
- Fused pistil syncarpous
- Free pistil apocarpous
- Parts pistiils stigma style ovary
- Stigma landing platform pollen grains
- Style elongated slender part beneath stigma
- Ovary basal bulged part pistil
- Locule ovarian the
- Ovules megasporangia
- Ovules plants wheat paddy eg
- Ovules papaya,watermelon,orchid many
- Megasporangium structure attached placenta means stalk-funicle
- Hilum junction body ovule funicle fuse
- Integuments ovule protective envelopes each
- Micropyle integuments encircle ovule expect tip small opening
- Chalaza opposite micropylar end the
- Nucellus enclosed integuments,there mass cells
- Nucellus reserve food material contain
- Embryo sac located nucellus is
- Megasporo genesis
- Monosporic developments conversion ovule form embryou sac
- Egg apparatus cells synergids 2
- Filiform synergid special cellular thickening micropylar tip-guide pollen
- Antipodal cells chalazal end the
- Central nucleas 2
- Autogamy flower same
- Autogamy viola common pancy oxalis commelina
- Condition autogamy close synchrony the
- Large pollination condition anemophily amount pollen light sticky
- Anemophily corncob-wave tassels winds eg
- Hydrophily water
- Hydrophilya vallisneria hydrilla(fresh water zostera marine sea grasses
- Vallisneria female reaches surfaceof water long stalk male
- Sea grasses female flower remain submerged pollen grain
- Entomophily insects
- Flowers features insect pollinated large colourful fragrant rich
- Amrphophallus yucca deposit egg in locule
- Pollen robbers insects consume nector bringing pollination
- Outbreeding devices a.avoiding synchronization b.arrangement anther stigma position
- Synchronization avoiding pollen release stigma receptivity
- Incompatibility a genetic mechanism prevent pollen fertilization inhibiting
- Autogamy production unisexual flower monoecious prevented dioecious plant
- Pollen pistil interaction dynamic process involving recognistion promotion
- Pollen pistil interaction place chemical components produced
- Gamtes enters synergids through micropyle
- Double fertilisation syngamy triple fusion takes place
- Endosperm cell develop primary central triple fusion becomes
- Post fertilisation endosperm embryo development
- Endosperm triploid cell primary divides repeatedly forms tissue
- Endosperm cells filled reserve materual
- Free nuclear endosperm common endosperm development pen undergoes
- Free nuclear cocunut water eg
- Mono dicot embryogeny early embryonic development
- Zygote give rise proembryo,globular heart shaped,mature embryo
- Embryo develop micropylar end sac zygote situated
- Grass family cotyledon called scutellum
- Seed consist of coat,cotyledons,an embryo axid
- Albuminous seed pea groundnut,beans non
- Albuminous seed wheat,maize barley,castor,coconut,sunflower
- Perisperm remnant nucellus present-black pepper,beet
- Wall ovvary pericarp of
- Fleshy fruit guava,orange,mango
- Dry fruits groundnuts,mustards
- Fruits types true fuits false
- Fruits true plants develops ovary floral parts degenerate
- False fruits thalamus contribute formation
- False fruits apple strawberry eg
- Advantages seeds colonize areas food reserve protect young
- Lupine-lupinus arcticus artic tundra years
- Date palm-phoenix dactylifera 2000.king herods
- Apomixis production seeds fertilisation eg.asteraceae grasses
- Polyembryo nucellar cells surrounding embryo sac divide protrud
- Importance apomixis produce year lose hybrid character costly
- Animal husbandary agricultutal oractitice breeding raising livestock applying
- Animal husbandary deals care breeding live stock poultary
- Management dairy farm animals increasing yield quality milk
- Milk yield depend quality breed farm
- Yield potential looked after feeding cattle stringent cleaning
- Regular hw ensure hygiene inspection visit vetenary doctor
- Poultry domesticated birds food eggs
- Poultry chicken,ducks,turkey geese eg for
- Farm components poultry management selection disease free suitable
- Breed gp animals related similar general appearence features,size
- Organism breeding modification genotype make humans
- Animal aim breeding increase yield improving desirable qualities
- Type of breeding a.inbreeding b.ourbreeding
- Inbreeding mating closely related individuals breed generation
- Process inbreeding superiormale female mated progeny method repeated
- Gene advantage inbreedinf increse homozygosity evolve pure line
- Inbreeding depression continued close reduce fertility productivity
- Change inbreeding deppression mated unrelated superior animal breed
- Breeding unrelated animals out it
- Breeding type crossing,cross interspecific hybridisation
- Crossing mating animals breed common ancestor side pedigree
- Offspring crossing cross of our
- Pros outcrossing overcome inbreeding depression low productivity,growth rate
- Cross breeding method,superior male mated superior female breed
- Fn cross breeding commercial subjected inbreedingand selection stable
- Cross breeding hisardale sheep developed punjab crossing bikaneri
- Inter specific hybridisation mating male female species
- Interspecific hybridisation mule eg for
- Moet multiple ovulation embryo transfer technology
- Moet programme herd improvement cow administered fsh activity
- Apiculture maintanace hives honey bee production honey
- Bee pros honey high nutritive medicinal wax cosmetics
- Important points successful bee-keeping knowledge nature habir selection
- Bees pollinator of sunflower brassica apple pear
- Fisheries industry catching processing selling fish,shellfish aquatic animals(prawn
- Freshwater fishes catla,rohu common carp
- Marine fish hilsa,sardines,mackeral,pomfrets
- Aqua culture pisciculture are techniques increase production aquatic
- Blue revolution development flourishing fishing industries
- Plant breeding purposeful manipulation species order create desirable
- Green revolution development flourishing dependent plant breeding
- Classical plant breeding involves hybridisation of pure lines
- Desirable genes breeders incorporate crop yield,quality tolerance environmental
- Parents steps breeding collection genetic variability evaluation selection
- Germplasm collection entire collectionof plants seeds alleles genes
- Collection genetic variability preservation wild varieties,species relatives cultivated
- Evaluation selection parents germplasm evaluated identify plants desirable
- Cross parents hybridisation selected desirable character combined plants.this
- Desirable limitation cross hybridisation time consuming combine character
- Selection testing superior recombinant crucial success breeding objective
- Testing release commercialization evaluated yield agronomic traits quality
- Field test grown research ideal fertilizers management strategy
- Increase wheat production 11m 75m rice35m-89.5m
- Indroduced semi dwarf whear nobel naurate norman e.borlayg(international
- High yield disease resistent wheat india sonalika kalyan
- Rice semi dwarf derived ir-8(international research institute taichung
- Semi dwarf rice variety india jaya ratna
- Cane saccharam india sugar barberi bad crossed officinarum(tropical
- Millets:hybrid maize jowar bajra resistant water stress
- Plant breeding disease resistance enhances food production helps
- Fungal disease rust(brown rust wheat,red rot sugarcane late
- Bacterial disease black rot crucifers
- Method breeding disease resistance 1.conventional 2.mutation
- Conventional methods screening germ plasma resistnr source hybridisation
- Disease resistance variety wheat himgiri leaf stripe rust
- Brassica pusa swarnim(karan rai white rust
- Cauliflower pusa subhra,pusa snowball k-1 bacterial blight
- Mosaic virus chilli pusa sadabahar chilly tobacco leaf
- Mutational breeding create desirable character found parental type
- Breeding mutational mutation chemicals radiation gamma selecting plants
- Mutational breeding mung bean,resistance yellow mosaic virus powdery
- Wild high yield resistance yellow mosaic virus bhindi
- Transfer resistance genes achieved sexual hybridisation b/w the
- Insect resistance host plants due to morphological biochemical,physiological
- Hairy leaves resistance jassids cotton cereal leaf beatles
- Stem solid wheat lead preference sawfly
- Smooth leaved nector cotton varieties attract bollworm
- High aspartic acid,low nitrogen sugar leads resistance maize
- Brassica(rapeseed mustards pusa gaurav aphids
- Flat bean pusa sem2,pusa sem3 jassids,aphids,fruit borer
- Pusa okra bhindhi sawami a4 shoot fruit borer
- Hidden hunger billion people suffer mal nutrient,protein vitamin
- Biofortification breeding crop high level nutrients helps improve
- Objectives breeding improved nutriional quality improve protein oil
- Iron improved nutritional quality plants maize amount amino
- Vegetable crops vitamin minerals released indian agriculture research
- Enriched vitamin vegetable crops richin carrots,spinach,pumpkin;vitamin c bitter
- Scp alternate source proteins animal human nutrition microbed
- Spirulina rich protein minerals fats carbohydrate grown
- 250g micro organism methylophilus methylotrophus produce tonnes
- Tissue culture technique growing plant cells/tissue/organs sterile cultural
- Totipotency ability generate plant cell/explant
- Explant part plant grown testtube sterile nutrient media
- Nutrient medium explants carbon source sucrose),inorganic salts,vitamin amino
- Micropropogation method producing thousands plants short time tissue
- Soma clones plants genetically identical original plant,from grown
- Tissue culture tomato banana,apple eg
- Somatic hybridization protoplasts varieties plants desirable gene fused
- Pollution indesirable change physical chemical biological characteristics air
- Govt action environment protection act
- Pollution particulate gaseous air pollutants smokestack thermal powerplant
- Harmful human particulate size pico meter
- Consequences pollution injury organism reduce growth yield affect
- Pollution petrol control air particulate matter seperated lead
- Remove particulate electrostatic precipitators device matter present exhaust
- Working oof electrostatic precipitors electrode wire charges particles
- Air act amended when is
- Sources sound pollution music instrument loudspeaker crackers industries
- Noise damage effect psychological physiology 150db ear drum
- Control noise pollution sound absorbent material horn free
- Law policies india control vehiculr pollution fuel
- Auto fuel laid road map cut vehicular pollution
- Sulphur petrol euro ii norm stipulate controlled at
- Euro iii april bharat stageii met cities iv
- Water law govt body prevention control pollution act
- Make sewage unfit impurities what
- Bod amount biodegradable organic matter sewage water estimated
- Algal bloom planktonic algae grow excessively due nutrients
- Water hyacinth eichhornia crassioes-terror bengal
- Cons water hyacinth reprduce ecosystem imbalance
- Biomagnification accumulation toxicant succesive trophic levels
- Biomagnification mercuty ddt industrial waste
- Biomagnification aquatic food chain water zooplan 0.04}small fishes0.5}large
- Ddt disturbs birds calcium metabolism birds.causes thining eggshell
- Eutrophication natural aging lake by nutrient enrichment
- Eutrophication induce effluent from industries homes cultural accelerated
- Prime contaminant eutrophication nitrates phosphates
- Eutrophication overstimulate algae,unsighty scum robbing oxygen,from lake death
- Waste water treatment arcata,northern coast california humbolt state
- Waste water treatment sedimentation six connected marshland
- Sedimentation dangerous pollutant heavy metal still remains innovative
- Marsh land treatment connected hectres- algae fungi plant
- Foam friends arcata marsh of
- Ecological sanitation dry compost,practical hygienic efficient cost effective
- Solid waste refer trash everything
- Municipal solid wastes wastes homes offices stores schools,hospitals
- Sanitary landfills adopted substitute for open burning
- Tree types wastess biodegradable bio recyclable
- Rag pickers kabadiwallahs
- Ewastes irreparable computers electronic goods e wastes buried
- Polyblend ahmed khan who
- Road polyblend fine powder recycled modified plastics mixed
- Chemical fertilisers eutrophication cause
- Integrated organic farming cyclical waste procedure products process
- Indroduced iof ramesh chandra dagar
- Effect radioactive wastes accidental leakage safe disposal mutation
- Leakage radioactive material incident mile island chernobyl
- Safety radioactive sufficient pre treatment.shielded container,buried rocks 500m
- Green house effect natural phenomenon responsible heating earths
- Change imapct global warming deletetious environment resulting odd
- Thickness ozone measured dobson units
- Uv-b uv absorbed earth mutatio mutation
- Uv b aging skin,damage skin cells,skin cancers.inflammation cornea
- Montreal protocol international treaty canada,1987 signed control emission
- Soil erosion desertification human activities cultivation deforestation grazing
- Forest cover national policy india recommended plant hils
- Slash burn agriculture jhum cultivation deforestation north eastern
- Cons deforestio loss biodiversity,soil erostion hydrologic cycle disturbs
- Award saving trees amrita devi bishnoi wildlife protection
- Chipko movement garhwal himalaya local women hugged axe
- Jfm work closely communities with
- Organisms ecology study interaction physical environment
- Ecology concerned level biological organizations organisms population,communities,biomes
- Oecology physiological level explain organisms adapt encvironment terms
- Variation temp seasons rotation earth tilt axis
- Major biomes desert rain forest tundra formed due
- Forms habitat regional local variation
- Extreme places rajasthan desert,rain soaked meghalaya,deep ocean trenches
- Temperature effects kinetics enzyme basal metabolism,and physiological factors
- Eury thermal they tolerate thrive wide range temp
- Stenothermal tolerate narrow range temperature
- Water temp next to
- Plant depend water productivity distributioin
- Aquatic waters role chemical composition ph
- Salt inland the of <5
- Salt sea in 30-35
- Hypersaline lagoons in >100
- Eury haline tolerate wide range salinities
- Stenohaline tolerate narrow range salinity
- Light sunlight photoperiodism ultimate source energy
- Animal diurnal seasonal variation iin light intensity photoperiod
- Soil depend nature climate weathering process sedimentation,method development
- Determine percolation water holding capacity soil composition,grain size
- Determine vegetation ph mineral composition topography
- Determine type benthic animals sediment characteristics
- Type organism basis homeostasis regulation regulate conform.migrate suspend
- Regulate maintanance homeostasis physiological behavioural means ensure constant
- Regulates birds mammals vertebrates invetrebrates
- Conform maintain constant temp 99
- Small animals low polar region larger surface area
- Migrate animal birds move temporarily stressful habitat hospitable
- Migrate kiolado national park winter host siberians cold
- Hibernation bears winter during
- Aestivation snails fishes summer of
- Diapause stage suspended development zooplanktons lakes ponds
- Adaptation morphological physiological behavioural attributes enables organisms survive
- Water adaptation kangaroo rats internal fat oxidation byproduct
- Stomata adaptation desert plants thick cuticle leaf surface
- Adaptation mammal polar region colder climate shorter ears
- Altitude high symptoms sickness nausea heart palpitation fatigue
- Behavioural adaptation desert lizard bask sun species capable
- Population gp individual species live in geographical area
- Population cormorants wet land rats abondened dwelling teak
- Populationecology important links ecology population genetics evolution
- Population rates attributes birth death sex ratio age
- Birth rates refer capita to
- Age pyramids distribution plotted population resulting structure called
- Age gp expanding stable,declining may
- Population sizw density it number individuals species unit
- Population size chlamydomonas millions of
- Huge banyan parthenium population size measure %cover biomass
- Population large measured relative density is trap
- Tiger measured pug marks fecal pellets
- Population growth depend food availability predation pressure weather
- Basic processes fluctuate population density a.natality b.mortality c.immigration
- Natality number births population period
- Mortality number deaths population period
- Immigration number individuals species the habitat
- Figure fluctuation population the of
- Growth models a.exponential b.logistic
- Exponential growth geometric fasion unlimited resources
- Dn/dt eqn exponential growth b d n rn
- R in dn/dt rn intrinsic rate natural increase important
- R norway rats for 0.015
- R flour beetle for 0.12
- R human population india for
- Integral form exponential growth nt = n o ert
- Logistic growth fittest survive reproduce
- Carrying capacity nature habitat resources support maximum number
- Verhulst-pearl logistic growth intialy lag phase acceleration deceleration
- Eqn logistic growth of
- Population growth curve
- Breeder pacific salmon fish bamboo
- Small sized offspring oysters pelagic fishes number large
- Population interaction mutualism competition parasitism predation commensalism amensalism
- Predation carnivore herbivore 25%phytophagous all
- Cactus importance predators prickly pear cactus.the feeding predator
- Defenses insect frogs camouflaged cryptically cloured avoid detected
- Monarch butterfly highly distasteful predators due special chemical
- Defense plants thorns acacia,cactus of
- Calotropis weed growing abondoned field produce highly poisonous
- Defenses nicotine,caffeine quinine,strychinene opium useful
- Competition potent force organic evolution process fitness species
- Occur interference competition resource abundant presence species feeding
- Unrelated competition flamingoes fishes compete zooplanktons south american
- Competitive species release restricted small geographical area due
- Barnacle competitive release connell's field experiment rockyy sea
- Gause's competitive exclusion principle states closely related species
- Resource partitioning species compete avoid competition choosing different
- Resource partitioning macarthur warbler species survive trees difference
- Loss adaptation parasites sense organs presence adhesive organs,sucker
- Parasites human liver fluke depends intermediate hosts snail
- Ecto parasites lice humas ticks dogs cuscuta hedge
- Commensalism orchid growin epiphyte mango branch barnacles growing
- Mutualism lichen mycorrhizaeo fungi roots
- Bees mutualism b/w plants animal fig trees wasps
- Biomes due difference precipitation the
- Pisaster american pacific coast where
- Period birth natural death organism represents life span
- Individual immortal single-celled organisms no
- Butterfly weeks 1 to 2
- Crow 15yrs
- Parrot 140yrs
- Tortoise yrs 100-150
- Crocodile 60yrs
- Monoecious plant chara
- Dioecious plant marchantia
- Bisexual flower sweet potato
- Isogamous cladophora alga an
- Heterogamous fucus alga an
- Heterogamous homo sapiens
- Eyes potato
- Rhizome ginger
- Bulbil agave
- Leaf buds bryophyllum
- Offset water hyacinth
- Zoospores chlamydomonas
- Conidia penicillium
- Budding yeast
- Binary fission amoeba
- Reproduction defined biological process organism rise young offspring
- Organism’s habitat internal physiology factors collectively responsible reproduces
- Process based participation organism reproduction types offspring produced
- Asexual reproduction single parent capable producing offspring result
- Term clone describe morphologically genetically similar individuals asexual
- Asexual reproduction common single-celled organisms plants animals simple
- Reproduction cell division mode asexual
- Single-celled organisms reproduce binary fission cell divides halves
- Yeast division unequal small buds are produced remain attached
- Unfavourable condition amoeba withdraws pseudopodia secretes three-layered hard
- Amoeba favourable conditions return encysted divides multiple fission and
- Asexual reproductive common structures members kingdom fungi simple
- Vegetative term asexual plants reproduction animals simple organisms
- Asexual reproduction organisms body breaks distinct pieces fragments
- Terror bengal = water hyacinth asexual reproduction
- Water hyacinth invasive weeds found growing standing
- Water hyacinth introduced india beautiful flowers shape leaves
- Plantlets potato sugarcane banana ginger dahlia arise nodes
- Nodes contact damp soil water produce roots plants
- Adventitious buds arise notches present margins leaves bryophyllum
- Buds hydra
- Reproduction organisms simple organisation algae fungi shift sexual
- Reproduction sexual mode present animals asexual
- Sexual reproduction form involves formation male female gametes
- Sexual reproduction fusion male female gametes results offspring
- Sexual study diverse organisms–plants animals fungi–show differ greatly
- Growth phase organisms reach stage maturity life reproduce
- Phase end juvenile vegetative marks beginning reproductive easily
- Plants–the annual biennial types show clear cut vegetative
- Plants exhibit unusual flowering phenomenon bamboo species flower
- Large plant strobilanthus kunthiana neelakuranji flowers years flowered
- Phase reproductive animals juvenile morphological physiological prior active
- Eggs birds lay reproduction living nature seasonally captivity
- Females placental mammals exhibit cyclical activities ovaries accessory
- Reproduction called non-primate mammals cows sheep rats deers
- Mammals living natural wild conditions exhibit cycles favourable
- Mammals reproductively active reproductive phase called continuous breeders
- Phase age end reproductive considered parameters senescence concomitant
- Hormones plants animals responsible transitions phases interaction environmental
- Sexual reproduction events attainment maturity sexually reproducing organisms
- Sexual reproduction events elaborate complex follow regular sequence
- Sequential events grouped distinct stages pre-fertilisation fertilisation post-fertilisation
- Events pre-fertilisation include sexual reproduction prior fusion gametes
- Gametes gametogenesis refers process formation types male female
- Algae gametes similar appearance categorise male female called
- Organisms gamete called majority sexually reproducing produced morphologically
- Sexual reproduction sexuality organisms generally involves fusion gametes
- Plants male female reproductive structures bisexual unisexual sexual
- Terms fungi plants homothallic monoecious denote bisexual condition
- Flowering plants male bearing female unisexual flower staminate
- Plants monoecious cucurbits coconuts dioecious papaya date palm
- Sponge tapeworm leech typical examples bisexual animals possess
- Cockroach is unisexual species sexual reproduction pre-fertilisation events gametogenesis
- Gametes haploid division parent cell formation heterogametic species
- Organisms belonging monera fungi algae bryophytes haploid plant
- Meiosis reduction division occur diploid body produce haploid
- Gemmules sponge
- Diploid organisms specialised cells called meiocytes gamete mother
- Formation male female gametes physically brought facilitate fusion
- Gamete motile majority organisms male female stationary exceptions
- Medium gamete transfer male move simple plants algae
- Number male gametes female large fail reach compensate
- Pollen grains seed plants carriers male gametes ovule
- Transfer pollen grains stigma bisexual self-fertilising plants e.g
- Pollen transfer grains male gametes cross pollinating plants
- Gamete dioecious animals male female formed individuals organism
- Transfer sexual successful meeting gametes essential critical event
- Sexual reproduction vital event fertilisation pre-fertilisation events gamete
- Fertilisation sexual reproduction syngamy vital event fusion gametes
- Organisms fertilisation mentioned rotifers honeybees lizards birds turkey
- External aquatic organisms majority algae fishes amphibians syngamy
- Develops pistil remains attached plant zygote embryo ovules
- Large number offspring organisms exhibiting external fertilisation show
- Terrestrial organisms belonging fungi higher animals reptiles birds
- Egg fuse male organisms formed inside female body
- Number sperms produced large significant reduction eggs seed
- Events sexual post-fertilisation reproduction formation zygote called reproduction
- Zygote external fertilisation formed formation di ploid universal
- Zygote life cycle organisms haploid development depends type
- Zygote vital link ensures continuity species organisms generation
- Embryogenesis cell refers process development embryo zygote embryogenesis
- Cell form divisions increase number developing embryo differentiation
- Animals categorised oviparous viviparous based development zygote takes
- Animals young oviparous reptiles birds fertilised eggs covered
- Young attaining stage growth delivered body female organism
- Flowering plants zygote formed inside ovule fertilisation sepals
- Bisexual animal earthworm
- Unisexual animal cockroach
- Seeds differ greatly early stages embryo development embryogeny
- Hormonal structural initiated lead differentiation development floral primordium
- Inflorescences formed bear floral buds flowers male female
- Reproductive androecium consists whorl stamens representing male organ
- Called parts typical stamen long slender stalk filament
- Proximal end filament attached thalamus petal flower number
- Typical angiosperms anther bilobed lobe theca (dithecous
- Anther a longitudinal groove runs lengthwise separating theca
- Layers wall microsporangium generally surrounded epidermis endothecium middle
- Innermost wall layer tapetum nourishes developing pollen grains
- Anther young group compactly arranged homogenous cells called sporogenous
- Microsporogenesis anther develops cells sporogenous tissue undergo meiotic divisions
- Cell microspore pollen mother sporogenous tissue capable giving
- Microspores formed arranged cluster four::number cells–the tetrad anthers
- Inside microsporangium thousands microspores pollen grains are formed released
- Pollen grains c represent male gametophytes generally spherical
- Pollen grains represent male gametophytes generally spherical measuring
- Pollen grains represent male gametophytes generally spherical measuring
- Sporopollenin exine enzyme degrades c5 pollen grain}}'s prominent
- Pollen grain cell wall called intine thin continuous
- Vegetative cell shaped nucleus cytoplasm bigger abundant food
- Pollen grains shed angiosperms 2-celled stage remaining species
- Pollen grains species severe allergies bronchial afflictions in
- Parthenium carrot grass india contaminant imported wheat ubiquitous
- Pollen grains rich nutrients fashion recent years tablets
- Pollen consumption claimed increase performance athletes race horses
- Shed pollen grains land stigma lose viability bring
- Pollen viability period grains remain viable highly variable extent
- Pollen banks store grains large number species years
- Gynoecium pistil represents female reproductive part flower consist
- Pistils fused syncarpous free apocarpous three::number parts stigma
- Zygote rise proembryo subsequently globular heart-shaped mature embryo
- Part stigma serves landing platform pollen grains style
- Inside ovarian cavity ovary locule placenta located
- Ovules arising placenta megasporangia commonly called number ovary
- Ovule called funicle megasporangium small structure attached placenta
- Ovule called hilum represents junction funicle protective envelopes
- Opposite micropylar end chalaza representing basal part ovule
- Cells enclosed integuments mass called nucellus abundant reserve
- Embryo sac located nucellus female gametophyte ovule generally
- Megaspore mother cell the process formation called megasporogenesis
- Mmc a large cell dense cytoplasm prominent nucleus mmc
- Meiosis results production four megaspores
- Female gametophyte majority flowering plants megaspores functional degenerate
- Megaspore functional develops female gametophyte embryo sac method
- Nucleus functional megaspore divides mitotically form nuclei move
- Divisions mitotic nuclear sequential result formation 4-nucleate 8-nucleate
- 8-nucleate stage cell walls laid leading organisation typical
- Nuclei surrounded cell walls organised remaining called polar
- Egg three cells grouped micropylar end constitute apparatus
- Synergids special cellular thickenings micropylar tip called filiform
- Cells chalazal end and called antipodals
- Large central cell mentioned earlier polar nuclei typical
- Gametes male female flowering plants produced pollen grain
- Transfer pollen grains anther stigma pistil termed pollination
- Depending source pollen pollination divided types
- Autogamy type pollination achieved flower transfer pollen grains
- Normal flower opens exposes anthers stigma complete autogamy
- Stigma autogamy flowers requires synchrony pollen release receptivity
- Flowers plants viola common pansy oxalis commelina produce
- Flowers anthers stigma autogamous lie close dehisce buds
- Cleistogamous flowers produce assured seed-set absence pollinators
- Geitonogamy transfer pollen grains anther stigma flower plant
- Geitonogamy functionally cross-pollination involving pollinating agent genetically similar
- Pollen grains pollination xenogamy transfer anther stigma plant
- Agents plants pollination abiotic biotic two::number wind water
- Pollen grains pollination coming contact stigma chance factor
- Wind pollination common abiotic requires pollen grains light
- Wind easily polinated plants possess well-exposed stamens pollens
- Flowers windpollinated single ovule ovary numerous packed inflorescence
- Wind-pollination common grasses is quite
- Water pollination rare flowering plants limited 30::number genera
- Bryophytes pteridophytes distribution limited water transport male gametes
- Water pollinated aquatic plants examples plants are c3::vallisneria hydrilla
- Water female flowers reach surface pollen grains released
- Pollen grains species long ribbon carried passively inside
- Wind water pollinated flowers colourful produce nectar
- Pollinating agents majority flowering plants range animals bees
- Animals insects bees dominant biotic pollinating agents larger
- Flowers animal pollinated plants specifically adapted species
- Flowers majority insect-pollinated large colourful fragrant rich nectar
- Flowers animals attracted colour and/or fragrance pollinated flies
- Rewards sustain animal visits flowers provide nectar pollen
- Animal harvesting reward flower visitor contact anthers stigma
- Animal carrying pollen body contact stigma brings pollination
- Flower species floral rewards providing safe places lay
- Moth species plant eggs symbiointic relationship exists yucca
- Devices plants outbreeding majority flowering produce hermaphrodite flowers
- Stigma pollen species receptive release and receptivity synchronised released
- Outbreeding devices prevent autogamy
- Device prevent inbreeding self-incompatibility the
- Pollen self-incompatibility genetic mechanism prevents self-pollen flower plant
- Device prevent self-pollination production unisexual flowers male female
- Male female species papaya flowers present plants dioecy
- Type pollen species wrong pollen-pistil interaction pollination guarantee
- Pollen type pistil accepts promotes post-pollination events that leads
- Pollen pistil wrong type rejects preventing germination stigma
- Pollen dialogue mediated chemical components of interacting pistil recent
- Pollen grain germinates stigma produce tube germ pores
- Pollen tube plants cell generative grows tissues stigma
- Pollen enters plants shed three-celled condition tubes carry
- Pollen recent studies shown filiform apparatus present micropylar
- Pollen pointed earlier pollen-pistil interaction dynamic process involving
- Pollen artificial hybridisation major approaches crop improvement programme
- Female parent bears bisexual flowers removal anthers bud
- Emasculated flowers covered bag suitable size generally made
- Stigma bagged flower attains receptivity mature pollen grains
- Female flower parent produces unisexual emasculation buds bagged
- Male entering synergids pollen tube releases gametes cytoplasm
- Syngamy results formation diploid cell zygote male gamete
- Termed triple involves fusion haploid nuclei types syngamy
- Cell endosperm develops central triple fusion primary pec
- Double fertilisation events endosperm embryo development maturation ovule
- Endosperm development precedes embryo
- Endosperm primary cell divides repeatedly forms triploid tissue
- Endosperm common type development pen undergoes successive nuclear
- Cell wall formation occurs free-nuclear endosperm becomes cellular
- Seed endosperm completely consumed developing embryo e.g pea
- Embryo develops micropylar end sac zygote situated divide
- Embryonal axis typical dicotyledonous embryo consists cotyledons portion
- Root cylindrical portion level cotyledons hypocotyl terminates lower
- Embryos monocotyledons possess cotyledon grass family called scutellum
- Lower end embryonal axis radical root cap enclosed
- Portion embryonal axis level attachment scutellum epicotyl shoot
- Seed angiosperms final product sexual reproduction fertilised ovule
- Cotyledons of embryo simple structures generally thick swollen
- Seeds endosperm completely embryo development e.g nonalbuminous residual
- Nucellus occasionally seeds black pepper beet remnants persistent
- Seed integuments ovules harden tough protective coats micropyle
- Seed matures water content reduced dry cent moisture
- Embryo enter state inactivity called dormancy favourable conditions
- Ovary ovules develops fruit wall mature seeds i.e
- Fruits fleshy guava orange mango dry groundnut mustard
- Fruit plants time develops ovary floral parts degenerate
- Fruits develop ovary called true
- Fruits species results fertilisation develop called parthenocarpic fruits.
- Banana parthenocarpy induced application growth hormones fruits seedless
- Seeds offer advantages angiosperms firstly reproductive processes pollination
- Seeds adaptive strategies dispersal habitats species colonise areas
- Hard seed coat protection young embryo products sexual
- Seeds basis agriculture dehydration dormancy mature crucial storage
- Seeds species lose viability months large number live
- Seed record years oldest lupine lupinus arcticus excavated arctic
- Fruits orchid category thousands tiny seeds similar case
- Seeds general products fertilisation flowering plants species asteraceae
- Apomixis form asexual reproduction mimics sexual
- Ways development apomictic seeds species diploid egg cell
- Embryo sac citrus mango varieties nucellar cells surrounding
- Occurrence embryo seed referred polyembryony
- Hybrids cultivation tremendously increased productivity problems seeds produced
- Seeds hybrid collected sown plants progeny segregate maintain
- Hybrid seeds year made apomicts segregation characters progeny
- Apomixis hybrid importance seed industry active research laboratories
- Manganese helps splitting water in
- Zinc activates carboxylase synthesis auxin
- Phase g1 g2 rna synthesized replication organelles
- Viroids discovered diener pstv lacks protein coat free
- Prions abnormally folded protein bse cattle cr jacob
- Cycling chemosynthetic bacteria chemoautotrophs nitrobacter nitrococcus nitrogen recycling
- Asexual reproduction budding yeast hydra
- Asexual reproduction fragmentation fungi spores filamentous algae protonema
- Herbarium quick referral system dried preserved plants label
- Key analytical nature in
- Bacteria heterotrophic lactic acid type nitrogen fixers rhizobium
- Chrysophytes cell wall soap box structure
- Type epithelial tissue epithelium squamous walls blood vessels
- Type epithelial tissue cuboidal epithelium ducts glands tubular
- Type epithelial tissue lining columnar epithelium stomach intestine
- Type epithelial tissue ciliated epithelium surface hollow organs
- Type epithelial tissue surface compound squamous epithelium dry
- Type epithelial tissue compound columnar epithelium larynx mammary
- Type epithelial tissue gland duct compound cuboidal epithelium
- Cartilage present ends skeleton hyaline weakest long bones
- Cartilage body present fibrous strongest rigid pubic symphysis
- Cartilage found elastic epiglottis catalyst external ear trachea
- Cartilage present calcified suprascapula frog vertebrae sharks
- Air plants joseph priestley reveal essential role growth
- Jan ingenhousz showed sunlight essential plant process purifies
- Glucose julius von sachs provided evidence production plants
- Engelmann action spectrum described the
- Chromatogram chlorophyll bright green blue-green
- Element required molybdenum nitrogenase nitrate reductase
- Element required magnesium rubisco pepcase
- Element required zinc alcohol dehydrogenase carboxylase carbonic anhydrase
- Element required iron peroxidase catalase
- Required nitrogen essential element parts plant major constituent
- Phosphorus constituent cell membranes proteins nucleic acids nucleotides
- Protein synthesis potassium required abundant quantities meristematic tissues
- Required cell formation calcium systematic differentiating tissues wall
- Structure magnesium involved synthesis dna rna constituent ring
- Present sulphur amino acids methionine cysteine coenzymes vitamins
- Iron required larger amounts compared micronutrients essential element
- Required boron uptake utilisation calcium normal membrane functioning
- Molybdenum required nitrogenase nitrate reductase
- Identify free-living aerobic symbiotic azotobacter beijernikia azospirillum anabaena
- Identify free living anaerobic rhodospirillum clostridium
- Phase synthesized g1 cell metabolically active proteins synthesised
- Phase doubled s centrioles duplicate histones produced dna
- Phase g2 tubulin protein synthesized organelles mitochondria chloroplast
- Meiosis leptotene chromosomes gradually visible stage compaction continues
- Formed phase stage zygotene synapsis occurs synaptonemal complex
- Pachytene chromosomes divalents visible tetrads recombination nodules crossing
- Diplotene dissolution synaptonemal complex begins homologous chromosomes separate
- Phase diakinesis marked terminalisation chiasmata end nucleolus disappear
- Internal fertilization external:type reptiles birds majority plants
- Sort excretion aquatic ammonotelism bony fish amphibians insects
- Sort excretion ureotellism mammals terrestrial amphibians marine fish
- Sort excretion uricotelism reptiles birds snails insects
- Joints fibrous types skull bones
- Joints cartilaginous types adjacent vertebrae
- Phase place cell elongation increased vacuolation enlargement apposition
- Phase attain size cell maturation maximal terms wall
- Promote auxins flowering pineapples abscission mature leaves fruits
- Promotes early seed gibberellins acetate units acetyl coenzyme
- Helps formation cytokinins produced locations rapid cell division
- Seedlings promotes growth dicot initiates ethylene horizontal swelling
- Fruit promotes ethylene synchronises set pineapple ripening tomatoes
- End month heart formed embryo called foetus
- Formed limbs digits end month
- Month movements baby hair head foetus
- Trimester body hair eyelids separate eyelashes formed
- Simple cuboidal epithelium eg
- Word tissue father histology bichat
- Tissue word plant n grew
- Types tissue epithelial connective muscular nervous
- Epithelial tissue origin layer from
- Tissue connective muscular derived mesoderm
- Nervous tissue derived ectoderm from
- Lamina basement membrane made layers basal fibrous
- Layer developed embryonic development epithelial
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GCSE Biology AQA (9-1) Triple