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- Superficial adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 describe superficially surface book superficiality
- Gender male talking state female masculine feminine neuter
- Conservative adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 estimate guess member party means
- Perceive means thing verb 动词 [v pə'si:v vt.察觉
- Capable perfectly note car adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 thing i
- Dilute diluting make liquid n dilution weaker quality
- Dissolve [v n dissolved verb 动词 v-ed parliament
- Diffuse [v spread d diffusion light means n
- Incompetent job declared in'kɔmpitənt adj.不合格的,不胜任的 n.无能力者 complete task
- Inefficient time receptors inefficiency energy ini'fiʃ(ə)nt adj.效率低的,效率差的,(指人)不能胜任的,无能的 things
- Insufficient amount food insə'fiʃ(ə)nt adj.不足的,不够的 n.不足 high school
- Summon ed team [v courage call big verb
- Trigger ed n gun n-count 可数名词 bomb [v
- Repel [v n magnetic poles attempt word bugs
- Reputation good people opinion means n-count 可数名词 [usu
- Slack means adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 reduce word loose slacking
- Outrage d makes outraged people airport shocking angry
- Underlie underlies foundation word meaning feeling ʌndə'lai vt.位于...之下,成为...的基础
- Assumption proof make taking noun developed takes true
- Grievance complaint sense gri:vəns n.委屈,冤情,不平 formal employee files
- Token give n-count 可数名词 friendship symbolic special small
- Reluctant means struggle unwilling you’re dance reluctance ri'lʌktənt
- Toss [v ed n coin verb 动词 side
- Righteous moral people means raitʃəs adj.正直的,正当的,正义的 good answer
- Contrast thing compare difference n situation [v verb
- Rival n-count 可数名词 s raiv(ə)l n.竞争者,对手 v.竞争,对抗,相匹敌 competitor
- Jealous good word adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 feel angry bitter
- Indignation anger unjust feels indig'neiʃ(ə)n n.愤慨,义愤 call situation
- Triumph success victory greek great difficult traiəmf n.胜利,成功
- Susceptible influenced adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 n affected adj sə'septib(ə)l
- Cult group people popular leader strange describe film
- Authentic ally describes [usu adj n authentically adjective
- Illustrate [v n book s illustrated word verb
- Array [usu n-count 可数名词 cereal people things number
- Decline d importance [v means refuse button verb
- Convey means feelings carry conveyed words verb 动词
- Demonstrate [v n d show verb 动词 people
- Statistics people australian conclusions based tough college study
- Fabric make building made common basic things part
- Scale model n-count 可数名词 [usu size map real
- Exaggeration means igzædʒə'reiʃ(ə)n n.夸张,夸大之词 prone habitually overstate truth
- Incline [v n slopes word leaning inclined pronounced
- Aggravate people meaning verb 动词 make [v n
- Thermostat temperature cold controls car θəməstæt n.温度调节装置;恒温器 house
- Suspect [v ed police person guilty crime verb
- Induce verb 动词 [v means pregnant woman n
- Resentment strong bitterness actual feels ri'zentmənt n.怨恨,愤恨 painful
- Preserve n preservation verb 动词 [v condition keeping
- Grave person situation place buried describe pronounced n-count
- Panel piece flat wood control switches make decision
- Fume feel express smoke exhaust [v fju:m n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟,气体,一阵愤怒(或不安
- Prudent action wise word latin pru:dənt adj.谨慎的;精明的 describe
- Steward care n-count 可数名词 takes man stju:wəd n.管理人,招待员,管家,乘务员
- Legislative passing process laws congress legislator words meaning
- Initiative taking personal things start government talk person
- Conservation n-uncount 不可数名词 resources saving protecting [usu supp
- Incentive offer incentivus verb in'sentiv n.动机;刺激;激励;奖励 adj.激励的 mom
- Promising things full prɔmisi adj.有希望的,有前途的 encouraging hopeful give
- Crucial word vote describe determines outcome case important
- Hinder means progress put make verb 动词 difficult
- Extensive ly covers adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 extensively knowledge lot
- Suspend ed suspended verb 动词 time stop temporarily
- Formulate plan verb 动词 [v n fɔ:mjuleit vt.用公式表示,明确地表达,作简洁陈述
- Disguise recognize d disguised people n put blessing
- Intense describe adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 intensity feel intensely i
- Harness set straps horse people power put wagon
- Intellect great ability athletic intellectual n-var 可变名词 intilekt
- Reasoning ri:z(ə)ni n.推理,评理,论证 adj.推理的 logical thoughtful thinking teacher
- Aspire means [v ə'spaiə(r vi.热望,立志,渴望,向往 life goal include
- Controversialist ˌkɔntrə'və:ʃəlist n.争论者,好争论者 john mcwhorter linguist mixed liberal conservative
- Permissive 纵容的;放任的;姑息的 parents things permissiveness pə'misiv adj opposite
- Modestly act modest sought adv.谨慎地,适当地 humble showing play's
- Elevated higher high [usu adj n raised things
- Dialect language speak form accent standard daiəlekt n.方言,语调
- Chunk large n-count 可数名词 n tʃʌk n.大块,矮胖的人或物 russians
- Elaborate n planned lot adjective describe detailed complicated
- Grieve grieving feel loss d common family sad
- Inevitable happen in'evitəbl adj.不可避免的,必然的 death tax season latin
- Groan verb 动词 [v n weight sound ing
- Soar verb 动词 [v ing [literary 文 means
- Bureaucracy organization people departments administered lots deal government
- Procedure word follow house police correct prə'si:dʒə(r n.程序,手续,步骤
- Pool n-count 可数名词 people n s create swimming
- Negotiate [v n d negotiating work governments successfully
- I fact situation give province negotiate position prep
- Suspicious dubious doubtful describe adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 i involved
- Constrain ed feel constrained means [v kən'strein vt.强迫,抑制,拘束,约束,限制
- Crack [v ed n verb 动词 [informal 非正式
- Jurisdiction court legal state police dʒuəris'dikʃ(ə)n n.权限 means
- Resistance people n-uncount 不可数名词 n electrical put accept
- Ideology set beliefs political words english aidi'ɔlədʒi n.意识形态;思想体系
- Advocate person s n-count 可数名词 outdoor verb lawyer
- Substantial large man spent amount means strongly built
- Stark ly contrast adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 starkly means desert
- Revenue government money head advertising lemonade revənju revənu
- Duplication run ˌdju:pli'keiʃən n.副本,复制 provinces health-care show prove
- Phase period time stage development [usu d things
- Integration students schools integrate ˌinti'greiʃən n.综合 occurs separate
- Oblige obliged d i [v n means verb
- Entail [v s job entailed ing in'teil vt.使必需,使蒙受,使承担,遗传给
- Diversity talking films kind things dai'və:siti n.差异,多样性 variety
- Peculiarity characteristic strange quality n-count 可数名词 [with supp
- Proportion things [usu n-count 可数名词 large prep-phrase 短语介词
- Bulk large small day n-sing 单数名词 refer n
- Cope deal verb 动词 [v long coping mother
- Retain means good verb 动词 [v n s
- Sustain ed means verb 动词 [v n [v-ed
- Lodging place stay home room provided pl s
- Dwelling lives place dweli n.住处 home houses apartments
- Comprehensive includes insurance guide school taught kɔmpri'hensiv adj.全面的,广泛的,能充分理解的,包容的
- Compensate n verb 动词 [v money pay people
- Supervision watch supervise work ˌsju:pə'viʒən n.监督,管理 eye small
- Manipulation word məˌnipju'leiʃln n.处理,操作,操纵,被操纵 skillful handling controlling sculpture
- Coordination things kəuɔ:di'neiʃ(ə)n n.同等,调和 act arranging putting order
- Homogenize milk homogenized make homogenization hə'mɔdʒinaiz vi.均质化 vt.使均匀,使单一,使统一
- Uniformity ˌju:ni'fɔ:məti n.同样,一式,一致,均匀 noticed friend history teachers learning
- Discourse discussion kind argument talk noun people pronounced
- Saliva tests require mouth sə'laivə n.口水,唾液 collecting cells
- Deference wear defer route defərəns n.顺从,尊重 ripped jeans
- Consumption n-uncount 不可数名词 buying act means eating energy
- Intimate n [usu adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 adj intimately i
- Elite people group considered ei'li:t n.[法][集合名词]精华,精锐,中坚分子 thought highest
- Unprecedented precedent noun immigration ʌn'presidentid adj.空前的 experienced family
- Assimilation ideas part immigration əˌsimi'leiʃən n.同化,同化作用,消化 you’re talking
- Indices ɪndɪsiːz n.index 的复数 assimilation language home ownership
- Inherit ed [v n verb 动词 [v-ed receive
- Lump n-count 可数名词 throat hard sugar feeling [oft
- Patent patented ed invention leather process company ly
- Census live people ten years plan ethnic population
- Reveal people [v make n verb 动词 v-ed
- Residence place house live living called official president
- Proficient good prə'fiʃənt n.精通 hours playing video games
- Months years means set adv 副词 [formal 正式
- Immune adj 形容词 immunity [v-link means disease people
- Divisive people make words means things di'vaisiv adj.区分的,不和的,分裂的
- Seething anger describes si:i adj.沸腾的,火热的 barely sets explode
- Exploitation ˌeksplɔi'teiʃən n 开发 开采 剥削 自私的利用,宣传,广告 pictures
- Stock n [v i amount [usu people things
- Turbulent time air turbulence social adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 [usu
- Deteriorate deterioration worse due health word deteriorating social
- Monopolize control verb 动词 [v n monopolization time
- Emergence pronouncing i'mə:dʒəns n.浮现,露出,(植物)突出体,出现 view seedling garden famous
- Exert physical influence means put effort force hard
- Constitute family members people's made people constituting v-link
- Notion idea buttons nəuʃ(ə)n n.概念,观念,想法,意见,打算,主张,(复数)[美语]小饰物 swim ocean wrong
- Desperate means despair adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 situation word needed
- Stunning beautiful shock team adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 extremely [usu
- Fruitless search end fru:tlis adj.不结果实的;无结果的;无成效的;徒劳的 things futile pointless
- Hostile adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 make bid word unfriendly increasingly
- Townsfolk live taʊnzfoʊk n.市民,市镇居民 largely tourists plays anne
- Live v.住在...外,靠...生活 townsfolk largely tourists plays anne hathaway’s
- Ironic amusing call adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 make people ai'rɔnik
- Stream ing verb 动词 n-count 可数名词 [v people
- Contend [v n ing true verb 动词 s
- Subsidy offer offered parents pay sʌbsidi n.补助金,津贴 grant
- Brought means adv 副词 [adv v [literary 文
- Clientele customers young kli:ən'tel klaiən'tel n.诉讼委托人,客户 pet food
- Massive budget cut scale describe mæsiv adj.巨大的;庞大的;厚重的;强大的 means
- Crop n verb 动词 cut hair [v large
- Vulnerable vulnerability easily adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 physically hurt people
- Weird make wiəd adj.怪异的,超自然的,神秘的,不可思议的,超乎事理之外的 n.[古][苏格兰]命运,预言,符咒 call it’s strange
- Onward british adverb century english adj 形容词 means
- Phony you’re isn’t foʊni adj.假冒的,伪造的;华而不实的 n.假冒者;赝品 talking attitude
- Misery life phrase 短语 [v put ice cream
- Perpetual ly describe things ends adj 形容词 [usu
- Massacre killing good it’s word large number people
- Innocent crime commit means people accused adj 形容词
- Damn people [informal 非正式 [rude 无礼 [emphasis give
- Depict describe [v n show depicting verb 动词
- Bummer word bʌmə(r n.无赖,游民,游荡者,乞讨者;令人不快的事,讨厌的事 huge disappointment big role
- Beaming glowing bi:mi adj.照耀的,光亮的,喜气洋洋的,愉快的 object light person smiling
- Recur time describe ri'kə:(r vi.复发,重现,再来 crazy dream night
- Agenda political list things meeting word plan time
- Lure entice bait object trick d n-count 可数名词
- Clove garlic kləuv n.[植]丁香 vbl.cleave 的过去式 it’s message
- Gamble [v risky n money bet game amount
- Issue d n [v statement i make phrase
- Dock n ed boats ships loading [v water
- Sue people n d su vt.控告,向...请求,请愿 vi.提出诉讼,提出请求 accusing
- Patronage support financial senator political pætrənidʒ peit n.保护人的身份,保护,赞助,光顾
- Pursuit n n-uncount 不可数名词 man police officer car
- Thrill great refer experience feeling riding roller excitement
- Involuntary action control it’s williams’s involuntarily adj 形容词
- Confine n d confined [v s verb 动词
- Cease verb 动词 [formal 正式 [v d exist
- Readmit leave medical/psychological casino ri:əd'mit vt.重新接纳 back left
- Patronize hard verb 动词 [v n talk class
- Pose verb 动词 posing [v n d problem
- Counsel [v n give dog lawyer advice eating
- Engage [v n verb 动词 attention engagement enemy
- Pathological means mental person pæθə'lɔdʒik(ə)l adj.病理的,病态的 caused physical
- Persistent give verb means continue adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 pə'sist(ə)nt
- Colony group people place live british n-count 可数名词
- Regime government n-count 可数名词 freedom country healthy open
- Property people land private [usu [formal 正式 prɔpəti
- Quest find involves travel taking kwest n.寻求 seeking
- Windfall lucky unexpected good word trees money n-count
- Flaw character n-count 可数名词 describe weaving science [oft
- Disorder order called science n-var 可变名词 [usu badly
- Akin things similar word sport science ə'kin adj.同族的,类似的
- Pornography sexual people books sex pɔ:'nɔgrəfi n.色情文学,色情描写 material
- Pepper ed n english verb 动词 peppered lot
- Compulsive stop people make compulsively ly series kəm'pʌlsiv
- Sin believed living common god action behaviour break
- Medicalize medikllaiz vt.用医学方法处理(非医学问题等 worrisome society medicalizing behavioral problems
- Stern unforgiving meaning good sterner adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 made
- Undistracted ˌʌndis'træktid adj.不分心的,注意力集中的,心神不烦乱的 anonymous lonely nature online gambling
- Ground phrase 短语 n [v inflects surface completely
- Wager money [v word football states verb 动词
- Coupon buy free store n-count 可数名词 pay send
- Plead [v guilty verb 动词 n ed plea
- Elect choose [v person elected n means life
- Articulate express adjective meaning verb article word factual
- Analogous similar adjective compared things function wings ə'næləgəs
- Obligation call follow full states n-var 可变名词 duty
- Exclude n [v means verb 动词 leave i
- Conduct [v verb 动词 n ing heat survey
- Grant ed granted accept i order request you’re
- Ethics discussing code treat moral ethos eθiks n.偶尔,道德规范
- System weə'bai adv.凭什么,为何 definition excludes majority teachers fact
- Eminent people eminənt adj.显赫的,杰出的,有名的,优良的 highly regarded prominent giants
- Illustrious describe i'lʌstriəs adj.杰出的 famous leaving trail glory
- Inhabitant live lives place house in'hæbitənt n.居民,居住者 specific
- Preach [v n preaching people verb 动词 ed
- Interference you’re accused radio blocking country's internal n-uncount
- Exclusion thing deliberately sought act [usu ik'sklu:ʒ(ə)n n.排除,除外,被排除在外的事物
- Sovereign power independent country british gold face pound
- Add true proof case pri'zju:məbəli adv.推测起来,大概 reading word
- Rallying cry n.战斗口号 defense church a rallying cry conservative
- Tremble trembling verb 动词 [v shake nervous n
- Protest [v n people declaration noun world pronounced
- Pink slip laid workers notices i n.解雇通知 email
- Disproportionate amount pay expect time dɪsprəpɔːʳʃənət adj.不成比例的,不相称的 friends
- Indefinite word vague period adj 形容词 in'definit adj.模糊的,不确定的,[语]不定的
- Unaccountable explain adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 unaccountably ʌnə'kauntəb(ə)l adj.无法解释的,无责任的 people
- Affirm [v true ed means people verb 动词
- Phrasal verb 短语动词 [v p n message v.爬过,克服,熬过,恢复,原谅
- Put n [v p phrasal verb 短语动词 pron
- Subject n-count 可数名词 n person state thing favourite
- Paradoxical make that’s statement people contradict hamlet’s involves
- Incompatible computer describe things work adj 形容词 incompatibility
- Apparently evidently adv 副词 [adv cl/group ə'pærəntli adv.显然地
- Implicit implicitly faith adjective word means trust latin
- Incredible incredibly hard adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 adj people in'kredib(ə)l
- Spontaneous things ly happen spontaneously movie happy people
- Moderate adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 political noun adjective means people
- Fundamental n important principles thing adj 形容词 argue
- Wistful i sad good wistfəl adj.渴望的,想望的 letter separates
- Astrological soccer celestial astrology meant əstrɒlədʒi adj.占星的,占星术的 movement
- Confer soccer [v n red family means s
- Peculiar person feel strange meaning adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 peculiarly
- Plateau flat reached land high area word french
- Perplexing find root understand pə'pleksi adj.复杂的,令人困惑的 adjective describes
- Mischievous likes word describe behavior adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 mischievously
- Account phrase 短语 n-count 可数名词 [usu [phr v
- Ambiguous dog bite describe open squad helps helping
- Disputable di'spju:təb(ə)l adj.有讨论余地的,真假可疑的 open argument debate
- Pronounced prə'naunst adj.讲出来的,显著的,断然的,明确的 examined european national youth teams
- Surgery n-count 可数名词 room doctor doctor's office medical
- Surpass verb 动词 [v n expectations words person
- Certificate document s birth soccer n-count 可数名词 official
- Noteworthy note worthy soccer nəutwə:i adj.值得注目的,显著的 journal write
- Quirk odd wearing people's unusual soccer n-count 可数名词
- Stamina long soccer physical mental stæminə n.毅力,持久力,精力 run
- Conceive [v verb 动词 d plan soccer n/-ing
- Mania soccer mental describe meiniə n.[医]颠狂,狂躁,癖好,狂热 extreme interest
- Span time n period n-count 可数名词 [usu verb
- Genetic genes inherited eye traits biological color research
- Cognitive ability kɔgnitiv adj.认知的,认识的,有感知的 related thinking considered anxious
- Intuitive means ability evidence psychics ly in'tju:itiv tu
- Swamp ed area land people things stuck differences
- Encode information code put messages people computer differences
- Deliberate deliberately means talk slow decision verb ends
- Biographical life someone's book details biography baɪəgræfɪkəl adj.传记的
- Startling open door startle stɑːʳtəlɪŋ adj.令人吃惊的 unexpected shocks
- Assertion statement makes ə'sə:ʃ(ə)n n.主张,断言,声明 declaration made emphatically
- Trait makes personality study treit n.显著的特点,特性 mother means
- Hysteria state panic people medical general sense violent
- Dominating word dɒmɪneɪtɪŋ adj.专横的,主要的,独裁的 means powerful commanding position
- Nurture nurturing care baby child d nature verb
- Column n-count 可数名词 newspaper regular [usu n s
- Query n [v queried question means sound verb
- Verbal adj 形容词 n speech means physically child
- Analogy draw things compare gump box tests b
- Envision means things world stop [v in'viʒln vt.想象,预想
- Deduce person n d [v di'dju:s vt.推论,演绎出 figure
- Sequence things n-count 可数名词 order events film gene
- Field area n-count 可数名词 n [usu study [v
- Elude d eluded verb 动词 [v n means
- Encompass means lecture states verb 动词 [v n
- Neurology nervous neurologist njuə'rɔlədʒi nur n.神经学,神经病学 intelligence learn
- Populate people n d verb 动词 area [v
- Distribution age n-uncount 不可数名词 involves [usu supp film
- Chronological order age you’re making things happened mental
- Toil [v ed work hard n [literary 文
- Impartial im'pa:ʃ(ə)l adj.公平的,不偏不倚的 contest hope judges biased competitor
- Biased side person adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 baiəst adj.(统计试验中)结果偏倚的,[数]有偏的 skirt
- Emphasize stress importance [v emfəsaiz vt.强调,着重 v.强调 make
- Diagnosis diagnose car bad daiəg'nəusis n.诊断 doctor tells
- Stripe n-count 可数名词 white s straip n.斑纹,条纹 scholars
- Implication happen n-count 可数名词 s statement event situation
- Parachute d person jump [v prep/adv fills fall
- Disruption major disrupt strike dɪsrʌpʃən n.中断,分裂,瓦解,破坏 disturbance plans
- Fluctuation word frequent stock change ˌflʌktjʊˈeɪʃən n.波动,起伏 noun
- Harsh adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 unpleasant harshness reality millions people
- Outlive person outlives thing d aut'liv v.比...长命,比...耐久,渡过...而存在,经受住 steelworkers
- Borne bɔːʳn vbl.bear的过去分词 absolute cost healthcare share families
- Deductible meaning amount insurance word di'dʌktib(ə)l adj.可扣除的 pay
- Demography statistical word meaning writing demographics di'mɔgrəfi n.人口统计学
- Perspective dog's financial i judge real importance relation
- Acceleration n-uncount 不可数名词 speed financial rate takes əkselə'reiʃ(ə)n
- Wholesale large sell sold describe government phrase meaning
- Deprived people things conditions essential dɪpraɪvd adj.贫困的,贫穷的 means
- Pension regular company people retired money pɔ'sju n.养老金,退休金
- Alert people deal n i hear alarm adj-graded
- Compliance means plywood agreement kəm'plaiəns n.依从,顺从 fit standards
- Feeble adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 describe feebly feeling fi:b(ə)l adj.虚弱的,衰弱的,无力的,微弱的,薄弱的
- Nasty adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 unpleasant nastiness person describe problem
- Executive decisions n make business organization committee part
- Affiliation official connection group larger n-var 可变名词 close
- Suite matching set n-count 可数名词 rooms bathroom swi:t
- Leakage li:kidʒ n.漏,泄漏,渗漏 massive customer employee data year
- Intricate game parts plan intrikət adj.复杂的,错综的,难以理解的 things complex
- Concept idea latin mind generally accepted kɔnsept n.观念,概念
- Redundancy noun refer organization employees longer [business 商
- Astray make phrase 短语 led [v inflects lose
- Fierce adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 fiercely storm ly fiəs adj.凶猛的,猛烈的,热烈的,暴躁的[美]极讨厌的,难受的,[英方]精力旺盛的
- Severity si'verəti n.严肃,严格,严重,激烈 plain no-frills hardness––or degree hardness
- Penalty pay n-count 可数名词 punishment hockey [usu sing
- Chronic long time adj 形容词 n bad smoking
- Devastating [emphasis incredibly adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 emphasize i ly
- Durable strong djuərəbl adj.持久的,耐用的 built pair hiking boots
- Trivial details describe trivium triviəl adj.琐细的,价值不高的,微不足道的 important significant
- Endeavour endeavor british nasa scientific [formal 正式 in'devə(r
- Emerge d emerging verb 动词 [v bring n
- Hybrid car mixture things half n-count 可数名词 animal
- Render verb 动词 [v n means ed [formal
- Obscure d hard adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 written difficult verb
- Recruit [v means join people organization joined recruiting
- Notably word things professor 副词 important [adv nəutbəli
- Secular things called people describe schools religion sekjulə(r
- Garment piece dress ga:mənt n.衣服,外衣,外表 clothing area york
- Spur [v n n-count 可数名词 metal greater research
- Compromise [v d n stay moral people reach
- Infancy development word n-uncount 不可数名词 [usu poss n
- Fragile adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 fragility describe delicate easily back
- Hamper food verb progress difficult bad ed n-count
- Clause stipulation contract section legal n-count 可数名词 klɔ:z
- Primitive humans adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 people describe word early
- Prestige prestigious people things pre'sti:ʒ n.声望,威望,威信 cars schools
- Herd people animals group n [v bunch act
- Innovation introduction technology creativity inə'veiʃ(ə)n n.改革,创新 run magazine
- Perpetuate perpetuated things perpetrate differ perpetuation pə'petjueit vt.使永存,使不朽
- Foster child n means parent family period time
- Rage anger [v n full violent fire popular
- Passionate soccer feelings love strong romantic stay adj-graded
- Swab tests require i swɔb n.拖把,药签 vt.拭抹,擦洗 collecting
- Recession sales economic people poor country u.s economy
- Deride poor u.s d di'raid vt.嘲弄,嘲笑 verb means
- Bias thing cut unfair tendency n-var 可变名词 person
- Discipline work good people rules behave controlled [v
- Preoccupation state absorbed mind things thinking person's pri:ɔkju'peiʃ(ə)n
- Dominant means wolf latin dɔminənt adj.有统治权的,占优势的,支配的 adj.[生物 显性的
- Inspection closer in'spekʃ(ə)n n.检查,视察 year car authorized mechanic
- Civility si'viləti n.礼貌,端庄 act showing regard polite showed
- Superstition it’s belief bad su:pə'stiʃ(ə)n n.迷信 practice isn’t
- Sermon religious part service bible moral sə:mən n.训诫,说教,布道
- Obsess [v ing besiege n i əb'ses vt.迷住,使困扰
- Inexorable person process stopped word change stopping inexorably
- Marvel [v latin word verb english chaucer describe
- Ornament festive n-count 可数名词 s referred [formal 正式
- Tempt [v n back i writers verb 动词
- Contempt food snob term i writers n-uncount 不可数名词
- Solely solo involves səulli adv.独自地,单独地;仅仅 word puppy responsibility
- Amateur hobby sports people meaning job n æmətə(r
- Prominent means sticking sense figure adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 part
- Precious adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 call describe valuable water resource
- Conceivable homework conceivably imagine kən'si:vəb(ə)l adj.可能的,想得到的,可想像的 yellowish skies
- Impair make word worse ability ed im'peə(r v.削弱;妨碍
- Suppress verb 动词 [v n ed suppression ion
- Conversely word adverb means closing door kɔnvə:sli adv.倒地,逆地
- Sober means adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 drunk meaning lot quiet
- Unpretentious people simple ʌnpri'tenʃəs adj.不骄傲的,谦逊的 adjective perfect describing
- Formidable definition formidably fɔ:midəb(ə)l adj.强大的,令人敬畏的,可怕的,艰难的 national debt gym
- Hitherto existed hiə'tu adv.迄今,至今 adverb describing state circumstance
- Repertoire songs late latin repertory plays music n-sing
- Incur red in'kə:(r v.招致;带来;遭受 receive brought pay credit
- Acclaim ed v-ed enthusiastic word means praise acclaimed
- Cloak wear n hide piece clothing conceal n-sing
- Vague adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 idea vaguely ly memory looked
- Scrutinize examine skru:tinaiz tənaiz v.细察 closely single detail
- Nod [v ded n verb 动词 give head
- Abound things lot s ə'baund vi.多,大量存在,富于,充满 spring birds
- Adhere [v verb 动词 n stick rules stay
- Disgrace n [emphasis emphasizing brought shame grace n-sing
- Fade [v n slowly d verb 动词 light
- Invert turn upside it’s cake make cat verb
- Arrogant people called arrogance ærəgənt adj.傲慢的,自大的 adjective describing
- Impulsive impulsively thinking suddenly call im'pʌlsiv adj.冲动的 means
- Leverage company physical lever situations power influence media
- Hostage held kidnappers they’re people captured organization foreign
- Allegation æli'geiʃ(ə)n n.主张,断言,辩解 accusation true sister stole candy
- Boycott company noun country n opposition bɔikɔt vt.联合抵制,联合排斥某国货物或与某国绝交
- Curve curves [v d ball n-count 可数名词 [usu
- Steep means adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 food water describe learning
- Provocative people describe reaction talking hate called sexual
- Dampen [v make things verb 动词 means n
- Gratification word ˌgrætifi'keiʃən n.满意 pleasure it’s received desires
- Glamorous full people glæmərəs adj.富有魅力的,迷人的 movie stars walk
- Retrospect i back means time retrəspekt n.回顾 contemplating
- Permanent adj 形容词 ly describe permanently n time
- Gossip people people's love celebrity private n talking
- Soothing feel su:i adj.抚慰的,使人宽心的 comforting helps calm fears
- Intensify make intensification in'tensifai vt.加强 vi.强化 increase intensity
- Authorize authorizing power give official search police president
- Abuzz school place excited ə'bʌz adj.嗡嗡的,嘁嘁喳喳的,活泼的 room full
- Curb n word called verb 动词 [v ed
- Hedge bets [v risk n question hedging n-count
- Uphold upheld support law idea verb 动词 [v
- Attorney law lawyer people experts legal ə'tə:ni n.[美]律师,(业务或法律事务上的)代理人
- Allocation money person purpose ælə'keiʃ(ə)n n.分配,安置 job decide
- Dignity human n-uncount 不可数名词 worthy respect lose talk
- Esteem high respect means estimate hold [formal 正式
- Prevailing meaning winds area pri'veili adj.占优势的,主要的,流行的 prevalent common
- Epidemic spreads disease people spreading refer word large
- Compel led compelled force compelling [v housing feel
- Plausible things explanation president stories influentials adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词
- Embrace people [v d hug accept sweetheart verb
- Cursory attention word meaning glance kə:səri adj.匆匆忙忙的,粗略的,草率的 reason
- Anecdotal based evidence anecdotes people stories kind adj-graded
- Precisely 副词 meeting adv-graded [adv [emphasis pri'saisli adv
- Propagation multiplying larger prɔpə'geiʃ(ə)n n.(动植物)繁殖;(声波,电磁辐射等)传播 dog puppies she's
- Enormous word you’re it’s ginormous i'nɔ:məs adj.巨大的,庞大的 big
- Bruise [v d bruising bruised you’ve purple skin
- Illiquid assets i'likwid adj.非现金的,无流动资金的 gave banks freedom models
- Vacuum air place political n-count 可数名词 creates [usu
- Combative likes combat fight people kɔmbətiv adj.好战的,杀气的,好斗的 fists
- Diminish ed lamp light role [v n [v-ed
- Objective objectivity plan achieve learn don’t word work
- Loom loomed large threat [v ing threatening looming
- Bound n people phrase 短语 ed [v-link [v
- Prone people means flu face bend affected skin
- Provided happen thing prə'vaidid conj.倘若 conj-subord 连词 如果;假如;只要
- Cultivate cultivation d verb 动词 [v n friendship
- Distort distorted ed sound means shape twisting pretzel
- Recipient person prize receive ri'sipiənt adj.容易接受的,感受性强的 n.容纳者,容器;接受者,领受人 receiving
- Sponsor verb 动词 [v n organization ed support
- Perceptive good things person means word describe pə'septiv
- Critique review art book critical kri'ti:k n.批评;评论 verb
- Lame describe limping lameness adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 damage leim
- Subtle subtly word adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 b sʌt(ə)l adj.狡猾的,敏感的,微妙的,精细的,稀薄的,不易察觉的,不明显的
- Imitate copy marketers make imitating writers verb 动词
- Steer [v i verb 动词 n prep clear
- Virtuous person moral describe adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 və:tjuəs adj.善良的,有道德的,有效力的,正直的
- Tactic word tæktik n.策略,战略 adj.按顺序的,排列的 maneuver method find
- Probe [v n d space verb 动词 probing
- Profound great meant person adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 ly prə'faund
- Provoke people [v i d humor verb 动词
- Justify excuses bank's line text justified verb 动词
- Commitment made making make show friend n n-count
- Constitution basic laws state strong n-count 可数名词 kɔnsti'tju:ʃ(ə)n
- [v p phrasal verb 短语动词 describe v.前进,进行,赞同,支持 state
- Enrage enraged d things mad makes angry news
- Subject v.受支配,从属于,可以...的,常遭受 state step requiring extension plant’s license
- Precedent legal future word similar set people case
- Patchwork made pieces n pætʃwə:k n.拼缝物,拼缀物,拼凑物 adj.拼缀的,拼缝的 valid
- Condemn [v n ed verb 动词 latin political
- Defy [v refuse rule verb 动词 word behave
- Withdraw n [v withdrew verb 动词 bank [formal
- Extension n-count 可数名词 line make meaning company building
- Complicated life kɔmplikeitid adj.复杂的,难解的 things longer simple straightforward
- Context talk words n-var 可变名词 text meaning phrase
- Deception meaning di'sepʃ(ə)n n.欺骗,诡计 trick scheme sister agree
- Stake reputation n wooden success d claim bets
- Scrutiny checking skru:tini skru:təni n.详细审查 closely test mistakes
- Confrontation fight military opposing discovery claim ˌkɔnfrʌn'teiʃən n.面对,面对面,对质
- Refutation proves tells refju:'teiʃ(ə)n n.驳斥,反驳 false pop law
- Novelty people small n-count 可数名词 toys nɔvəlti n.新颖,新奇,新鲜,新奇的事物
- Misconception based thinking meaning miskən'sepʃ(ə)n n.误解 conclusion wrong
- Quote d n [v price speech quotation verb
- Servant work public home feel serve people n-count
- Thrive thriving people business verb 动词 thrives θraiv
- Dominate domination means verb 动词 [v n d
- Patrol soldiers police guards patrolling area pə'trəul v.出巡,巡逻
- Vigorous strong person vigorously adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 force energy
- Egregious means bad error massage word sense meant
- Merit based deserve good [usu s n.优点,价值 v.有益于
- Clamp [v v.取缔,施加压力 cost clearer politicians begun phrasal
- Rally describe rallied supporters people support n-count 可数名词
- Secure n d adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 make feel verb
- Augment make bike augmented adding began ɔ:g'ment v.增加,增大
- Misinterpret misinterpreting nuclear misinterpretation misin'tə:prit vt.曲解 wrong driver's
- Descend verb 动词 [v ed descended n move
- Odds adv.争执,不一致 top-down conception fashion business couldn’t date
- Feverish full excitement adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 activity state nervousness
- Inventory list invəntəri invəntɔ:ri n.详细目录,存货,财产清册,总量 itemized what’s fridge
- Disposable income meant employee people products things adj
- Wardrobe clothes meaning meant entire room clothing don’t
- Knock [v phrasal verb 短语动词 p n knocked
- Vanity pride væniti n.虚荣(心);自负 quality vain ridiculous amount
- Constant continuous continual describe time cut number ly
- Sustainable sustainably sustainability 自然资源)可持续的,不破坏环境的 describe long-term resources sustain
- Accusation person wrong make crime committed guilty meaning
- Satire people easy show humour exaggeration sætaiə(r n.讽刺文学,讽刺
- Extravagant adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 extravagantly ly adjective you’re lifestyle
- Fraction part split n-count 可数名词 proportion frækʃ(ə)n n.小部分,片断,分数
- Explicit easy ly instructions adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 explicitly intention
- Comply rules completing n kəm'plai vi.顺从,答应,遵守 act someone's
- Enroll in'rəul v.[亦作enrol 登记,招收,使入伍(或入会、入学等),参加,成为成员 clowning ready circus clown
- Indulgence good in'dʌldʒ(ə)ns n.放任;纵容 enjoy negative consequences buying
- Speculate [v make order big meaning verb 动词
- Theorize [v theorizing θiəraiz v.建立理论,理论化 theorised judge fearful
- External adj 形容词 n externally ly [adj things
- Disregard ignore disri'ga:d v.不理漠视 n.漠视,忽视 city council meeting
- Asteroid made mars æstərɔid n.[天文]小游星,小行星,海盘车 adj.星状的 large irregularly
- Fatal death word fate mistake he'll chances fatally
- Divert [v n means attention ed resources verb
- Gloomy called adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 people gloomily glu:mi adj.黑暗的,阴沉的,令人沮丧的,阴郁的
- Fossil animal remains plant stone scientists calling fɔs(ə)l
- Endure endured shows bad verb 动词 continues enduring
- Envisage envision imagine [v words meaning ing in'vizidʒ
- Prospect happen possibility potential gold noun verb pronounced
- Fad it’s passing fæd n.时尚,一时流行的狂热,一时的爱好 rage everybody’s parents
- Faith people good phrase 短语 made religion n-uncount
- Overturn ed [v n verb 动词 decision ˌəuvə'tə:n
- Provision make word talk means act n-uncount 不可数名词
- Intrude personal verb 动词 intruding [v n people
- Privileged people advantage information n privilidʒid adj.有特权的,有特别恩典的 enjoy
- Robust 强健的;健壮的;坚固的;结实的 strongly strong sports means adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词
- Essence detail important esns n.基本,[哲]本质,香精 sums heart soul
- Contradict [v person verb 动词 n make earlier
- Undermine authority verb 动词 [v n means efforts
- Withhold things information verb hold money withheld [v
- Violate violation laws verb 动词 [v n d
- Forge [v n d make ahead links verb
- Convention n-count 可数名词 group political kən'venʃ(ə)n n.大会,协定,习俗,惯例 meeting
- Coincide happen views coinciding theory biological british v-recip
- Propose [v verb 动词 n d theory people
- Reinforce stronger means make verb 动词 [v n
- Solidarity group show people support political sɔli'dæriti n.团结
- Anatomy study human studying bodies it’s parts structure
- Ritual ceremony religious action performed customary n-var 可变名词
- Pottery n-uncount 不可数名词 objects made refer pots dishes
- Ward n-count 可数名词 hospital child court wɔ:d n.守卫,保卫,保护,牢房,病房,行政区,监护,锁孔
- Gratify gratified satisfaction gratifying one's family verb 动词
- Perpetuity word means perpetual flame forever family pə:pi'tju:iti
- Thrift money careful kind find θrift n.节俭,节约 植]海石竹
- Disposition n someone's friendly people easy n-count 可数名词
- Instill parents word young in'stil vt.慢慢地灌输 work hard
- Express n [v train verb 动词 adj 形容词
- Standstill stops stændstil n.停止,停顿 moving literally coming motionless
- Intricacy means complex complicated piece details [usu n
- Unseat verb 动词 job [v n ed ʌn'si:t
- Entrench entrenched tent don’t spy difficult [v in'trentʃ
- Venture [v d verb 动词 n latest food
- Sluggish pace forever slug slʌgiʃ adj.行动迟缓的 feeling draggy
- Margin [with supp n-count 可数名词 called sell make
- Sector part n-count 可数名词 circle section word economy
- Feasible feasibility fi:zib(ə)l adj.可行的,切实可行的 difficulty asks person things
- Consolidate consolidation make means meaning debt industry verb
- Reap benefits enjoy rewards means patient verb 动词
- Integrity means fairness moral n-uncount 不可数名词 in'tegriti n.正直,诚实,完整,完全,完整性
- Rescue dangerous unpleasant situation save people house 营救;救援;救助
- Shaky feel control adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 shakily ʃeiki adj.虚弱的,颤抖的,不安的,不可靠的,震动的,摇晃的,动摇的
- Roundabout circular traffic n-count 可数名词 round [brit 英
- Intrinsic 内在的;本身的;固有的 qualities job people ally ɪntrɪnsɪk adj
- Predatory animals people businesses [usu adj n predətəri
- Implementation plans parking n.执行 refers carrying school's dress
- Exterminate means kill reference people real extermination ek'stə:mineit
- Read [v n v.宣告开除,把...读出 species tree party economics-minded
- Timber wood tree build call make timbə n.木材,木料
- Fertility ability babies fə'tiliti n.肥沃,丰产,多产,人口生产,生产力 reproduce rates community
- Flora plant word life study flɔ:rə n.植物群落 area
- Fauna flora plant sounds part fɔ:nə n.动物群,动物区系,动物志 nature
- Lopsided crooked side economic adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 lɒpsaɪdɪd adj.倾向一方的,不平衡的
- Eliminate word n [v d means rid refer
- Erroneous notion i'rəuniəs adj.错误的,不正确的 adjective describes mistaken incorrect
- Illusion false give mind conscious reality [oft n
- Embody embodied n character verb 动词 idea [v
- Justification close make i dʒʌstifi'keiʃ(ə)n n.认为有理,认为正当,理由,辩护,释罪 meaning explanation
- Rationalization means ˌræʃənəlai'zeiʃən;-li'z n.合理化,合于经济原则 organizing logically coherent system
- Inferiority people opposite quality worse things superiority infiəri'ɔriti
- Knee-jerk reaction call adj.未经思考做出的 subtle argument set circumstances
- Circumstance conditions s making born situation [usu i
- Authority power make decisions n-uncount 不可数名词 babysitter subject
- Embark trip start career verb journey 动词 [v
- Faculty research teaching mental physical abilities lose people
- Acquisition things company latest buy n skill person
- Prerequisite required spanish american successful thing pri:'rekwizit n.先决条件
- Transmissible træns'misib(ə)l adj.可传送的,可遗传的 key idea professionalisation argues mr
- Detach [v n thing word detached easy [formal
- Holistic means həu'listik adj.整体的,全盘的 encompassing thing part medicine
- Toll pay road research n-count 可数名词 bridge takes
- Weave [v make verb 动词 n s story
- Fleeting driving glimpse i fliːtɪŋ adj.短暂的;飞逝的 adjective describes
- Palm n-count 可数名词 tree hand pa:m n.手掌,棕榈,(象征胜利的)棕榈叶 vt.与...握手,藏...于掌中,蒙混
- Inheritor n-count 可数名词 s in'heritə(r n.继承人,后继者 moment marvels
- Genius talent piano age word make ability mail
- Warrior word war born mail wɔriə(r wɔ:riər n.战士,勇士,武士,战斗,尚武,鼓吹战争的人
- Entrepreneur huge business mail ɔntrəprə'nə:(r n.[法]企业家,主办人 starts stores
- Visionary ideas thinking world ahead mail strong original
- Fabulous story great things friend mail adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词
- Dam water built build river beavers means make
- Superfluous unnecessary means needed su:'pə:fluəs adj.多余的,过剩的,过量的 easily wheel
- Advent important n-uncount 不可数名词 [usu n ædvent n.(尤指不寻常的人或事)出现,到来
- Slight small [usu ignore slighted slightly adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词
- Tap [v n verb 动词 ped company device
- Strip [v ped n narrow verb 动词 n-count
- Agro ægrəu 表示"土壤,农业,田野"之义 humanity technological tools eradicate hunger
- Constituent things means constituted chex mix downloading n-count
- Embed embedded ded journalist military firmly embedding web
- Spark ed [v fire thing burning light n-count
- Enterprise [usu meaning work people n-count 可数名词 small
- Bind bound n [v verb 动词 v-ed make
- Explicatory ik'splikətəri adj.解说的,说明的 ways quest commonalities defines science
- Impulse electrical sudden buy desire decide impʌls n.推动,刺激,冲动,推动力
- Extreme adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 people [usu n behaviour s
- Equation mathematical situation sides equal words statement make
- Dimension s n-count 可数名词 [usu measurement physical extent
- Constrained unnatural feel kən'streinid adj.不舒服的,被强迫的,拘泥的 有限的 forced spontaneous
- Eradicate rid means eradication i'rædikeit v.根除 destroy kiss
- Bewildering bewilder bi'wildəri adj.令人困惑的,使人混乱的 amaze baffle dumbfound flummox
- Innate ability sense person born i'neit adj.先天的,天生的 characteristic
- Dictate [v n verb 动词 d rules wh
- Pattern n-count 可数名词 design change repeated regular shape
- Lineage ended trace century directly liniidʒ n.血统,世系 word
- Flourish flourishing verb 动词 wave quickly [v ed
- Swell [v n describe swollen verb 动词 body
- Fertilizer fertiliser fə:tilaizə(r n.肥料(尤指化学肥料),[动]受精媒介物 humanity agro-technological tools eradicate
- Prosperity word middle means english latin prɔ'spərəti n.繁荣
- Paraphrase means written n pærəfreiz v.解释 n.解释 verb
- Accumulation time large word interest things period [oft
- Category group things categorize divided wedding kætigəri n.种类,别,[逻]范畴
- Enact means make law act verb 动词 ed
- Collaborative working people work kə'læbəreitiv adj.合作的,协作的,协力完成的 adjective describes
- Mindset mind-set maɪndsɛt n.思维模式;思想倾向 person's usual attitude mental
- Stem n-count 可数名词 part flow means stop plant
- Tackle verb 动词 [v d n challenge means
- Arms adv.进行武装斗争,竭力反对 europe proposal drop specific funding category
- Irrepressible can’t find desire repress urge irrepressibly ˌiri'presəbl
- Midst surrounded prep-phrase 短语介词 middle n.中间 prep.在...中间 describes
- Sacred place religious worthy describe distinctly adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词
- Crude describe made adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 crudely ly it’s
- Distinctly adv.清楚地,显然 sacred place peace crude human opposed
- Uncanny strange refer english canny uncannily ʌn'kæni adj.离奇的
- Discernible means describe gardens homeless di'sə:nəbl adj.可辨别的 noticeable
- Oppression group powerful cruel unfair hands ə'preʃ(ə)n n.压迫,镇压,压抑,苦恼
- Unfeasible attempts ʌn'fi:zib(ə)l adj.不能实行的,难实施的 work matter decide fitting
- Clump small things growing plants n-count 可数名词 trees
- Synthetic made natural artificial describes sin'θetik adj.合成的,人造的,综合的 material
- Biophilia ˌbaiəu'filiə n.热爱生命的天性 yearning contact nonhuman life-assuming uncanny
- Yearning strong means jə:ni n.向往 adj.怀念的,向往的 desire travel
- Veto president forbid vote authority ed vi:təu n.否决,禁止,否决权
- Wrist rist n.手腕,腕关节 parts ceremony involve ritual hair
- Clarity people n-uncount 不可数名词 clear talk easy understand
- Wellbeing well-being n.健康;安乐;康乐 seemingly innocent loss mental focus
- Genre film music literature specific type favorite horror
- Criterion job krai'tiəriən n.(批评判断的)标准,准据,规范 standard judging holding cupcake
- Idle adj 形容词 idly engine n verb 动词
- Spontaneity spontaneous ˌspɔntə'neiəti n.自发性 acting bursting song street
- Denote [v verb 动词 n [formal 正式 s
- Humble d people adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 humbly n i
- Noble high adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 nobly times title people
- Worthy i people qualities adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 thing [formal
- Yield [v verb 动词 n ed amount [formal
- Shell money i v.交付,支付 paternity testing kit ptk
- Counterpart similar means legal u.s kauntəpa:t n.副本,极相似的人或物(职能相当的人/对应的事),配对物 leap
- Substantially word great increased suggests 副词 [adv [formal
- Upholster ʌp'həulstə(r vt.装饰,装潢 journalistic tastes changed long death
- Retreat order means place verb 动词 [v n
- Partial asks love adj 形容词 [v-link i partiality
- Irrigation farm iri'geiʃ(ə)n n.灌溉,冲洗 watering land make ready
- Disperse people directions crowd turn word v-erg 及物/不及物动词
- Stimulus stimulant activity stimjuləs n.刺激物,促进因素,刺激,刺激 action response ringing
- Juvenile young word adult n-count 可数名词 behaviour dʒu:vənail
- Tentative unsure hesitant make opposite definite confident adj-graded
- Discard rid worn card throw longer di'ska:d vt.丢弃,抛弃
- Length adv.最后,详细地 at 2004.0
- Undertake task attempt verb 动词 [v undertook ʌndə'teik
- Simultaneously describe time happening siməl'teiniəsli saim adv.同时地 adverb
- Heritage passed refer generation cultural heritidʒ n.遗产,继承权,传统 practices
- Incidence frequency incident child occurs insid(ə)ns n.发生率 means
- Stumble make d means fall job verb 动词
- Drawback drɔ:bæk n.缺点,障碍,退还的关税,退税(指进口货物再出口时退还其进口时的关税 search agent worked redmon career
- Pervasive things pə'veisiv adj.普遍深入的 common greed cheap perfume
- Dispensable di'spensəb(ə)l adj.不是必要的,可有可无的 vintage typewriter cool type print
- Insidious latin effect develops in'sidiəs adj.阴险的 slowly secretly
- Predecessor person car surnames n-count 可数名词 [usu object
- Humiliation embarrassment time caught situation feel hju:ˌmili'eiʃən n.羞辱,蒙耻
- Literally mom room adv 副词 [adv word overflowing
- Ballot lists paper vote secret election n-count 可数名词
- Genuinely friend adv.真诚地,诚实地 adverb describes real true thrilled
- Plough phrasal verb 短语动词 [v p n [no
- Prejudice n negative attitude group people d based
- Overlook verb 动词 [v n cost car busy
- Temper i angry refer feel bad [v tendency
- Despair feel hope improve feeling wrong i verb
- Dreadful feel i bad means dread unpleasant adj-graded
- Estate real n-uncount 不可数名词 buildings agents n.房地产,房地产所有权 offers
- Silver lining cloud positive sad side situation unpleasant
- Ingredient n-count 可数名词 s in'gri:diənt n.成分,因素 part mixture
- Boom [v ed n-count 可数名词 deep economic [usu
- Pursue follow verb 动词 [v n [formal 正式
- Sake phrase 短语 order purpose talk i [n
- Handicap n-count 可数名词 mental physical sporting horse extra
- Distaste dislike living feel dis'teist n.讨厌,嫌恶 disgusted simply
- Privilege special advantage group enjoyed means students high
- Restraint act exercise word supp trade n-uncount 不可数名词
- Ponder [v i deep remember n ing pɔndə(r
- Hostility aggressive countries people n-uncount 不可数名词 n to/towards
- Obliged 不得不 languages vanished peoples spoke died assimilated
- Assimilate n assimilation [v means immigrants part community
- Extraction family ik'strækʃ(ə)n n.抽出,取出,[化]提取(法)萃取法,抽出物,摘要,血统,[数]开方(法 action removing dentist yanks
- Bizarre odd teacher bi'za:(r adj.奇异的,古怪的(指态度,容貌,款式等 person object situation
- Exotic unusual things century words eg'zɔtik adj.异国情调的,外来的,奇异的 unfamiliar
- Imprison prison imprisoned language ed im'priz(ə)n vt.监禁,关押 v.监禁
- Abreast walk side narrow people prep-phrase 短语介词 ə'brest
- Resemble it’s s ri'zemb(ə)l vt.象,类似 noticed pet owners
- Ethnic group people cultural culture share greek traditions
- Abdicate king abdication power word responsibility giving dicare
- Scandal gossip friend's found shocking immoral skænd(ə)l n.丑行,丑闻,诽谤,耻辱,流言蜚语
- Stand [v days stood v.下台,退下 embarrassing scandals popularity
- Strive strove past striven 或 [v striving straiv
- Reign ed period time place verb 动词 situation
- Warrant police search permission reason promise phone person
- Reckless care word recklessly ly adj.不计后果的,轻率的,鲁莽的 consequences actions
- Idea nɔv(ə)l n.小说,长篇故事 adj.新奇的,新颖的,异常的 original thought call noun
- Virtual describe online exists computer game adj 形容词
- Implement noun word tool pronounced ensure s implimənt
- Manuscript handwritten original typed manu scriptus written hand
- Impel impelled force move im'pel vt.推动,推进,激励,驱使,逼迫 means forward
- Alarming ə'la:mi adj.使人惊动的,令人担忧的 disturbing upsetting hear sudden loud
- Dearth english adjective də:θ n.缺乏 affordable housing bad
- Collective group ly word efforts adj 形容词 [adj
- Conspire v to-inf [v n conspiring team person
- Revelation surprising n house word wow fact [oft
- Rigid adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 describe stiff person [disapproval rigidity
- Utterance making long [formal 正式 ʌtərəns n.意见,表达,言辞,言论 bit
- Cue n-count 可数名词 performer stick pool reminder hit
- Extent full phrase 短语 expressions discussing reached n-sing
- Skim [v n surface verb 动词 ming remove
- Relevant make connected things teacher situation relivənt adj.有关的,相应的
- Ascribe verb 动词 [v n [formal 正式 work
- Wilderness word don’t wild area refer wildənis n.荒野,茫茫一片,大量,荒地
- Destiny happen people destini n.命运,定数 meant written stars
- Uncharted place found territory wilderness navigators describe experience
- Successive word presidents won ly sək'sesiv adj.继承的,连续的 things
- Sheer cliff car face n adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 drop
- Scarcely made adv-brd-neg 广义否定结构副词 [adv v means true
- Territory area country supp noun refer united region
- Bound v.开往...,以...为目的地 shiploads immigrants the territory which united states crossed
- Unmerciful ʌn'mə:siful adj.不仁慈的,无情的,残酷的 travelers north america small unmercifully
- Subsist barely people alive food səb'sist v.生存,存在,供养 airlines
- Allot portions allotted v-ed n ted ə'lɔt vt.(按份额)分配,分派
- Infant n young means n-count 可数名词 children adj
- N-count 可数名词 series n phrase 短语 refer ship
- Glimpse n noun idea n-count 可数名词 briefly [usu
- Dense adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 difficult text fog thick means
- Virgin forest describe sex n-count 可数名词 i years
- Veritable trees campus means true veritəb(ə)l adj.真正的 feels
- Accommodate [v n verb 动词 change making suit
- Consent give common permission finally [formal 正式 agree
- Pastime playing people enjoy baseball watching music pa:staim
- Episode n-count 可数名词 weekly story short period [usu
- Doom death doctor feel people n-uncount 不可数名词 event
- Perplexed confused kind pə'plekst adj.困惑的,不知所措的 adjective describe utterly
- Vicious people things adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 blow cruel attack
- Discontent means make diskən'tent n.不满 noun longing improved
- Ignorance lack heard i ignərəns n.无知,不知 reading homework
- Practitioner practice doctor medical præk'tiʃənə(r n.从业者,开业者 expert knowledge
- Vocation job word feel avocation n-var 可变名词 suited
- Cite [v d means credit verb 动词 n
- Freight goods sending things long distance n-uncount 不可数名词
- Neutral adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 describe things neutrality remain person
- Indignant unfair gave angry indignation in'dignənt adj.愤怒的,愤慨的 situation
- Apprehensive fearful afraid æpri'hensiv adj.担忧的 anxious run crazy
- Periodical regular magazines length published intervals ly piəri'ɔdik(ə)l
- Perspective adv.正确地,显示在脑海中,符合透视法地 sees process important
- Irrational based failing describe fear i'ræʃən(ə)l adj.无理性的,失去理性的 straight-a
- Vain reflective means pride adj 形容词 attempt achieve
- Pressing presi adj.紧迫的 v.挤压 england death canada inevitable
- Fancy [v n verb 动词 i fancied kind
- Dispassionate people job study natural di'spæʃ(ə)nət adj.冷静的,不带感情的,平心静气的 describes
- Immense concept large describe word immensity i'mens adj.广大的,巨大的
- Eligible you’re job scholarship qualified benefits work adj-graded
- Subside verb 动词 [v latin meaning d water
- Zeal religious enthusiasm zi:l n.热心,热情,热诚 dedication energized motivated
- Instinct natural n-var 可变名词 learn naturally animals dependency
- Mandatory action swim meaning adj 形容词 [formal 正式
- Allowance make money n-count 可数名词 earn allowed [usu
- Uneasy feel uneasily describe adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 uneasiness i
- Insult made rude person umpire pronounced [v n
- Pile heap things neat d top stack n-count
- Guild word people organizations support gild n.(中世纪的)行会,同业公会,协会,行业协会 club
- Ethical moral ethically standards pressure change morally party
- Scatter spread [v n area verb separate suddenly
- Contemptuous insult hateful kən'temptjuəs adj.轻蔑的,侮辱的 dismiss difference subtle
- Exclusive people company exclusivity adj 形容词 n limited
- Progressive things people means liberal change progress increase
- Ingenuity achieve skill in'dʒinju:iti n.机灵,独创性,精巧,灵活性 ability creatively situation
- Tier seats layer level top cake n-count 可数名词
- Diplomacy word diplomat n-uncount 不可数名词 di'pləuməsi n.外交 art
- Seminate semineit vt.播种于 传播,散布 sadly spirit inquiry home
- Portray ed person verb 动词 [v n progressive
- Illuminate light illuminating manuscripts bright dark verb 动词
- Devise plan devised make design di'vaiz vt.设计,发明,图谋,作出(计划),想出(办法),遗赠给 n.遗赠
- Disparaging remarks make comments making ly dis'pæridʒi adj.蔑视的,毁谤的,轻视的
- Off-the-cuff ɔfə'kʌf adj.未预备的,即席的 feel awkward humorous practice becomes more
- Understatement make ʌndə'steitmənt n.保守的陈述,掩饰 lot team loses thing
- Notorious bad ly famous good positive negative nəu'tɔ:riəs
- Sheep black family n.害群之马,败家子 cousin troublemaker call words
- Human nature n.人性,人情 difficulty called behavioral science continues
- Nature phrase 短语 things [phr people made behave
- Conform verb 动词 [v n fit standard history
- Cunning clever english verb skill plan ability achieve
- Utility water electricity gas word ju:'tiliti n.效用,有用 live
- Artificial created ly adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 flowers food produced
- Delicate adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 ly delicately lace situation balance
- Intervention act drug intə'venʃ(ə)n n.干涉,干预 inserting thing person
- Compulsion force find word kəm'pʌlʃ(ə)n n.强迫,强制,[心]强迫性冲动 secret promised
- Anew fresh word trend ə'nju ə'nu adv.重新,再 describe
- Revere respect revered irreverent d worship american reverence
- Affinity feel natural people similar ə'finiti n.密切关系,吸引力,姻亲关系,亲合力 opposites
- Fallacy false argument based idea fæləsi n.谬误,谬论 misleading
- Primeval meaning big fear adj 形容词 describe [usu
- Emit means coming sound verb 动词 [v n
- Condense n gas s make [v [also v
- Compress pressed n noun pad body reduce cold
- Refinement good manners things process means small ri'fainmənt
- Grip hold [v phrase 短语 ped strong verb
- Squeeze [v d eyes n verb 动词 put
- Commodity kə'mɔditi n.日用品 valuable thing bought sold grain
- Excess eating spending means pay adjective describe top
- Shrink verb 动词 [v word talk smaller shrinking
- Relieve verb 动词 [v n relieves relieved duties
- Hasten verb 动词 [v ed means hurry make
- Prescribe doctor [v n d laws rules drug
- Homicide means kill latin alike don’t intend hɔmisaid
- Fuel debate fueled intense [v adds conflict fju:əl
- Agony mental physical noun pain ægəni n.苦恼,极大的痛苦 means
- Aggressive determination shows energy forceful tackle attack adj-graded
- Therapy she's treatment kind physical pain develop θerəpi
- Presumptive means call person adj.推测的,假定的 good reason true
- Inadequate lack adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 feel in'ædikwət adj.不充分的,不适当的 cut
- Bold adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 boldly daring act economic ly
- Appliance device perform home result machine ə'plaiəns n.用具,器具
- Dramatically drə'mætikəli adv.戏剧地,引人注目地 when supercomputers accelerate progress areas
- Surveillance police meaning closely watched word cameras sə:'veiləns
- Scratch [v i phrase 短语 surface ed small
- Template design n-count 可数名词 cut thing templeit n.(=templet
- Plug n-count 可数名词 piece block [v power equipment
- Backbone small bækbəun n.脊椎,中枢,骨干,支柱,意志力,勇气,毅力,决心;骨干网 words conventional story line
- Narrative story series nærətiv adj.叙述性的 n.叙述 write great
- Contradictory things true means opposite witnesses statements ˌkɔntrə'diktəri
- Metropolitan city means meaning large area catholic metrə'pɔlit(ə)n
- Astonishing dog ə'stɔniʃi adj.可惊异的 astounding staggering stupefying amazing
- Symposium give part public people conference subject sim'pəuziəm
- Flee escape cookie [v fled refugees fli vt.逃避,逃跑,逃走
- Illuminating i'lu:mineiti adj.照亮的,启蒙的,照明的 makes informed aware inspired documentary
- Outlook word make attitude autluk n.景色,风光 观点 见解
- Unsurpassed ʌnsə'pa:st adj 无与伦比的 非常卓越的 process sweeps hyperactive
- Affiliate organization larger [formal 正式 group company nbc
- Detrimental formal things harmful effect ˌdetri'mentll adj.有害的 hurts
- Scanty refer adjective describe offer suggests adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词
- Resort means action adopt place friends achieve n
- Infringement breaking rule copyright legal case n-var 可变名词
- Lateral moving side movement hurt means career lætər(ə)l
- Prompt [v action n ed verb 动词 adj-graded
- Mythical stories beast adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 [usu adj n
- Doctrine means set part policy monroe foreign world
- Profile give life high profiling write means criminal
- Utilize word time utilization ju:'tilaiz vt.利用 three-syllable meaning
- Mass people n large n-sing 单数名词 [n amount
- Tighten [v grip ed n ing v-erg 及物/不及物动词
- Bill n paper n-count 可数名词 [v piece passed
- Rough adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 roughly ly make people means
- Preliminary place results beginning form preparation n-count 可数名词
- Manifest [v [usu n [formal 正式 ly social
- Flare [v d verb 动词 means suddenly p
- Binding n-var 可变名词 [oft material piece baindi adj.有约束力的;必须遵守的;应履行的
- Convincing makes people describe argument word result kən'vinsi
- Confide [v d people talk confiding n i
- Connotation word literal negative street fully kɔnə'teiʃ(ə)n n.含蓄,储蓄的东西(词、语等),内涵
- Referee official make journals football world result geological
- Reckon ed verb 动词 i sounds reckoned [informal
- Invasion army n-var 可变名词 history foreign [usu n
- Capital word make n-count 可数名词 top refer n-uncount
- Infrastructure basic foundation organization transport infrəstrʌktʃə(r n.基础设施,基础建设 underlying
- Infrared adj 形容词 [adj n infrə'red adj.红外线的 n.红外线
- Intimacy latin means kind sexual n-uncount 不可数名词 close
- Inferior good kite lower rank status person adj-graded
- Host person n-count 可数名词 n event [v invited
- Tragic sad rain died trædʒik adj.悲惨的,悲剧的 n.(文艺作品或生活中的)悲剧因素,悲剧风格 means
- Infuriate d things v n in'fjuərieit adj.狂怒的 vt.激怒
- Undercover work ʌndə'kʌvə(r adj.秘密从事的,秘密的,被雇进行间谍活动的 year transportation security administration
- Sneak snuck [v verb 动词 n quietly house
- Lane n-count 可数名词 narrow [usu road country kind
- Dispute people d argument [v n countries border
- Belated birthday bi'leitid adj.误期的,迟来的 fact late deliver greeting
- Erupt ed suddenly verb 动词 skin eruption volcano
- Dormant long things dog stay volcano dormancy dɔ:mənt
- Vocal vocally vəuk(ə)l adj.发嗓音的,有声的;直言不讳的,激烈表达意见的 small group hawaiians environments
- Relic n-count 可数名词 thinking superstition mirror past culture
- Renaissance art interest period word literature italy french
- Feat action fi:t n.技艺,功绩,武艺,壮举,技艺表演 adj.漂亮的,合适的 exemplary bold achievement
- Hesitancy hezitənsi n.迟疑,踌躇 slight 2017.2
- Envy n feeling record 羡慕;忌妒 thing quality [v
- Consistent time consistency ly adj 形容词 kən'sist(ə)nt adj.一致的,调和的,坚固的,[数、统]相容的
- Budding burst adj 形容词 describe [adj n bʌdi
- Enlighten means metaphor knowledge enlightening ing in'lait(ə)n vt.启发,启蒙,教导,授予...知识,开导,[古]照耀
- Unanimous vote people group decision means agreement proposals
- Corruption news meaning kə'rʌpʃ(ə)n n.腐败,贪污,堕落 dishonest actions destroys
- Conviction guilty court belief strong crime n-count 可数名词
- Jury group decide people court guilty high decision
- Contract [v ed n verb 动词 economy work
- Prosecution lawyers jury trial crime prove guilt hear
- Transparency condition clear n-uncount 不可数名词 quality træn'spærənsi n.透明,透明度,幻灯片,有图案的玻璃
- Premise basic basis plot people equal business [oft
- Concrete n made cement set sand building definite
- Sarcastic talent-show judge remarks sa:'kæztik adj.讽刺的 humor biting
- Conscience wrong guilty feel word i feeling clear
- Exempt obligation taxes obey rule duty n ig'zempt
- Backdrop n-count 可数名词 scenery theater play back [usu
- Panorama view picture capture wide diorama n-count 可数名词
- Conceal [v n verb 动词 describe hiding piece
- Contented happy satisfied kən'tentid adj.满足的,心安的 complaining early 1900s
- Bleak adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 describe english ten situation word
- Absurd find idea əb'sə:d adj.荒谬的,可笑的 silly absolutely ridiculous
- Outset consideration beginning autset n.开端,开始 leads discussion extremes
- Sentimental emotions person pity love senti'ment(ə)l adj.感伤的,多情的,感情脆弱的 call
- Displacement n-uncount 不可数名词 people foot water place weight
- Torture pain mental d physical [v n word
- Crawl [v makes verb 动词 i move hands
- Glowing praise report glow gləui adj.炽热的,容光焕发的,生气勃勃的 lit light
- Unparalleled lines world ʌn'pærəleld adj.无比的,无双的,空前的 something's brilliant musical
- Textile you’re made wearing cloth s tekstail n.纺织品
- Ropes adv.岌岌可危,处于困境 merica’s machine-tool industry
- Casualty killed injuries suffered called n-count 可数名词 person
- Sensational trashy tabloid interest stories adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 sensationally
- Mortality mortal people number rate mɔ:'tæliti n.死亡率 difficult
- Fertile adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 imagination means make mind land
- Mediocrity quality average refer [disapproval mi:di'ɔkrəti n.平常,平庸之才 noun
- Offspring biological word einstein's ɔfspri ɔ:f n.(单复数同形)儿女,子孙,后代,产物 puppies
- Savage means animal person d describe attack violent
- Preconception growth scientific s pri:kən'sepʃ(ə)n n.预想,偏见,成见 reasonable processes
- Establishment organization [usu set scientific n-sing 单数名词 n
- Arise verb 动词 [v people n arose stand
- Extent 有几分,在某种程度上 reasonable consequences advances science self-accelerating
- Rise thought give v.引起,使发生 forms subjects arise future
- Recite religion poem verb 动词 [v n ri'sait
- Finite word things remember end amount adj 形容词
- Proposition n-count 可数名词 suggestion business people change difficult
- Transient moves describe boy word quickly place short
- Assault attack n ground strong [oft make verbal
- Amid prep 介词 ə'mid prep.在...中 outcry conservative leaders
- Outcry public autkrai n.强烈的抗议 amid conservative leaders seeking
- Favor adv.赞同,有利于 fully percent japan’s million citizens live
- Stress word [v n syllable verb 动词 put
- Distinction things make special means set qualities ambition
- Runaway n teenager leaves car adj 形容词 [adj
- Vitality great meaning vai'tæliti n.活力,生命力,生动性 full life vigorous
- Hypocrisy people follow hi'pɔkrisi n.伪善,虚伪 church god vegetarians
- Confess [v i n ed admit crime admitting
- Pushing puʃi adj.有进取心的,有冲劲的,急切的 happened people confess fully dreams
- Acquisitive things word describe inquisitive ə'kwizitiv adj.想获得的,有获得可能性的,可学到的 cousin
- Vulgar describe taste adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 [disapproval i vulgarity
- Spectacle pair word worth watching spektək(ə)l n.观览物,展览物,公开展示,奇观,景象,光景,(a ~s)眼镜
- Exceptional adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 quality exceptionally ly ik'sepʃən(ə)l adj.例外的,异常的
- Radical root adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 great [usu adj n
- Unimpressive ʌnim'presiv adj.不令人信服的,无印象的,印象淡薄的 attacks ambition angles public defenders
- Stirring people longer feel openly account [usu n
- Prompting longer openly prɔmpti n.促进,激励,提示 ambition end people
- Professed longer openly prə'fest adj.公开声称的,伪称的,已立誓信教的 ambition end people
- Sly good people made means harmless adj-graded 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词
- Greedy money people greedily gri:di adj.贪吃的,贪婪的,渴望的 means including
- Contemptible contempt feel kən'temptib(ə)l adj.可鄙的 receives harsh judgment
- Vigorously adv.精神旺盛地 forceful intense figure brothers ate cookies
- Assign n [v verb 动词 ed work i
- Personnel people employment department employees military organization pə:sə'nel
- Ill-informed adj.消息不灵通的,所知不多的 target wrong attacking tests critics divert
- Gross amount n i adj 形容词 [adj things
- Favorable describes perfect conditions feivərəb(ə)l adj.赞成的,有利的,赞许的,良好的,讨人喜欢的,起促进作用的 word positive
- Parliament group people make laws meaning pa:ləmənt n.国会,议会
- Incite violent people [v agreed behave n in'sait
- Arbiter person n-count 可数名词 [formal 正式 a:bitə(r n.仲裁者,判优器;(时尚或风格的)权威,决定者
- Intangible word in'tændʒib(ə)l adj.难以明了的,无形的 touch grasp meaning head
- Physique body word describe shape muscular size fi'zi:k
- Adornment person thing process ə'dɔ:nmənt n.装饰,装饰品 ornament accent
- Sanction country person guess n approve imposed trade
- Threshold limit high n-count 可数名词 [usu θreʃəuld n.开始,开端,极限
- Dilemma difficult situation choose dai'lemə n.进退两难的局面,困难的选择 tough choice
- Poll people ed s show political asked support
- Endorse means verb 动词 [v n d licence
- Coherence parts fit kəu'hiərəns n.一致 argument logical complete
- Impact object [v n noun force effect foot
- Legacy money property leaves it’s n-count 可数名词 legəsi
- Heal ed broken n v-erg 及物/不及物动词 [v healthy
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